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Prince Charles' car attacked as tuition fee increase is approved


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Prince Charles' car attacked as tuition fee increase is approved

2010-12-10 09:15:52 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEW) — Prince Charles' car was attacked by angry protesters in London on Thursday, as students continued rallying over university tuition fees, which was finally approved by the Parliament.

Prince Charles 62, and his wife, Camila Parker-Bowless, 63, the Duchess of Cornwall, were on their way to the theater on Regent Street when around two dozen protesters surrounded the vehicle they were riding in and began kicking it.

The couple was able to get on their way without sustaining any injuries as the crowds continue to clash with the police.

"We can confirm that their Royal Highnesses' car was attacked by protesters on the way to their engagement at the London Palladium this evening," said Prince Charles' spokesperson. "Their Royal Highnesses are unharmed."

Earlier, three police officers were seriously injured after violence erupted when police forces and thousands of British students clashed as the latter attempted to break the police lines blocking the entrance to the Houses of Parliament where voting on the controversial tuition fees later took place.

At least three police officers were injured as riot police forces struggled to maintain control of the crowd. One policeman was thrown off his horse and two others were seriously hurt in the lines. Police officers utilized batons as the rioters threw flares, sticks, snooker balls and paint balls.

Due to the level of violence Scotland Yard implemented a containment operation to control the riot. Up to 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers cut off all roads to Parliament Square to keep protesters at a distance.

Meanwhile, there have also been protesters injured although there has not been an official report regarding the number of wounded. Students from England and the United Kingdom gathered in London for a day of protests and rally. About 20,000 demonstrators were expected to show up.

Inside the Parliament, MPs were debating controversial proposals to allow English universities to charge up to £9,000 ($14,160) per year in fees, which is three times the current cap. The plans to rise tuition fees starting in 2012 would have a lower cap at £6,000 ($9,617). At the end, the coalition won its tuition fees vote by a majority of 21.

In addition, university funding would be cut by 40 percent, eliminating teaching grants as well, with the exception for math and science. The costs of teaching other courses would be funded by tuition fees.

The government’s proposal had not been supported by all MPs. Business Secretary Vince Cable said that the fee plans were fair and would help maintaining the universities’ quality. However, many Liberal Democrat MPs were expected to not support the plans, in what appears to be the first major backbench rebellion.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-10

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And the big news is not that millions of kids from backgrounds like I come from will now not have the opportunities I got.

The tuition increases will act to ensure that future generations will have the opportunities. Tuition costs have not kept pace with the rise in wages and operating costs. The universities will still be heavily subsidized. Qualified students will still be able to obtain bursaries and scholarships. If it means that someone will not be able to study gender issues as a means to empowerment, or the politics of uppers slobastan and its impact upon the sorghum crop or hip hop as a means of communication too bad. too many people attend university who do not belong, taking a few classes a week and screwing around in mickey mouse courses.

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And the big news is not that millions of kids from backgrounds like I come from will now not have the opportunities I got.

The tuition increases will act to ensure that future generations will have the opportunities. Tuition costs have not kept pace with the rise in wages and operating costs. The universities will still be heavily subsidized. Qualified students will still be able to obtain bursaries and scholarships. If it means that someone will not be able to study gender issues as a means to empowerment, or the politics of uppers slobastan and its impact upon the sorghum crop or hip hop as a means of communication too bad. too many people attend university who do not belong, taking a few classes a week and screwing around in mickey mouse courses.

People in the UK from my kind of backgropund wont saddle themsleves with a lifetime of debt. Fraid that is how it works. I dont disagree that there are people who shouldnt be at Uni there. Sad thing is most of them come from welathy families and they will still be there. A country investing in free education to first degree level for at least the poorer elements of society is a country that will be in a better position in the future. Restricting who can study based on affordability just denies entry to the many of the brightest. It also seems Scotland will admirably retain no tuition fees for university and Wales will keep current tutition fees even when Welsh students are studying in England. Back to education for the rich. Still now the mass of unneeded bureacrats in universities across England are no doubt happy in their job security

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No idea why the Prince would be a target - after all they both pay taxes (even the Queen does - voluntarily as she is not legally obliged to, but does anyway) - and he paid a h3ck of a lot more than 9k a year for his kids education, from his own pocket.

