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Israel condemns Argentina for recognizing Palestine as an independent state


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Here we go again. The use of hyperbole to justify an extremist position. Some people will trot out the old chestnut that the filthy jews stole the land. Well, guess what. Maybe if the arab countries hadn't deported /expelled their citizens that were of the jewish faith, a large part of Israel's population wouldn't be in Israel. There is talk of a ghetto. Well, guess what, the arabs helped create modern Israel by forcing all of their arab jews to leave and go to the only place that would take them: Israel that the arbs thought would be a jew ghetto. IHad the arabs not attacked in 1948 and 1973 there wouldn't be land issues today would there? Gaza would still be part of Egypt. The westbank and most of Jordan would be the "Palestinian" nation and not ruled by the Hashemite cousins of the Saudis. Has the Grand Mufti not allied himself with the Nazis and sent arab volunteers to go and fight on the Russian front, maybe Russia wouldn't have remembered that and not supported Israel in its early years.

The lies are preposterous.

1. Palestinians have recognized israel repeatedly during the oslo process.

No they haven't. It goes back further to Arafat when he reneged on everything at Camp David. He could have had his nation at Camp David but chickened out after it was agreed.

2. It is a racist aphartied state in which the Palestinians are confined to ghettos that are about 10% of the state,

No. The apartheid occurs in places like Darfur where Black Africans are brutalized and murdered by Arabs. The Israeli Arabs have the same legal rights as non Arab Israelis. What jew in an Arab country has similar rights?

3 it is impossible for Palestinians to travel from gaza to the other bantustans in the west bank and difficult for travel within the wwb making the whole thing like a big prison.

And it is near impossible for Thais to get visas to travel to some countries. On one hand you demand nationhood. Fine. What country in the world allows foreign nationals unfettered ingress and egress? The arab population in Gaza has a tendancy to go boom when given access to Israel. You have conveniently forgotten why Israel was forced to erect a wall along some of its border. Infiltrators were arriving and killing people. Gaza is Egyptian land. It was turned over to to the local Arabs. If there is a logistic problem with that decision, why are you blaming Israel? The arabs in Gaza are immigrants. They were not indigineous to that area.

Look, if you are going to blindly say Israel bad, and Arab population good, that's your perogative. However, just say that instead of couching your views in the usual political claptrap and lies that gets spewed by limpwristed leftwingers that have a pathological need to hate and blame someone or something 24/7.

Edited by geriatrickid
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You have to earn respect and bombing cafes full of innocent men, women and children is not going to do it.

When the Palestinian Arabs recognize Israel and make peace they can will be on their way to earning the respect that they crave as well as their own country.


B'Tselem: Since 2000, 7,454 Israelis, Palestinians killed

By JPOST.COM STAFF 09/27/2010 12:55

According to human rights group report, 6,371 Palestinian, 1,083 Israeli causalities during armed conflict in last 10 years.

Since September 29th, 2000, 6,371 Palestinians have been killed and 1,083 Israelis according to a report by B'Tselem on the casualties of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict released on Monday.

According to the report, 1,317 of the 6,371 Palestinians were minors, at least 2,996 of them did not take part in fighting when they died and 2,193 died while they participated in fighting. B'Tselem said it was unaware whether 694 of the Palestinians did or did not take part in fighting. Two-hundred and forty-eight were Palestinian police officers who died in Operation Cast Lead and 240 were targets of assassination.

"Palestinians killed 1,083 Israelis in Israel and in the territories in the last 10 years," said B'Tselem. "Seven-hundred and forty-one of the killed were citizens, 124 of them were minors, and 342 were security personnel."



For the millionth time, when rockets are hidden and fired from school and civilian homes, there is no one to blame but those allowing terrorist to use their premises to store and launch rockets.

No one is stopping Hammas from creating a proper army, developing bomb shelters and all other infrastructure,there sure is enough money pouring into the region to do just that. instead for few decades they chose to strike civilians and be a terrorist organization

The Israeli military machine have killed a lot more civilians than Hamas. A leaked (not by wikileaks) CIA assessment of the disastorus (to use their words)Israeli performance against Hezbollah in 2006 had as one of its conclusions that an army that had become accustomed to acting agaisnt civilians lost its cutting edge when opposed by committed and trained fighters.

Yes, you are right! BECAUSE Hamas hides, stores and fires rockets from civilian homes. May be you know some way to target only the terrorist sitting on the roof and not the people sitting inside. Or would you be happy with Israel just to sit there and be shelled, because if they respond they wil kill the "so called" civilians who allow Hamas terrorists to use their home as a launching pad?

