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Marriage Of A Non-moslem Girl With A Moslem Guy


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Hi all,

I was going through the thread by senoi (do i remember her name correctly? :D ). While reading I come across some replies which are too biased and shows the background of the respondent. :D

Ok, now here is a real story again. This time this story does not belong to the guy I mentioned in my earlier post. :o

One of my friend is moslem (never mentioned him before :D ) and he is going to marry his buddist gf. Both of them are working as respectable professionals and both agreed that the girl need not to be converted. They also agree that girl can eat pork, if she wants. They also decide that their baby will not follow any religion till he is young, he will choose his religion once he grow up. :D

Now, my question is from those people, who send pathetic replies. What do u think about this guy and what are your predictions for the future of this couple?

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Hi all,

I was going through the thread by senoi (do i remember her name correctly?  :D ). While reading I come across some replies which are too biased and shows the background of the respondent.  :D

Ok, now here is a real story again. This time this story does not belong to the guy I mentioned in my earlier post.  :o

One of my friend is moslem (never mentioned him before  :D ) and he is going to marry his buddist gf. Both of them are working as respectable professionals and both agreed that the girl need not to be converted. They also agree that girl can eat pork, if she wants. They also decide that their baby will not follow any religion till he is young, he will choose his religion once he grow up.  :D

Now, my question is from those people, who send pathetic replies. What do u think about this guy and what are your predictions for the future of this couple?

Learn to spell Muslim...

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Ice Maiden (is this correctly spelled?)

Both Moslem and Muslim are correct......

for reference plz visit the following URL:


Hope it cleared the situation.

Well learn to spell please then :o . And anyway how can you enlist all the facts in one tiny thread that is a few words long, and you are also talking about your friends relationship. So It's not like you know the relationship inside out is it? You just know what you see.

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Hi all,

I was going through the thread by senoi (do i remember her name correctly?  :D ). While reading I come across some replies which are too biased and shows the background of the respondent.  :D

Ok, now here is a real story again. This time this story does not belong to the guy I mentioned in my earlier post.  :o

One of my friend is moslem (never mentioned him before  :D ) and he is going to marry his buddist gf. Both of them are working as respectable professionals and both agreed that the girl need not to be converted. They also agree that girl can eat pork, if she wants. They also decide that their baby will not follow any religion till he is young, he will choose his religion once he grow up.  :D

Now, my question is from those people, who send pathetic replies. What do u think about this guy and what are your predictions for the future of this couple?

Their eventual 'sucess' or 'failure' probably depends on how superstitious each of them are. Do they really believe in that 'god' stuff or are they just mouthing it for show (e.g., to keep their parents off their backs)?

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Well it sounds to me that the couple are both broad-minded individuals. As far as the Muslim (note spelling..) guy is concerned - a professional - he's cool about his Buddhist g/f keeping her beliefs and also any future child to choose his/her own. Maybe he's not a religious/devout Muslim? You can be religious/devout and still be cool/modern. As far as their future is concerned it depends on their individual personalities rather than the fact that he is Muslim and she is Buddhist. There are hundreds of cases of mixed religion marriages e.g. (if I may take Muslim as one side) Muslim+Jew/Christian/Sikh/Hindu and so on (fact). In Thailand their will have been hundreds of Muslim+Buddhist already.

I am a Muslim and who knows one day I will fall in love with a Thai girl (still waiting...hint hint...) and maybe marry her - I'm ok with whatever she wants to do - except I won't kiss her after she's eaten pork:o ...she'll have to wash her mouth out first ha ha!! :o:D

ps strictly speaking according to Islam a Muslim guy cannot marry a non-Muslim girl unless she is a Jew or Christian...

Edited by zaz
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strictly speaking according to Islam a Muslim guy cannot marry a non-Muslim girl unless she is a Jew or Christian...

do you mean a muslim man cannot marry a buddhist girl , but could marry a jewish or christian girl ?

what is the reasoning behind that ? is that something from the koran ?

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strictly speaking according to Islam a Muslim guy cannot marry a non-Muslim girl unless she is a Jew or Christian...

do you mean a muslim man cannot marry a buddhist girl , but could marry a jewish or christian girl ?

what is the reasoning behind that ? is that something from the koran ?

Though Karl Marx got it wrong about a lot of things he hit it right on the nail with "Religion is the opium of the people".

It is so silly to believe in god...easter bunnies and santa claus are god's equals....add the tooth ferry to make it a trinity.

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Hi all,

I was going through the thread by senoi (do i remember her name correctly?  :D ). While reading I come across some replies which are too biased and shows the background of the respondent.  :D

Ok, now here is a real story again. This time this story does not belong to the guy I mentioned in my earlier post.  :o

One of my friend is moslem (never mentioned him before  :D ) and he is going to marry his buddist gf. Both of them are working as respectable professionals and both agreed that the girl need not to be converted. They also agree that girl can eat pork, if she wants. They also decide that their baby will not follow any religion till he is young, he will choose his religion once he grow up.  :D

Now, my question is from those people, who send pathetic replies. What do u think about this guy and what are your predictions for the future of this couple?

