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Israel condemns Argentina for recognizing Palestine as an independent state


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Israel condemns Argentina for recognizing Palestine as an independent state

2010-12-08 00:24:48 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- Israel on Tuesday condemned Argentina for recognizing Palestine as a free and independent state within its borders prior to the 1967 Six-Day War.

Israel's Foreign Ministry said that Argentina's announcement was highly regrettable and damaging. Argentina's recognition of Palestine state followed Brazil's declaration made last week.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor added that the decision was highly damaging because they are in fact shattering the foundation of the peace process while the negotiations are still ongoing.

The legal framework determines that at permanent and definitive solution to the conflict, including the establishment of a Palestinian state, can only be the outcome of negotiations and mutually agreed solutions.

On Monday, Argentina issued a declaration of recognition of the Palestinian state after Brazil did on Friday. Israel said that the announcements did nothing to promote Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation.

The declarations were a response to a request made by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in late November. Abbas visited both Argentina and Brazil in 2009.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-08

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Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'racism originated in the Torah'

Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to non-Jews.

By Chaim LevinsonA numbr of leading rabbis who signed on to a religious ruling to forbid renting homes to gentiles – a move particularly aimed against Arabs – defended their decision on Tuesday with the declaration that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews.

Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to non-Jews.

1547981004.jpgThe Arab neighborhood of Dahiyat al-Salam.

Photo by: Olivier FitoussiSignatories include the chief rabbis of Ramat Hasharon, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, Rishon Letzion, Carmiel, Gadera, Afula, Nahariya, Herzliya, Nahariya and Pardes Hannah, among a number of other cities.

"We don't need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel," Rabbi Shlomo Aviner of the Beit El settlement, said on Tuesday. Aviner explained that he supported the move for two reasons: one, a Jew looking for an apartment should get preference over a gentile; and two, to keep the growing Arab population from settling too deeply.

"Racism originated in the Torah," said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen, who heads the Ashdod Yeshiva. "The land of Israel is designated for the people of Israel. This is what the Holy One Blessed Be He intended and that is what the [sage] Rashi interpreted."

He added that he did not see the move as racist so much as segregationist. "The world is so big and the State of Israel is small, that God intended it for the people of Israel and the whole world covets it. That is the injustice."

Upon news of the religious ruling, Meretz faction whip Ilan Ghilon immediately asked the attorney general to dismiss each of the rabbis who had signed their names.

"We are witnessing an epidemic of racism and xenophobia and we must act firmly," he said.

Deputy Knesset chairman MK Ahmed Tibi decried the letter as a "mass crime [committed] by a group of racist rabbis who should be given intensive course in Jewish history."

The entire group should be tried for "incitement to racism," added Tibi, "Muslim clerics have recently been tried or fired from their jobs for much less but the rabbis are able to pursue their unruly behavior without concern.

Haifa Mayor Yonah Yahav termed the ruling the "real desecration of God's name. It is bringing hatred against those with whom we have chosen to live our lives."

Nazareth Mayor Ramiz Jaraisy also decried the moving, declaring that "whoever thinks it damages one side is mistaken. We are all children of the land. Both nations must search for common ground and not bring about escalation."

In their ruling, the rabbis called on the religious community to voice support Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who could face trial for incitement against Arabs for initiating the move against renting to gentiles.

Minority Affairs Minister Avishay Braverman has also asked Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman to begin the process of suspending Eliyahu immediately from his post as municipal rabbi.

Politicos from the national religious sector believe that the mass of prominent figures who signed on to the ruling – all of whose salaries are paid by public funds - will send a message to the attorney general to take Eliyahu's position seriously.

The rabbis' letter prompted by Eliyahu, which was first published months ago and reprinted in October, urges Jewish owners of apartments to reconsider renting their properties to Arabs since it would deflate the value of their homes as well as those in the neighborhood.

"Their way of life is different than that of Jews," the letter stated. "Among [the gentiles] are those who are bitter and hateful toward us and who meddle into our lives to the point where they are a danger."