Also all this is because of the stupid Labour policy of pushing everyone to go to university. They closed colleges and polytechnics and merged universities and pushed continually (dropping the bell-curve marking system and lowering 'A' Level pass marks year on year) to get 50% of school leavers to Uni - even allowing for silly degrees like surfing and soap operas to be invented. Of course this pushed up the burden of universities around the country. At first Labour said it would be free and then u-turned to continue the newly introduced (by Conservatives) tuition fees - this rose and changed several times in their 'reign' - top up fees etc. It reminds me of Chairman Mao's decision to encourage Chinese bablies with the medal for 10 kids program - looked great to him at the time, but caused such problems that they ended up with a one-child-one-family replacement. A further education system designed to take the cream of thge crop, the top 10%, that has evolved since Oxford was first formed in the 1100's (872 Ad if you take the Alfred the GReat openening as the start date) can not suddenly support a 400% increase in population - its more than just brick and mortar, its staff, management, examiners, proffessors, books, libraries, labs, computers,and so on - its was a dumb idea at the time and it still is - the fact is many more people drop out now, and the ones who would have benefitted from vovational courses at college or poly now either go to work without it or have to try and tackle a degree - the ones who would have benefitted from a free higher education now can't afford it - of course time bomb starts to go off just after Labour loose the government (which is usually how its planned).

Propaganda and left-wing loonies (with limited and very selective memories) twist it all around and cause this issue. It actually is better for the students as most courses will not rise by as much asthey say and in turn they will be allowed a larger salary after uni before it kicks in - as someone who paid every penny of their university education, I have no sympathies for these so-called demonstrators.

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And the big news is not that millions of kids from backgrounds like I come from will now not have the opportunities I got.

The tuition increases will act to ensure that future generations will have the opportunities. Tuition costs have not kept pace with the rise in wages and operating costs. The universities will still be heavily subsidized. Qualified students will still be able to obtain bursaries and scholarships. If it means that someone will not be able to study gender issues as a means to empowerment, or the politics of uppers slobastan and its impact upon the sorghum crop or hip hop as a means of communication too bad. too many people attend university who do not belong, taking a few classes a week and screwing around in mickey mouse courses.

People in the UK from my kind of backgropund wont saddle themsleves with a lifetime of debt. Fraid that is how it works. I dont disagree that there are people who shouldnt be at Uni there. Sad thing is most of them come from welathy families and they will still be there. A country investing in free education to first degree level for at least the poorer elements of society is a country that will be in a better position in the future. Restricting who can study based on affordability just denies entry to the many of the brightest. It also seems Scotland will admirably retain no tuition fees for university and Wales will keep current tutition fees even when Welsh students are studying in England. Back to education for the rich. Still now the mass of unneeded bureacrats in universities across England are no doubt happy in their job security

OK - so when was education for the poor then? Before tuition fees there were less than 10% of school leavers applying for it - guess where the majority of them came from - Grammar and private schools (especially at the top universities) - most kids, even with free tuition could not afford to keep themselves for 4+ years wit no family support. Many kids left school with large bank loans that they had to start paying back directly at the rate the bank declared, regardless of their income. Now kids from low income recieve rteduced or even paid for tuition fees, loans with set interest rates and locked to not kick in until a good level of income has been reached. There are also far more students going now than even before. Its not rocket-science, more people means more costs, someone has to pay for it - who wants their income tax going up 10% to pay for the extra kids - many of whom take useless course and/or driop out before being any benefit to society.

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And the big news is not that millions of kids from backgrounds like I come from will now not have the opportunities I got.

The tuition increases will act to ensure that future generations will have the opportunities. Tuition costs have not kept pace with the rise in wages and operating costs. The universities will still be heavily subsidized. Qualified students will still be able to obtain bursaries and scholarships. If it means that someone will not be able to study gender issues as a means to empowerment, or the politics of uppers slobastan and its impact upon the sorghum crop or hip hop as a means of communication too bad. too many people attend university who do not belong, taking a few classes a week and screwing around in mickey mouse courses.

