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Pre-paid Internet Connection Cards


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Well the time has come after spending countless hours in my local village internet shop listening to the endless sound of gun fire,bomb's goiug off and the scream of " man down man down " ive taken the plunge and the phone line is connected ( TOT ) and the new computer is on its way . now its time to sort out a good pre-paid internet connection card ( un-limited one month ) so can any of the forum members pass on their thoughts or comments as to which pre-paid card seem's to come out on top..?, it seem's some people have been having problems with cards that connect through the 1222 connection number, has any one had recent problems with this, and which cards don't use the 1222 number to connect...? any comments would be welcome .

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Well your profile lists you a living in Bangkok so would recommend the MWEB unlimited from KSC Internet which has two Bangkok phone numbers (TOT and TA) and provides 4 email accounts etc. Max online time is five hours, then disconnect but circuit has been very solid for me over the past few months and never more than a few busy signals before getting connected. Almost never get disconnected except after five hour limit. Costs 5-600 baht per month and good bandwidth with normal 50-52k connection.

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Go for CS-Loxinfo prepaid instead. They are known for high quality for a slightly higher price.

Really depends on where you are Fester.In the NE CS-Loxinfo sucks. Constant disconnects and max speed ever was 31kpbs. The last choice here Im afraid. Almost anything is better.

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lopburi3 do you know if KSCinternet has a phone n° in Pattaya (038)?

Believe KSC will have service but not the MWEB unlimited (which is only Bangkok AFAIK). Recent trouble I had was corrected quickly (by allowing me to use another mail server) so at least some support people know what they are doing, which I can't say about some ISP's.

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I use Web1222, the connection is usually slower than with a time limit card, but you can let downloads run over night. It used to disconnect after 10 hours (to charge you for a new call at 3 THB), however recently I stayed connected for 4 days. The danger is if you set to automatic redial and the card is expired, then each try costs 3 THB (redial every minute for a day costs 4320 THB!!!).

If that one gets too slow I sometimes connect with CSloxinfo Webnet.

HTH, Holm

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Go for CS-Loxinfo prepaid instead. They are known for high quality for a slightly higher price.

Really depends on where you are Fester.In the NE CS-Loxinfo sucks. Constant disconnects and max speed ever was 31kpbs. The last choice here Im afraid. Almost anything is better.

I'm NE and get 52kbps connection with CS-loxinfo. Too damned expensive though!

Most connection problems tend to be from your telephone line quality (especially if your only getting 32kbs). The quality depends on how far you are away from the exchange. I must be living next door :o

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After tests and tests, JASMINE INTERNET, JI-NET, is for sure the best in BKK.

Now 400 baht, unlimited, without any ###### disconnection during days!

Connection speed between 44 and 47 !!!

But you can still try any other one if you want...

I've looked at that. Couldn't figure out how to apply for it though (I want it!). I was a bit confused that they are offering 20hrs for 1 month and 50 hrs for 2 months. Couldn't quite get the translation as to what that means with unlimited access.

Can you clarify?

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Whats on offer on the website and whats on offer in my local shop is completely different.

I ended up buying SHARK BYTE for 149baht which is Ji-Net unlimited for 14 days. I get lots of disconnections early morning but that might not be the ISP.

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I'm NE and get 52kbps connection with CS-loxinfo. Too damned expensive though!

Most connection problems tend to be from your telephone line quality (especially if your only getting 32kbs). The quality depends on how far you are away from the exchange. I must be living next door :o

Have never been able to get that sort of connection speed here no matter where I lived in the NE. Have 2 telephone lines one TOT and one TT&T...both new lines. That is not to say that the lines from the exchange are not dirty though. TT&T is definately the better of the two though.

Some of the cards that you can buy in Bkk are not available here though. I think we miss out on a lot of the good deals here.

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Like i said. It depends on line quality which is mailny dependant on your distance from the exchange. There is not much you can do but there are some things you can try to make sure your house is not the problem.