The rabbis also urge neighbors of anyone renting or selling property to Arabs to caution that person. After delivering the warning, the neighbor is then encouraged to issue notices to the general public and inform the community.

"The neighbors and acquaintances [of a Jew who sells or rents to an Arab] must distance themselves from the Jew, refrain from doing business with him, deny him the right to read from the Torah, and similarly [ostracize] him until he goes back on this harmful deed," the letter reads.

This of course demonstrates oh so clearly just how integrated the Israeli religious Rabid Rabbis are.

Non racist, tolerant ?

One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

No lessons it seems have been learnt regarding compassion and an open society at all by the Rabid Rabbis.

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One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


This is about ' Argentina recognizing Palestine as an independent state'.

A respected man is less likely to turn into a suicide bomber who has nothing to lose.

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One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


This is about ' Argentina recognizing Palestine as an independent state'.

A respected man is less likely to turn into a suicide bomber who has nothing to lose.

Something many miss.

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You have to earn respect and bombing cafes full of innocent men, women and children is not going to do it.

When the Palestinian Arabs recognize Israel and make peace they can will be on their way to earning the respect that they crave as well as their own country.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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You have to earn respect and bombing cafes full of innocent men, women and children is not going to do it.

When the Palestinian Arabs recognize Israel and make peace they can will be on their way to earning the respect that they crave as well as their own country.


Whose interests did the Brazilians and Argentinians have in mind? Certainly not the Israelis. Certainly not peace in the region, and to recognize statehood on behalf of the terrorist organization running Palestine will not bring benefit to the people living there either.

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You have to earn respect and bombing cafes full of innocent men, women and children is not going to do it.

When the Palestinian Arabs recognize Israel and make peace they can will be on their way to earning the respect that they crave as well as their own country.


B'Tselem: Since 2000, 7,454 Israelis, Palestinians killed

By JPOST.COM STAFF 09/27/2010 12:55

According to human rights group report, 6,371 Palestinian, 1,083 Israeli causalities during armed conflict in last 10 years.

Since September 29th, 2000, 6,371 Palestinians have been killed and 1,083 Israelis according to a report by B'Tselem on the casualties of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict released on Monday.

According to the report, 1,317 of the 6,371 Palestinians were minors, at least 2,996 of them did not take part in fighting when they died and 2,193 died while they participated in fighting. B'Tselem said it was unaware whether 694 of the Palestinians did or did not take part in fighting. Two-hundred and forty-eight were Palestinian police officers who died in Operation Cast Lead and 240 were targets of assassination.

"Palestinians killed 1,083 Israelis in Israel and in the territories in the last 10 years," said B'Tselem. "Seven-hundred and forty-one of the killed were citizens, 124 of them were minors, and 342 were security personnel."



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A good Israeli friend on mine said the following recently, " I was born in Israel, have served in the army and am ready to fight and die if need be for my country, but, if I was born in Gaza I would do exactly the same but would be called a terrorist" Whilst obviously not quoted word for word the point is the same. What Israel and the Palestinian people need are more people like my friend, prepared to see and understand both sides.

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Argentina and Brazil can do as they see fit. They have their own internal human rights problems to deal with. Brazil just finished a massacre of slum dwellers. One day Brazil will be engiulfed by civil unrest as the poor people of colour rise up against the wealthy lighter skinned population. All of the current political games won't help it then. Argentina's move is based upon its obsession with the Falklands as it attempts to build support for its claims. It is not motivated by altruism.

In respect to the Rabbis referenced in the article, it should be recognized that the civil courts take precedence on issues of discrimination. People making discriminatory decisions will be subject to penalties. These people aren't in areas where they are renting the properties now so its all for show. More importantly, the comments have been condemned and rebuked by other Israelis. besides, who's ever met a landlord willing to ignore income potential?