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You forgot to add, "but only if you are stupid enough to declare war on us for the umpteenth time". :whistling:

Israel has taken 1/100000th of the land that other countries - such as Russia - have taken by force without even being attacked. The US at least bought most of their territory (Manhattan, Louisiana Purchase, Alaska). Yes, Indians were living there before but where'd they get it from?

btw - isn't Argentina where many of the Nazis went to after WWII?

That is exactly where most of them ran. Not to mention Argentina is one of very few friends with Venezuela who of course is the best friend with Iran.

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Prior to the Zionist state, the country was called 'Palestine' more specifically 'British Palestine' or 'British Mandate Palestine', prior to the British controlling the region it was called 'Palestine' under the Ottoman empire; I have seen in a museum in Nazareth the old law books from the ottoman empire, they were called Laws of the Governorship of Palestine, on any old map prior to 1948 you can see it labled as Palestine, and in any old newspaper prior 1948 the country was called Palestine.. saying there was never a Palestine because it was a colonial possession of the British or Ottoman empire is like saying that Cambodia or Vietnam never existed because they were part of the French empire.. when a colonial empire has a country as a possession , the country is still there as a civil state, it's just that the colonial empire controls it's foreign policy and maintains an army there, another example is the Austrian-Hungarian empire which included Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Romania, etc. all those states were still there during that empire its just that they were states kind of like in the USA, does the state of Texas not currently exist??

Hamas has offered to recoginize Israel as a political entity, but more importantly they have said that if Abbas and the fatah led PA reaches an aggreement with Israel, they will put that agreement up to referendum and they will accept the will of the Palestinian people, polls show that Palestinians will overwhelming vote in favor of partition along the 1967 borders, what they do not accept is being treated like animals in an aphartied scheme, which is all the right wing government in israel is prepared to offer.

What you said about "arabs are immigrants from neighboring arab countries" is a standardized zionist myth, and an idiotic one at that. Both the Ottoman and British Empires took census of the population in Palestine; In fact prior to zionist settlers arriving from europe Palestinian Arabs were 80% muslim, about 15% christian, and less than 5% Palestinian Jew, these people were all basically a Semitic 'arab' ethnicity and they all spoke Arabic as a first language. By 1947 after waves of Jews had arrived from Europe the population of Palestine was still about 75% Palestinian, thats why the zionists expelled all those people so they could be a majority in 78% of Palestine..

and the British DID allow Jewish immigration to Palestine (how do you think all those Jews got there) it's just they had to obtain the appropriate travel documents and pay a fee to enter, some of the arrived as illegal aliens just like some mexicans enter the US today, you can't blame the british for charging an entry fee since they had to pay for this whole mess and fight WWII at the same time, the money was used to house these people and provide them with basic services..like water

currently 2/3s of Jordanians are of Palestinian decent because so many Palestinians fled and were taken in by Jordan, add to that another 5 million Palestinians living in refugee camps, Palestine is/was some of the most fertile land in the near east region, that is why so many 'Palestinian Arabs' lived there and owned agricultural land..

currently Palestinians and the world are asking israel to abandon the least fertile part of the country, a dry hilly landlocked area(the west bank) and an overcrowded slum (Gaza) both territories comprise a mere 22% of historic Palestine.. the only alternative to this is making the Palestinians citizens and awarding them equal rights(something the Palestinians would be thrilled with but would end Israel as a Jewish state and would make it a normal secular country like america.. the israelis refuse both and insist on being a kukluxklan racist aphartied state.. so who's the religious extremists here?

Palestinians have recognized israel repeatedly during the oslo process, Israel has never recognized Palestine

Has Hamas recognized Israel? They control much of the population and were voted into power and have been waging warfare non-stop. Of course Israel makes their lives difficult.

Learn some history. Don't make it up. There is no Palestine yet - so how can it be "recognized? - and there has never been a country with that name.

Most of the Arabs that live there arrived as immigrants from Arab countries when Jewish immigration was forbidden by the British and there were already more Jews in Jeruselem than Arabs and very few people outside of the city.

When the Palestinian Arabs make peace, they will get their own country.

PSK, may i ask where you get all your "facts" and historic events from?

It appears you mix and match some truth with made up rubbish.

I wonder if you are getting from some source or yourself mix-n-match truth with rubbish

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For the Israel bashers especially i thought history of Argentina and its anti Semitic views would be of interest.

Argentina's anti-Semitic past



The Virtual Jewish HistoryArgentina


Racial Discrimination in Argentina




Posters with Nazi imagery and Holocaust comparisons continue to appear at anti-Israel demonstrations and rallies.