1. Lift reciever. If you get intermittent clicks, hisses and crackles you probably have a dodgy connection somewhere in the house. Check all the connections. Make sure the wires used inside the house are single core...not multi-core. IF you get a consistent hiss then the SNR is low (see 4&5)

2. Make sure the modem is the first device on the line coming into the house and as close to the incomming line terminal as possible. (even extensions reduce line quality). Try disconnecting all other devices (telephones) to see if they are introducing noise.

3. If you live in a condo it is very likely that you have a shared (MUX'd) line. IF not make sure you have an external phone line that goes to the exchange rather than the house next door. (Did they install a box on the wall or lay a cable?). You stated that you had another line put in....they might just have MUX'd someone elses (or even your other line) rather than laying a new cable to your house. You paid for a NEW LINE not an extra telephone number...get them to install one! MUXing halves the bandwidth and is not compatible with modems!

4. Install a telphone filter. This is a pass-band filter (300hz-3Khz) and will increase the SNR of the incoming line. It will not help with disconnects (usually caused by crackles and pops and clicks) but will clean up the signal.

5. Ask the telephone company to increase the gain of the line (this will increase the SNR. They can do this but knowing the Thai's probably won't (or will tell you they have when they haven't).

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I would love to be able to do stuff like that but because I live in an apartment buidling I am restricted.

The fastest I have ever got is 24kbps over 9 mths. I have no doubt 80% of the problems I have are down to the quality of the apartments phone system.

In my room, the wire comes in, goes to a plastic extention box ( the ones that look like lego bricks, where the wires go in opposite ends then you turn the screw at the top to make the connection and then into phone. I have asked upteen times for the line to be looked at only to be told dont know, dont understand or well the owner is online ok so it must be your equipment! Its really the only thing wrong with the building and not enough to make me move while I have access at work.

Oh yes, loxinfo sucks, :o it has a far higher disconnection rate than JI or Sanook

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I havn't come accross one that you have to turn a screw to make or break. I can't really see why you would want to :o Mechanical connections are a no-no!

Replace it with one othe moulded types and plug your modem in directly.


I havn't been able to source a supplier for telephone filters in Thailand so far but if it's high frequency causing problems then an ADSL filter (30K-12MHz) may help.

Most noise is created at 50-60HZ (appliances) and 30K up. ADSL filters are low pass filters with a cut off at 30Khz to isolate the telephone from the ADSL.


You may do all this and still not improve your connection because of the condo wiring and PBX system.

(PBX is intended for Fax and voice only - 28Kbs - and is effectively an analogue exchange so you can also forget about ADSL. You might actually have a very good connection but it is bandwidth limited by the PBX to 28K)

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Sorry, can't recommend CS Loxinfo

Here is a copy of a letter I sent this week to the MD of Loxinfo.

Dear Mr. Tachpong,

As I mentioned in my previous letter, I have been a CS Loxinfo customer for most of the four years I have been in Thailand. I also mentioned that I recently had a problem with your service. I only contact you because your tech department failed to reply to all three of my emails. I was disappointed that you didn’t think my problem warranted your attention. Since I didn’t get a reply from you, I went back into your customer service office to take care of the problem.

When I finally got there after a long ride through traffic for the second time dealing with this problem, I sat at your customer service desk for 30 minutes while literally dozens of Loxinfo employees walked right past me without even acknowledging I was there. Two of your employees sat directly across from me and never even said hello. Another employee sat near the elevators the entire time doing absolutely nothing as far as I could tell. I thought that was very rude. When I finally was greeted, your employee’s English was very poor. Another staff member was called and tried to address the problem. This was after I had been through all of this once before during the more than 70 minutes I spent trying to solve this problem the last time I made the trip to Loxinfo’s office.

I wanted a refund for a product that I was unable to utilize. That was refused. Why was I unable to get a refund? Does 400 baht mean that much to Loxinfo? I was offered a Web Access kit, and to get the problem behind me, I accepted. Your staff member finally handed me the kit [to replace the 400 baht Unlimited access kit I had purchased] saying it was worth 750 baht. I told her those kits can be bought on the street for 600 baht and the 200 baht she was offering didn’t even come close to paying for my transportation costs and time wasted. I can thing of several ways the situation could have been handled at minimal cost to Loxinfo while winning over a customer at the same time.

