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I have been living in Chiang Mai now for just over a month, and have come across quite a few people who have tried to trick/ trip me up along my journey.

The first scam came to light when I was venturing into Rinping San Sai to obtain my daily fill,. When a middle aged man approached me near the freezer dept

and stated he could sell me a sausage making kit, and I was not too waste my money??

'My thoughts were, a sausage making kit, is this guy for real, does he honestly think he can sell me a sausage making kit, come on!!'

My initial thought was is it father Christmas come early, why the hell would I want to make a sausage?????

Then secondly I thought why would I buy a sausage making kit of a man who I did not now, I could be buying a load of tripe?????

anyway i listened to his blag story and off I tottled.

Secondly I was approached when buying a second hand motorbike, the problem arose when the green book, I thought came with most bikes was not green but orange colored.

Don't get me wrong it was quite an old bike, to which I thought fair enough. It was only when speaking to a neighbour that it came about the orange book was from roughly the year 1985??

The owner of the bike then stated that the bike was legal, and bla bla bla. To which I thought okie dokey, pigin a pokey.

I didn't buy it!!!!

I don't know why and where these people come from ????

All I can say is be careful and don't be conned!!!!

There are many of these people out there.


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What do you have against men that choose to wear masks that hide their identity as part of their personal lifestyle?

Wearing a mask is a valid life choice and this gentleman should not be discriminated against by sheep who only read the mass media and are brainwashed by their right-wing, reactionary governments.

Sorry, maybe I've been following the political arguments on Thai Visa too long.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Like you I opted out of the sausage making kit and I am not in the market for a motorbike, but I picked up a sweet deal on a beer making kit and a live organic fed porker. Not having a bottling method nor a pen/house for porky I am in kind of a indecisive state as to what I should do. ho hum

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