It all depends on how strict they feel about their religions, and how their families react. Both these factors would make a big difference to the success of their marriage.

Many Muslims are not fanatic about their religions, although that can change.

I have a friend who is married to a Muslim; the only problem they have is that he will not kiss her after she has eaten pork!! so she does not bother to eat it, it's not so important to her.

Defining people by their religion can be a bit predjudicial, unless they do it themselves.

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Hi all,

I was going through the thread by senoi (do i remember her name correctly?  :D ). While reading I come across some replies which are too biased and shows the background of the respondent.  :D

Ok, now here is a real story again. This time this story does not belong to the guy I mentioned in my earlier post.  :o

One of my friend is moslem (never mentioned him before  :D ) and he is going to marry his buddist gf. Both of them are working as respectable professionals and both agreed that the girl need not to be converted. They also agree that girl can eat pork, if she wants. They also decide that their baby will not follow any religion till he is young, he will choose his religion once he grow up.  :D

Now, my question is from those people, who send pathetic replies. What do u think about this guy and what are your predictions for the future of this couple?

It all depends on how strict they feel about their religions, and how their families react. Both these factors would make a big difference to the success of their marriage.

Many Muslims are not fanatic about their religions, although that can change.

I have a friend who is married to a Muslim; the only problem they have is that he will not kiss her after she has eaten pork!! so she does not bother to eat it, it's not so important to her.

Defining people by their religion can be a bit predjudicial, unless they do it themselves.

What is wrong with eating pork? Why is it different from eating beef or fish?

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It is so silly to believe in god...easter bunnies and santa claus are god's equals....add the tooth ferry to make it a trinity.

I feel that if one is religious, it is more than just a belief, it is a way of life.

However, I was bought up as a Christian and my wife is Budhist. Tollerance and flexibility allows us to have a good relationship and learn from each other. I can worship with her in a Wat and she can with me in a Church or Cathedral.

I have also read parts of the Koran and don't see how it differs greatly from Christian or Budhist teachings - mainly a difference of emphasis and presentation. I do not see why a Muslim and Budhist should not live happily in marriage, it depends on the individuals.

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I think it all depends on the individuals, no matter what religion. Take for example, 2 same religion individuals get married, after a few years they get divorced. Nothing to do with religion. There are lots of reasons for a marriage to break down, not only religion.

do you mean a muslim man cannot marry a buddhist girl , but could marry a jewish or christian girl ?

I don't think this applies in the more modern countries anymore. Perhaps in the more Muslim fanatic countries.

Example, in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, there are Muslim men who have married Chinese or Indians. True, most of the non-Muslims have to convert but most modern day open minded Muslims let their spouses do what they want, so long as it is decent and reasonable. I have many friends married to Muslims and although they have "converted" in theory, practically they still are themselves (they eat port, drink and smoke).

According to Muslim law, the Muslims are not permitted to eat pork, smoke or drink alcohol...........from what I have seen, most of the Muslims have already broken at least 2 out of 3 of those. Well, perhaps I know the modern day Muslims and non-fanatical ones.

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Muslims are supposed to only marry other "people of the book", ie. Christians and Jews.

Back in the mists of time, it made good sense not to eat pigs as they were full of parasites.

There are usually practical reasons behind some of the strictures in religion.

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I was lead to believe that Muslims are prohibited from eating pork because pigs are considered to be dirty animals in the sense that they graze on muck and their own doo doo unlike say cows, sheep etc who graze on grass.

it is just a religious prohibition, like many others

like Catholics can't have sex on Fridays, or is that out of date now?

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like Catholics can't have sex on Fridays, or is that out of date now?

I seem to remember we weren't supposed to eat meat on Fridays - so we had fish. Catholics weren't supposed to use condoms or go on "the pill" if I remember correctly.

But it was OK if they confessed afterwards :o

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I was lead to believe that Muslims are prohibited from eating pork because pigs are considered to be dirty animals in the sense that they graze on muck and their own doo doo unlike say cows, sheep etc who graze on grass.

it is just a religious prohibition, like many others

like Catholics can't have sex on Fridays, or is that out of date now?

Are you talking about Roman Catholics not eating meat on Fridays?.........?

or Catholics ?

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like Catholics can't have sex on Fridays, or is that out of date now?

I seem to remember we weren't supposed to eat meat on Fridays - so we had fish. Catholics weren't supposed to use condoms or go on "the pill" if I remember correctly.

But it was OK if they confessed afterwards :D

######, I was hoping someone would say "you mean can't eat fish, not have sex"

then I could say "have you had the fish at xxx restaurant, better than sex"

oh well


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what people say before they have children often changes after due to pressure from parents in law or feeling of the parents:

i have lutheran sister in law married to secular jewish brother in law --- she goes to church; my sister is married to roman catholic non practising and they are 'reform' practising jewish family he didnt officialy convert

i know of several muslem/jewish or moslem/christian marriages here in israel but, guys, religion and in laws are heavy things and these mixes often dont work out once the grandkids are born and grandparents start to put on pressure..... i would expect that in thailand it is easier , like in the states, rather then in a politically pressured country like mine :o:D

edit: ignore spelling


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