My experience with your company taught me many things about Loxinfo. As much as Loxinfo says it is concerned with quality, your customer service department is not allowed any latitude in dealing with customer concerns. As managing director, you set a very poor example for your staff and didn’t even acknowledge me or my problem. Replying to customer’s concerns, especially those who take the time to write, is a basic courtesy in the business world. That courtesy is not learned while studying for a PhD. It’s learned in Business 101. Your staff did likewise ignored me for 30 minutes while I sat at the Members Zone. No water offered, no coffee, not even a saawasdee.

You lost a customer. I will also relate my experience with Loxinfo on the many expatriate chat forums in Thailand. Perhaps that will influence others when they make a decision as to whether to use Loxinfo as their ISP or to choose one of your competitors.


Need I say more?

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What's the question?

You just have to buy the prepaid JI-NET MARATHON card (red pack).

The price written on it is 499 baht, but you can have it for 400 baht.


I have it. I can connect to 1222 only in the morning. In the afternoon the line is always busy. If I want to stay long, I have to donwload some big file, so that the line is not idle and I'm not disconnected.

So I must have an emergency Loxinfo card I refill over their site.

Isn't there any unlimited that uses a "normal number" instead of 1222?

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I use e-15 (unlimited 15 days for 200b). It uses the 1222 number. The worst I have had is 4 attempts before being able to log-on. Usually first time though.

You can get programs that "keep alive" your connection by pinging the server every couple of minutes. Mozilla has it built in. e-15 seems to disconnect after about 30 minutes idle time but I have successfully stayed connected for 3 days continuously using a program to keep the connection alive.

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No problem on that. I can make Java programming, so I made myself one I use when I have nothing to download.

Only it's annoying to have the phone line always busy.

I'm in Phuket, maybe the situation here is worse (I guess the connection depends also from location though 1222 is a nationwide number).

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What's the question?

You just have to buy the prepaid JI-NET MARATHON card (red pack).

The price written on it is 499 baht, but you can have it for 400 baht.


I have it. I can connect to 1222 only in the morning. In the afternoon the line is always busy. If I want to stay long, I have to donwload some big file, so that the line is not idle and I'm not disconnected.

So I must have an emergency Loxinfo card I refill over their site.

Isn't there any unlimited that uses a "normal number" instead of 1222?

I'm in BKK. I'm using 1222 as well, and I've never found a busy line (I can connect anytime, morning, evening, night).

I'm rarely disconnected, except every 2 days. (it seems automatic)

I don't know e-15, but I'd like to try to see if I can stay connected more than 2 days, what is the provider name?


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Call your 1222 server company. Number is on card you buy. Ask them if they supply a low grade "free usage" internet access service. Most of them do this as it's good business for them. sometimes its fast, sometimes its slow. take a chance on free... You should also check your setup on the modem you use. try and find best setting for your 1222 (default connection) usage. Not good for downloading as time over call cost is not good. If you download, use faster server company like loxinfo. faster download speeds.

1222 download time can be 50min on 2mb when kids are ragnarocking

loxinfo download can be 5min or ten minutes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

TT & T internet access card

I have been using a card you buy for 30 hours or 50 hours to be used in 30 or 50 days respectively.

The phone call charge is only 3 baht per call. But, after a few minutes ranging from 2 mins to an hour, the TT&T modem just stops responding although the time counter and my modem keep working fine. The only way out is to disconnect and dial in again. This costs you another 3 baht and you always get a slower line down to 28k.

I cannot recommend TT&T. If they can't handle the traffic at peak then refuse access, that I could understand. But to let me on for a few minutes and then stop serving me so I have to reconnect at a lower rate and at the cost of another 3 baht is cheating.

Has anyone else found this?


Khon Kaen

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