So it would appear that Argentinian support for Palestine has nothing to do with Palestine, but rather has to do with being one of the most anti-semitic country in the world with long history of being just that, with strong support for Nazi's

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Whilst not all Isralis are to blame it makes it harder to sympatise with them they vote in a government that oppresses the Palestinians.

It seems to some it is ok to blame the citizens of Palestine for allowing there homes to be used for rocket launches but it isn't ok to blame the people of Israel for voting in a govt that is hell bent on taking any thing it wants, when it wants.

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Whilst not all Isralis are to blame it makes it harder to sympatise with them they vote in a government that oppresses the Palestinians.

It seems to some it is ok to blame the citizens of Palestine for allowing there homes to be used for rocket launches but it isn't ok to blame the people of Israel for voting in a govt that is hell bent on taking any thing it wants, when it wants.

Not that your post has anything to do with the topic, but Israel is a home to 1 000 000 Palestinians.

May be if Israel, throws them out, then Israel will not need to expand its constructions and country development.

PS. What is it that the government took? "any thing it wants, when it wants."

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Well done Argentina.

Not that your post has anything to do with the topic, but Israel is a home to 1 000 000 Palestinians.

I think you got that the wrong way round. There are a bunch of people calling themselves Israelis living in Palestine.

LMAO, I think your post qualifies for Darwin Awards.

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Whilst not all Isralis are to blame it makes it harder to sympatise with them they vote in a government that oppresses the Palestinians.

It seems to some it is ok to blame the citizens of Palestine for allowing there homes to be used for rocket launches but it isn't ok to blame the people of Israel for voting in a govt that is hell bent on taking any thing it wants, when it wants.

Not that your post has anything to do with the topic, but Israel is a home to 1 000 000 Palestinians.

May be if Israel, throws them out, then Israel will not need to expand its constructions and country development.

PS. What is it that the government took? "any thing it wants, when it wants."

3 seconds on a google search but far too many to put all the references in so I'll just add one.

Of course it's a nutcase website isn't it. There are plenty more, just have a look yourself.


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Whilst not all Isralis are to blame it makes it harder to sympatise with them they vote in a government that oppresses the Palestinians.

It seems to some it is ok to blame the citizens of Palestine for allowing there homes to be used for rocket launches but it isn't ok to blame the people of Israel for voting in a govt that is hell bent on taking any thing it wants, when it wants.

Not that your post has anything to do with the topic, but Israel is a home to 1 000 000 Palestinians.

May be if Israel, throws them out, then Israel will not need to expand its constructions and country development.

PS. What is it that the government took? "any thing it wants, when it wants."

3 seconds on a google search but far too many to put all the references in so I'll just add one.

Of course it's a nutcase website isn't it. There are plenty more, just have a look yourself.


again not that it has anything to do with the topic, but another 10 sec search will give another 5 versions, 5 maps and 5 different historic facts

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LMAO, I think your post qualifies for Darwin Awards.

Poor effort at a comeback: the Darwin Awards involve scientific research and I'm just stating a fact. Why don't you practice by yourself for a while and come back later.

PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself

The Darwin Awards: A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises is a tongue-in-cheek honor named afterevolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool" (i.e., lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in an idiotic fashion) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Awards


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Whilst not all Isralis are to blame it makes it harder to sympatise with them they vote in a government that oppresses the Palestinians.

It seems to some it is ok to blame the citizens of Palestine for allowing there homes to be used for rocket launches but it isn't ok to blame the people of Israel for voting in a govt that is hell bent on taking any thing it wants, when it wants.

Not that your post has anything to do with the topic, but Israel is a home to 1 000 000 Palestinians.

May be if Israel, throws them out, then Israel will not need to expand its constructions and country development.

PS. What is it that the government took? "any thing it wants, when it wants."

3 seconds on a google search but far too many to put all the references in so I'll just add one.

Of course it's a nutcase website isn't it. There are plenty more, just have a look yourself.


again not that it has anything to do with the topic, but another 10 sec search will give another 5 versions, 5 maps and 5 different historic facts

Of course yours would be right and mine would be wrong wouldn't they?

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LMAO, I think your post qualifies for Darwin Awards.

Poor effort at a comeback: the Darwin Awards involve scientific research and I'm just stating a fact. Why don't you practice by yourself for a while and come back later.

PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself

The Darwin Awards: A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises is a tongue-in-cheek honor named afterevolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool" (i.e., lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in an idiotic fashion) http://en.wikipedia....i/Darwin_Awards


Yes, you're quite right. I was just reading about an Ignoble Prize winner and had that in mind. Still, my point about the Israelis being in Palestine remains and it's nice to see Argentina recognise this fact. I think their courage should be rewarded with a gift - The Malvinas, perhaps,

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The lies are preposterous.