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David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

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One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


"I know how at least 80% of the incidents began there. In my opinion, more than 80%, but lets talk about 80%. It would happen like this: We would send a tractor to plow someplace of no value, in the demilitarized zone, knowing ahead of time that the Syrians would begin to shoot. If they did not start shooting, we would tell the tractor to keep going forward, until the Syrians in the end would get nervous and start shooting. And then we would start firing artillery, and later also the airforce and this was the way it was. I did this and Laskov and Tzur (two previous commander-in-chiefs) did it, Yitzhak Rabin did it when he was there (as commander of the northern district at the beginning of the sixties), but it seems to me that it was Dado, more than anyone else, enjoyed these games."

(Moshe Dayan, 22 November 1976)

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David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

The Internet is full of hate-sites using fake quotes to discredit Israel. This one is on most of them and is impossible to prove, because it was reported by a single individual long after Ben Gurion had died.

Amid the Arab-Israeli conflicts, there has emerged a practice of quoting several Israeli-Zionist by their detractors in order to defame them. This practice has evolved into a phenomenon of its own, where many sources such as David Ickes website [1], Radio Islam [2], whatreallyhappened.com [3], CounterPunch[4], Rense.com[5] islamonline.net[6] and many more use this kinds of quotes, some of them creating entire list of such quotes. This article aims at representing this phenomenon.

This phenomena usually includes the practice of quoting Israeli Prime Ministers. The statements are widely quoted, although it is often unclear whether the statements have been correctly reported. Therefore, such statements should not be assumed to be authentic when they are from unreliable sources, since there are scenarios were they are arguably fabricated propaganda.

  • by people hostile to Israel in order to defame Israeli motives
  • by people friendly to Israel, in order to disscredit people who choose to use the fabricated quotes

In places where the quotes are authentic and properly sourced, they could be taken out of context and thus lose their original intended meaning. Sometimes, these quotes can constitute Cherry picking or Quote mining. Thus, these quotes should not be taken as a representation of all of the Israeli and Zionist views.Overview


Exposing False Zionist Quotes (Quote Busters)

Did Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vow to burn Palestinian children and rape Arabic girls? Did former Israeli leader Menachem Begin refer to Palestinians as "two-legged beasts," and did another Israeli leader declare that all Arabs must be killed unless they are willing to live as slaves?

No, but given the number of Web sites repeating these allegations, it is easy to see how this nonsense has gained credence. Indeed, the attribution of invidious statements to Israel's leaders has become a popular stratagem among Israel's enemies. Many are fabricated, taken out of context or otherwise manipulated to present a distorted, negative view of Zionist intentions and actions. Propagated on the internet, some of these misquotes eventually make their way into opinion columns in campus newspapers and even, on occasion, the mainstream press.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sounds like it is in their interest to make peace. ;)

Commenting the death of people with a smiley?

Look like your are not concerned about the loss of life and the death of minors if they aren't on your side and in addition seeing these deaths as a justified way to put pressure on someone to get it your way.

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Sounds like it is in their interest to make peace. ;)

Commenting the death of people with a smiley?

Huh? :blink:

A smile looks this: :D

A wink looks like this: ;)

There is a big difference in meaning and considering the constant stream of petty, hateful posts by certain posters, smileys should rate pretty low in the self-righteous, hypocritical, complaint department. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


You forgot to add........'and let us have all the land we want, and if we want more, we'll take more'.

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Sounds like it is in their interest to make peace. ;)

Commenting the death of people with a smiley?

Huh? :blink:

A smile looks this: :D

A wink looks like this: ;)

There is a big difference in meaning and considering the constant stream of petty, hateful posts by certain posters, smileys should rate pretty low in the self-righteous, hypocritical, complaint department. :rolleyes:

What ever you think is appropriate ...

self-righteous, hypocritical, hateful and so on will be of course always only the others, right?

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David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

The Internet is full of hate-sites using fake quotes to discredit Israel. This one is on most of them and is impossible to prove, because it was reported by a single individual long after Ben Gurion had died.

