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Clapton, The Eagles, Santana And Slash/Myles Kennedy


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  • 4 weeks later...

Clapton -- no. Saw him last time at Muang Thong Thani (wretched place -- I refuse to ever go there again). Band put on a good show, little to complain about there. But as usual Clapton didn't acknowledge the audience. I know that that is his style, so don't flame me about that, but for heaven's sake, after spending thousands of baht on tickets to see your idol in a third world country, he could have at least said "Thanks for coming." To see him walk off stage without so much as a "by your leave" spoilt the night for me.

Eagles -- no. Burnt out on Eagles overkill, though I do like a lot of their stuff. Glenn Fry and Don Henley would be great to see in a small club atmosphere -- just as long as no flipping idiot in the audience screams for that cursed song "Hotel (choke)". Even Henley admits he's sick of "Hotel (choke)".

Santana -- Yes. Without hesitation.

Slash -- maybe. I admire his dedication to producing his best on stage.

Now, if we could only get a wider variety of top foreign talent coming our way in this backwater.


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