1. Palestinians have recognized israel repeatedly during the oslo process.

No they haven't. It goes back further to Arafat when he reneged on everything at Camp David. He could have had his nation at Camp David but chickened out after it was agreed.

what was offered at camp david was rejected because it kept the WB water resources under israeli control, it kept central hebron and the radical settlers that live there under israeli control, and the jordan valley was kept under israeli control(more aphartied, not a continuous normal border for a state, negotiations were restarted at at taba shortly after, in which israel started to make additional concessions but then pulled out of the negotiations because Ehud Baraks governing coalition collapsed, Abbas is willing to restrart negotiations were they left off, and so was Arafat before him..no one is stopping israel from negotiating in good faith.

2. It is a racist aphartied state in which the Palestinians are confined to ghettos that are about 10% of the state,

No. The apartheid occurs in places like Darfur where Black Africans are brutalized and murdered by Arabs. The Israeli Arabs have the same legal rights as non Arab Israelis. What jew in an Arab country has similar rights?

first of all your using a common fallacy that 2 wrongs make a right, Palestinians should not be punished for something that happens in Congo..also Sudanese people are black, the arabic speaking jinjaweed are black, the people fighting to break away from the government are black..zionists often site Darfur and use this Arabs killing blacks thing to justify israeli policy..also Darfur is a breakaway region of Sudan, that is not aphartied, its a different issue all together..Aphartied in Israel is things like Jewish only roads, Jewish only housing, Palestinians not allowed to vote in israeli elections, house demolitions of palestinian homes and denial of building permits based on race, no civil rights laws that make discrimination illegal like you have in the USA.. you just said Israeli arabs have the same rights as Jews.. DID YOU NOT SEE THE VIDEO I JUST POSTED ON POST #43 THAT CLEARLY EXPOSES THIS AS A LIE! YOU CALL THAT SAME LEGAL RIGHTS? and even if israeli arabs did have the same rights, the Palestinians DON'T, they are the ones confined to bantustans and oppressed even more than israeli arabs.. and Syrian and Iranian Jews DO have the same rights as everyone else in those countries, the issue in those countries is political disident repression, not racism.

3 it is impossible for Palestinians to travel from gaza to the other bantustans in the west bank and difficult for travel within the wwb making the whole thing like a big prison.

And it is near impossible for Thais to get visas to travel to some countries. On one hand you demand nationhood. Fine. What country in the world allows foreign nationals unfettered ingress and egress? The arab population in Gaza has a tendancy to go boom when given access to Israel. You have conveniently forgotten why Israel was forced to erect a wall along some of its border. Infiltrators were arriving and killing people. Gaza is Egyptian land. It was turned over to to the local Arabs. If there is a logistic problem with that decision, why are you blaming Israel? The arabs in Gaza are immigrants. They were not indigineous to that area.

I'm blaming israel because prior to it's creation those people had equal rights in the whole country British Palestine, then ISrael was created and alot of the people in Gaza are refugees that were kicked out of what became Israel, and now they are stuck in the small corner of the country that is only a few kilometers big and overcrowded, its one of several bantustans that Palestiians are confined to, the reason Palestinians go boom is because the physical oppresion is so extreme, there is no other country in the world, not north korea, not myanmar where you have this type of confinement.. its not the same thing as Thai tarveling abroad, Thailand is a big country not asmall strip of land.

Look, if you are going to blindly say Israel bad, and Arab population good, that's your perogative. However, just say that instead of couching your views in the usual political claptrap and lies that gets spewed by limpwristed leftwingers that have a pathological need to hate and blame someone or something 24/7.

Edited by pkspeaker
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LMAO, I think your post qualifies for Darwin Awards.

Poor effort at a comeback: the Darwin Awards involve scientific research and I'm just stating a fact. Why don't you practice by yourself for a while and come back later.

PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself

The Darwin Awards: A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises is a tongue-in-cheek honor named afterevolutionary theorist Charles Darwin. Awards have been given for people who "do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool" (i.e., lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in an idiotic fashion) http://en.wikipedia....i/Darwin_Awards


Yes, you're quite right. I was just reading about an Ignoble Prize winner and had that in mind. Still, my point about the Israelis being in Palestine remains and it's nice to see Argentina recognise this fact. I think their courage should be rewarded with a gift - The Malvinas, perhaps,

So your point is that you do not have much knowledge of the history and will post any rubbish as long as there is somewhere to post.

I hope those Israeli's to whom you refer have Palestinian passport., since the Palestinians i refer to have Israeli Passport

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Of course it's a nutcase website isn't it. There are plenty more, just have a look yourself.