What you call mickey mouse courses is the great great plus universities have since the age of enlightenment.

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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

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Just out of curiouslity, how much does university cost in the UK anyway? I'm sure it's a tiny fraction of the cost in the USA so it would be interesting to know just what is getting these people worked up enough to riot.

They probably give a shit about what it cost in the USA nor have any interest to become like the USA.

Time to realise that outside the USA the world is quite different from inside the USA and that the USA isn't a standard everyone has to follow.

That's a nonsensical response. Maybe it's not too late to get a refund on your education. whistling.gif

Growing numbers of American students are opting to study at UK universities because of the 'cheap' fees.

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Just out of curiouslity, how much does university cost in the UK anyway? I'm sure it's a tiny fraction of the cost in the USA so it would be interesting to know just what is getting these people worked up enough to riot.

They probably give a shit about what it cost in the USA nor have any interest to become like the USA.

Time to realise that outside the USA the world is quite different from inside the USA and that the USA isn't a standard everyone has to follow.

That's a nonsensical response. Maybe it's not too late to get a refund on your education. whistling.gif

Growing numbers of American students are opting to study at UK universities because of the 'cheap' fees.

Ermm, these American Students are not protesting in the UK, it are British students who protest and it is not about what it cost in the USA.

You know that the UK isn't the USA, right? And the British students will still give a shit about what it cost in the USA.

Did you get your education on an athletic scholarship or on a military 'academy'?

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Just out of curiouslity, how much does university cost in the UK anyway? I'm sure it's a tiny fraction of the cost in the USA so it would be interesting to know just what is getting these people worked up enough to riot.

I think the tuition costs at public universities are similar, with private universities much higher on both sides of the ocean. The add fees being proposed appear to be a large part of the student concern. What I have read these fees are much higher than North American fees.

Contrary to what some members say about student thinking in the UK or the US where total University costs vs medium income can be compared, there is a huge student exchange between the two systems. Some of the members who seem to need to flame others and specific countries never seem to mention which country or education system is responsilble doe their verbal tirades.

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Does SergieY get out of the wrong side of bed everyday? Always seems to have a bee in his bonnet but a little light comedy is always good.

What is your point?

Please address the issue and not the person. That is something what you can learn at these mickey mouse courses at a good university. never to late to get some education.

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Just out of curiouslity, how much does university cost in the UK anyway? I'm sure it's a tiny fraction of the cost in the USA so it would be interesting to know just what is getting these people worked up enough to riot.

They probably give a shit about what it cost in the USA nor have any interest to become like the USA.

Time to realise that outside the USA the world is quite different from inside the USA and that the USA isn't a standard everyone has to follow.

That's a nonsensical response. Maybe it's not too late to get a refund on your education. whistling.gif

Growing numbers of American students are opting to study at UK universities because of the 'cheap' fees.

Ermm, these American Students are not protesting in the UK, it are British students who protest and it is not about what it cost in the USA.

You know that the UK isn't the USA, right? And the British students will still give a shit about what it cost in the USA.

Did you get your education on an athletic scholarship or on a military 'academy'?

Forget about that refund. You need to sue for damages. laugh.gif

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I feel sorry for the attack, nobody should be attacked or give others reasons to be attacked ever, however with a yearly budget of 38,2 millions British Pounds from the british taxpayers, i am sure he will manage to fix his car rather quickly :D

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Just out of curiouslity, how much does university cost in the UK anyway? I'm sure it's a tiny fraction of the cost in the USA so it would be interesting to know just what is getting these people worked up enough to riot.

I think the tuition costs at public universities are similar, with private universities much higher on both sides of the ocean. The add fees being proposed appear to be a large part of the student concern. What I have read these fees are much higher than North American fees.

Contrary to what some members say about student thinking in the UK or the US where total University costs vs medium income can be compared, there is a huge student exchange between the two systems. Some of the members who seem to need to flame others and specific countries never seem to mention which country or education system is responsilble doe their verbal tirades.

