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Smoking In Bars


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I'm not a smoking Nazi, provided the place has decent ventilation the smokers can continue to kill themselves.

We all know there are a number of establishments around town that permit smoking contrary to the current law. A friend has reported that one such is the Huntsman in the Landmark, something that I find difficult to believe from such a high-profile establishment.

Anyone confirm / deny this observation, perhaps they have an area which enables them to allow smoking whilst still being legal?


Please let's not degenerate into discussing the pros and cons of smoking in bars, restaurants etc :)

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Yes, the Huntsman does allow smoking.

In theory the slightly higher part of the Pub - on the left as one enters - is the smoking area, the rest is supposedly non-smoking - however of course there is no barrier between the two areas so smoke infiltrates the whole Pub anyway. In addition even this rather ineffectual demarcation is not properly enforced - a few weeks ago I was sitting in one of the Booths in the non-smoking area and a group of Japanese women entered, sat in the Booth behind me and immediately started smoking. I complained to the waitress but she did nothing.

I too am surprised that such a well established place allows this breach of the law - I like the Huntsman and would go there far more often if they forbade smoking completely.


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Actually in The Huntsman it's the other way round, the higher section is no smoking and downstairs is no smoking, and there was me thinking that smoke rises. They actually ask if you want smoking or non smoking when you go in.

When the law was implemented in Thailand they allowed people to smoke in the foyer outside, smokers seemed content with this, they then decided not to comply with the law and allowed people to smoke in the main bar.

I did actually talk to the hotels general manager and he explained it was costing them too much to comply with the law so he decided to allow smoking. I did ask him if he had to pay the authorities for them to ignore the law breaking, but he would neither confirm or deny.

I like The Huntsman but we don't use as much as we used to as my girlfriend complains that her hair and clothes always smell after we have been there. I share peoples suprise that a hotel of this standard continually flouts the law but there are numerous other pubs that comply, though they seem to be busier.

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I've run into and posted here on TV re the Huntman's smoking policy in the past....

As I recollect it, the official policy is the right hand side of the bar as you enter is OK for smoking, and supposedly the left hand side is for non smoking. But as noted above, there's nothing that prevents the smoke from migrating, particularly if there's a lot of people smoking at a given time.

In my case, I was enjoying their Sunday brunch buffet one day on the right hand side, where I had just happened to sit not knowing of their policy, when another customer came to the table next to me and immediately began smoking as I was trying to eat.... I ended up moving away from him to another table to finish my meal.

IMHO, it certainly would be better if they complied with the law on smoking. But at least if they don't, it's better to give non smokers some space away from the immediate smoking. If I was sitting in the supposed non smoking area and people started smoking there, I wouldn't talk to the waitress, who of course is going to do nothing. I'd insist to talk to the manager, and insist they honor their own policy.

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Molly Molone's is another one that allows smoking quite openly - I think maybe only upstairs though.

No that is wrong info. It used to allow upstairs but not now. So I do not now go.


About 2 weeks ago smoking was allowed upstairs. Maybe it's changed recently.

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Some of you people try so hard to make this semi-free country to be as crap as the one you came from. If you want strict rules, GO HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am home <snip>.

By semi-free do you mean being able to chose which laws you wish to obey?

Nobody is knocking smokers, and if my glass of wine makes your hair and clothes smell, then I apologise.

Edited by soundman
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I too am surprised that such a well established place allows this breach of the law - I like the Huntsman and would go there far more often if they forbade smoking completely.


Your fellow non smokers clearly don't go often enough to satisfy the bar owners. If you did the bar wouldn't allow it in the first place now would it?

People like to drink and smoke in bars....at least to have a choice....as has been said before there are still many non smoking bars so why does this subject keep raising its head on here?

Just walk to the next air con bar!!

Edited by smokie36
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Molly Molone's is another one that allows smoking quite openly - I think maybe only upstairs though.

No that is wrong info. It used to allow upstairs but not now. So I do not now go.


Great NEWS and a good reason to return to one of my old drinking joints :burp:

Always had a lot of good times in the old Delany days but the sweaty "fugers".just took over....ugg.. :sick:

Throwback to neanderthal man...last bastion an all that....TIT......

one day...all yes... :thumbsup:

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In my experience, i noticed that many of those "high profile" establishments are in fact not acting as one would expect, as we are talking about smoking here, there are some hotels which will give you non-smoking rooms with ashtray and matches on top of the room table, just under a smoke detector fitted to the ceiling :D and it's not just Thailand, one of the last 4 or 5 stars i went to back home, gave me a room were one of the light switch on the wall was missing, so in the darkness someone could have easily been electrocutted by just putting a finger into it, plus antiques furnitures falling apart, what's the point of keeping them if they cannot be used anymore? better to change enterely the "theme" of the hotel or start doing some serious (and costly) maintenance works...

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This thread is about where smoking is allowed and where it isn't.  This is not the platform for espousing pro or anti-smoking views.  Posts have been removed, and further such posts could result in warnings/suspensions.

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