You called that right and there are plenty of them. There was never a country, people or language of "Palestine" (other than the ancient Jewish one), so it is historically inaccurate BS from start to finish. ;)

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The Palestinians deserve thier own state and the right to live free from oppression by Israel. Every human deserves this right and hopefully the Israelies will learn this and grant it. We can only live in hope.

Yes, when Hamas stop the rockets, stop the bombings, recognize Israel and finally agree to peace, they will have their own state.


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Of course it's a nutcase website isn't it. There are plenty more, just have a look yourself.

You called that right and there are plenty of them. There was never a country, people or language of "Palestine" (other than the ancient Jewish one), so it is historically inaccurate BS from start to finish. ;)

There was never a state of Israel either until 1948

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The Palestinians deserve thier own state and the right to live free from oppression by Israel. Every human deserves this right and hopefully the Israelies will learn this and grant it. We can only live in hope.

Yes, when Hamas stop the rockets, stop the bombings, recognize Israel and finally agree to peace, they will have their own state.


It takes two to tango both are as bad as each other and both must stop acting like children then there will be peace. To blame just Palastine is blind and stupid.

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The Palestinians deserve thier own state and the right to live free from oppression by Israel. Every human deserves this right and hopefully the Israelies will learn this and grant it. We can only live in hope.

Yes, when Hamas stop the rockets, stop the bombings, recognize Israel and finally agree to peace, they will have their own state.


It takes two to tango both are as bad as each other and both must stop acting like children then there will be peace. To blame just Palastine is blind and stupid.

Perhaps you have not noticed, but all the pro Israel posters simply defended anti-Israeli, hateful posts. You will also note that most if not all pro Israel posters always say Hamas not Palestinians, while Anti -Israel posters hate and bash not only the government but all Israeli's if not the entire Jewish population.

Palestine does have a state and its land, it is the choice of Palestinian government not to develop into a "proper" country with economy, army, and normal living conditions. The land in dispute has nothing to do with lack of desire to be a state(most likely because they never were a state)

The main point of difference right now is East Jerusalem, which again has nothing to do with having a state.

Palestine had just as much time as Israel to develop, build and evolve into a self sufficient country, instead they (government) has chosen to do nothing but steal all the international help for their personal gain and blame Israel for everything.

Since the inception of Israel and Palestine, 70 odd years ago, Israel has gone through 3 full on wars, has been isolated, threatened and attacked from all fronts, yet Israel stil managed to build a country, well developed economy and is a center of most electronic and IT innovations, while Palestine has done nothing but worry about Israel development and blame Israel for its shortcomings.

Do you honestly really believe that if all Hamas wants was to be given to them from Israel, things will change???? I can guarantee you, they will find something else to complain or want or fight about.

I am sure you are aware that all the taxes collected from Arab-Israeli's working in Israel is given to the state of Palestine-but thats not good enough

At one stage, Israel gave in to almost all demands, then they came up with Jerusalem issue, then they also wanted free electricity, energy and water from Israel.

As i said before, Palestinian government has had over 70 years to develop and build a country, instead they spent the entire time trying to wipe out Israel

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Perhaps you have not noticed, but all the pro Israel posters simply defended anti-Israeli, hateful posts. You will also note that most if not all pro Israel posters always say Hamas not Palestinians, while Anti -Israel posters hate and bash not only the government but all Israeli's if not the entire Jewish population....

...As i said before, Palestinian government has has over 70 years to develop and build a country, instead they spent the entire time trying to wipe out Israel

A very accurate, fact-filled post! :thumbsup:

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Furthermore, speaking about childish, it is against the law/illegal and punishable by jail time to discriminate or speak bad about Palestinians in Israel, yet it is praised and rewarded to curse and make statements of death to Jews in Palestine.

Go figure!blink.gif who really wants peace?!

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It takes two to tango both are as bad as each other and both must stop acting like children then there will be peace. To blame just Palastine is blind and stupid.

Interesting how your obviously sane, calm and rational post is attacked with vitriol by the next 3 same old same olds............

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Interesting how your obviously sane, calm and rational post is attacked with vitriol by the next 3 same old same olds............

to start with 2 not 3.

and attack and a reasonable discussion are 2 very different things.

Something you should do, if you want to be a part of the discussion, rather then posting totally off topic, irrelevant and useless comments which by the way are not even 1% true.

You may also find if you actually read the entire thread as i said before in discussion NOT an attack that NONE of the pro-Israel posters blame Palestine, but Hamas.

While most if not all Anti-Israel posters blame Israel as a whole rather then using words like "IDF" or "government"

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