Amid the Arab-Israeli conflicts, there has emerged a practice of quoting several Israeli-Zionist by their detractors in order to defame them. This practice has evolved into a phenomenon of its own, where many sources such as David Ickes website [1], Radio Islam [2], whatreallyhappened.com [3], CounterPunch[4], Rense.com[5] islamonline.net[6] and many more use this kinds of quotes, some of them creating entire list of such quotes. This article aims at representing this phenomenon.

This phenomena usually includes the practice of quoting Israeli Prime Ministers. The statements are widely quoted, although it is often unclear whether the statements have been correctly reported. Therefore, such statements should not be assumed to be authentic when they are from unreliable sources, since there are scenarios were they are arguably fabricated propaganda.

  • by people hostile to Israel in order to defame Israeli motives
  • by people friendly to Israel, in order to disscredit people who choose to use the fabricated quotes

In places where the quotes are authentic and properly sourced, they could be taken out of context and thus lose their original intended meaning. Sometimes, these quotes can constitute Cherry picking or Quote mining. Thus, these quotes should not be taken as a representation of all of the Israeli and Zionist views.Overview


Exposing False Zionist Quotes (Quote Busters)

Did Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vow to burn Palestinian children and rape Arabic girls? Did former Israeli leader Menachem Begin refer to Palestinians as "two-legged beasts," and did another Israeli leader declare that all Arabs must be killed unless they are willing to live as slaves?

No, but given the number of Web sites repeating these allegations, it is easy to see how this nonsense has gained credence. Indeed, the attribution of invidious statements to Israel's leaders has become a popular stratagem among Israel's enemies. Many are fabricated, taken out of context or otherwise manipulated to present a distorted, negative view of Zionist intentions and actions. Propagated on the internet, some of these misquotes eventually make their way into opinion columns in campus newspapers and even, on occasion, the mainstream press.


So I guess you would have us believe that anything written that is negative about Israel has to be phony and anything written that is negative about Iran has to be factual. Even you can't make any sense of that.

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David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

The Internet is full of hate-sites using fake quotes to discredit Israel. This one is on most of them and is impossible to prove, because it was reported by a single individual long after Ben Gurion had died.

Amid the Arab-Israeli conflicts, there has emerged a practice of quoting several Israeli-Zionist by their detractors in order to defame them. This practice has evolved into a phenomenon of its own, where many sources such as David Ickes website [1], Radio Islam [2], whatreallyhappened.com [3], CounterPunch[4], Rense.com[5] islamonline.net[6] and many more use this kinds of quotes, some of them creating entire list of such quotes. This article aims at representing this phenomenon.

This phenomena usually includes the practice of quoting Israeli Prime Ministers. The statements are widely quoted, although it is often unclear whether the statements have been correctly reported. Therefore, such statements should not be assumed to be authentic when they are from unreliable sources, since there are scenarios were they are arguably fabricated propaganda.

  • by people hostile to Israel in order to defame Israeli motives
  • by people friendly to Israel, in order to disscredit people who choose to use the fabricated quotes

In places where the quotes are authentic and properly sourced, they could be taken out of context and thus lose their original intended meaning. Sometimes, these quotes can constitute Cherry picking or Quote mining. Thus, these quotes should not be taken as a representation of all of the Israeli and Zionist views.Overview


Exposing False Zionist Quotes (Quote Busters)

Did Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vow to burn Palestinian children and rape Arabic girls? Did former Israeli leader Menachem Begin refer to Palestinians as "two-legged beasts," and did another Israeli leader declare that all Arabs must be killed unless they are willing to live as slaves?

No, but given the number of Web sites repeating these allegations, it is easy to see how this nonsense has gained credence. Indeed, the attribution of invidious statements to Israel's leaders has become a popular stratagem among Israel's enemies. Many are fabricated, taken out of context or otherwise manipulated to present a distorted, negative view of Zionist intentions and actions. Propagated on the internet, some of these misquotes eventually make their way into opinion columns in campus newspapers and even, on occasion, the mainstream press.


So I guess you would have us believe that anything written that is negative about Israel has to be phony and anything written that is negative about Iran has to be factual. Even you can't make any sense of that.