As far as the question goes " what is getting these people worked up enough to riot."

It is is quite clear that it has absolutely nothing to do with the USA and these 'rioters' or protesters are not concerned about the cost in the USA.

To state that is not a flame but simply facts and the truth. Not my fault that the protesters in the UK will give a shit about the USA in the issue of increased tuition fees in the UK.

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Does SergieY get out of the wrong side of bed everyday? Always seems to have a bee in his bonnet but a little light comedy is always good.

What is your point?

Please address the issue and not the person. That is something what you can learn at these mickey mouse courses at a good university. never to late to get some education.

Hi SergeiY, what they mean by Mickey Mouse courses is that about 10 to 15 years ago the Government in the UK started practically forcing kids into university. There are many kids who want trades that require training rather than degreres - to cope with the limits that were placed on the universities - especially new ones created from old colleges (that did not offer degrees at all back then), many new courses were set up that were easy to teach , easy to test and pointless to the kid's future or industry - such courses as "Soap Operas", "Surfing", "aromatherapy", "Chav Culture" and so on. Most traditional universities do not offer such frivilous degrees, some do (the Chav Culture degree was froim Leeds Uni - a well knowsand respected uni).

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Hi SergeiY, what they mean by Mickey Mouse courses is that about 10 to 15 years ago the Government in the UK started practically forcing kids into university. There are many kids who want trades that require training rather than degreres - to cope with the limits that were placed on the universities - especially new ones created from old colleges (that did not offer degrees at all back then), many new courses were set up that were easy to teach , easy to test and pointless to the kid's future or industry - such courses as "Soap Operas", "Surfing", "aromatherapy", "Chav Culture" and so on. Most traditional universities do not offer such frivilous degrees, some do (the Chav Culture degree was froim Leeds Uni - a well knowsand respected uni).

It are the "mickey mouse" courses, the faculty of philosophy or faculty of humanities that makes an university to an university. An university is more than just a factory that produce engineers for the industry.

Nothing wrong with a MA in cultural studies and if you wrote your thesis about the presentation of different gender roles in Transylvanian soap operas and its influence on the pre/proto chav culture of immigrant kids in Sheffield suburbs. If you did well and have good notes you can still start your career at a bank where they would give you further training anyway before you really start with the job.

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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

What if they were provoked by the police or the police tactics of control were inept??

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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

What if they were provoked by the police or the police tactics of control were inept??

Shooting guns and grenades at security personnel seems to be an acceptable approach for some people when that happens.

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User pays is a very fair system. Those students are way out of line. You want the highest education, you need to pay the fees that go with it SIMPLE REALLY.

People like this should be shot, its an absolute disgrace and anyone committed of such an offence should be penalised very heavily.

Nobody is denying anyone the right to protest peacefully.....This type of behaviour is not acceptable.

What if they were provoked by the police

:lol: You must be kidding. :rolleyes: Let me see how that works, >>>peaceful protest>>>>>police roll up and provoke the peaceful protesters>>>>protesters attack the convoy of a royal - SORRY, the idiocy of the suggestion is only outdone by the shameful act of these protesters.

Others might like to entertain this sort of nonesense or excuse, but I aint one of them.

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I feel sorry for the attack, nobody should be attacked or give others reasons to be attacked ever, however with a yearly budget of 38,2 millions British Pounds from the british taxpayers, i am sure he will manage to fix his car rather quickly :D

On George III's accession he surrendered the income from the Crown lands to Parliament in return for a fixed civil list payment and the income retained from the Duchy of Lancaster. The income to the UK tax coffers in in 1992-92 tax year, as an example was 70 million GBP, far in excess of civil list payments. Latest figures I can find so a payment of 210 million GBP to UK Exchequer.

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At first Labour said it would be free and then u-turned to continue the newly introduced (by Conservatives) tuition fees

Just a slight clarification. The original inquiry and subsequent proposals for the funding of higher education were indeed initially commissioned by the Major administration. Tuition fees were however first imposed by Labour in 1998, as you rightly said after a u-turn on whether or not to proceed with the recommendations of the Deaning Report.


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