Nice one PKB.

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As the links that I have provided point out, there are tons of fake quotes that are used to discredit Israel and some of them have been posted on Thai Visa by members who either did not know or did not care that they were not true.

It seems like someone who was posting quotes that are very possibly either fake or distorted from their original meaning would want to know that. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As the links that I have provided point out, there are tons of fake quotes that are used to discredit Israel and some of them have been posted on Thai Visa by members who either did not know or did not care that they were not true.

It seems like someone who was posting quotes that are very possibly either fake or distorted from their original meaning would want to know that. ;)

I guess the question that begs an answer would be: Why are there so many fake quotes on the internet about Israel? What is the motive for so many to go to so much trouble to attack the Israelis in such a manner?

IMO the illogic of everything negative about Israel is fake serves to convert otherwise indifferent individuals into card carrying anti-semites. The motive for that escapes me as well.

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Palestinians have recognized israel repeatedly during the oslo process, Israel has never recognized Palestine or defined it's own borders, and it is a racist aphartied state in which the Palestinians are confined to ghettos that are about 10% of the state, mostly impoverished slums they are denied equal access to water, power, land; it is impossible for Palestinians to travel from gaza to the other bantustans in the west bank and difficult for travel within the wwb making the whole thing like a big prison. oh and I almost forgot, during the oslo process israel tripled the number of settlers in the west bank and demolished thousands of homes in east jerusalem as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign and have repeatedly confiscated additional palestinian agricultural land for jewish settlements..

You can only imagine what kind of violence would ensue if say, america (or europe) had this type of segregationist policy toward blacks and hispanics, we had a massive riot in los angeles in the early 90's just because a black motorist was beaten by (mostly) white cops, and forget about the fact that "Palestinian Arabs" are the indigenous population and Israelis are mostly recent european settlers, or that 800,000 palestinians were forced out of their country in 1948(losing everything they had) so that israel could be craeted for these recent european immigrants, and forget about the fact that between 1967-1987 there were no rockets or suicide bombers or rock throwingfrom the Palestinians in the West bank or gaza and Israel built all these settlements and jewish only roads on mostly privatly owned Palestinian land, makeing life for ordinary palestinians increasingly difficult with every passing year until tensions reached a climax in 1987 with the first intefada which was almost entirely rock throwing, israel then tried to crush the uprising using live rounds killing thousands of Palestinian youths that were throwing stones at heavily armed army personel and armored vehicles..

One cannot view the comments concerning the recognition of Palestine as unbiased given the facts reported in the above article.

There are loons in every country. Just read some of the comments on Thai Visa.

The Palestinian Arabs will get their own state when they recognize Israel's right to exist, stop the suicide bombings and shooting rockets at civilians and agree to peace.


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Palestinians have recognized israel repeatedly during the oslo process, Israel has never recognized Palestine

Has Hamas recognized Israel? They control much of the population and were voted into power and have been waging warfare non-stop. Of course Israel makes their lives difficult.

Learn some history. Don't make it up. There is no Palestine yet - so how can it be "recognized? - and there has never been a country with that name.

Most of the Arabs that live there arrived as immigrants from Arab countries when Jewish immigration was forbidden by the British and there were already more Jews in Jeruselem than Arabs and very few people outside of the city.

When the Palestinian Arabs make peace, they will get their own country.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As the links that I have provided point out, there are tons of fake quotes that are used to discredit Israel and some of them have been posted on Thai Visa by members who either did not know or did not care that they were not true.

It seems like someone who was posting quotes that are very possibly either fake or distorted from their original meaning would want to know that. ;)

I guess the question that begs an answer would be: Why are there so many fake quotes on the internet about Israel? What is the motive for so many to go to so much trouble to attack the Israelis in such a manner?

It would probably be something along the lines of all the racist fake documents - Like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - that are all over the web to discredit the Jews or it could be something like the fake "studies' on the Klu Klux Klan websites that claim that non-whites are inferior beings.

There is no justification for posting lies on the Internet. :bah:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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