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Crime Ridden Pattaya


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It seems that Thai cities such as Pattaya are becoming a haven as the favourite retreat destination of wanted fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders and habitual criminals

Why do not International law enforcement agencies collaborate and create some sort of international criminal record computer databases?

Anyone who has a criminal record, details and photos could be listed in an open on line database.

Subscribers would be able to access the files within seconds. For example checks could be made within minutes as each passenger arrives at any particular destination airport and undesirables if wanted fugitives could be instantly detained or those with past criminal records if for serious offences could be put on a next available flight and returned to whence they came.

Just think of the time, man power and tax payers money a system like that would save. The incentives for any company to create such a database would be enormous, including the fact that a database such as this could be available to subscribers with no requirement to buy or install special equipment for access, information could be accessed by anyone from a regular laptop or PC just with a user name and password, including the police and other law enforcement agencies.

It would be a simple process to operate, each police force would release they’re files to any particular contracted company for listing into an International criminal file database.

Considering the ever increasing risks of worldwide terrorism, easy access into Thailand and other countries for wanted fugitives and habitual criminals, isn’t it time to abolish the human rights acts and data protection laws specifically those that fall under the categories of criminal records? Which only help protect the anonymity of criminals.

A fully functioning international criminal database system with open access may also serve as a deterrent to any prospective criminals, perhaps having the affect of making them reconsider before committing they’re dastardly deeds.


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Because and "open" database in itself could be breaking international laws, and you are suggesting "abolishing" human rights.

A crime in one country (or penalties, associated with it) may not applicable in another country.

If a countries police force really wants somebody, they can generally find them pretty easy in this day and age if they are inclined to do so.

And you shouldnt really be fronting your idea via the "terrorism" thing.....the US tries this cr*p all the time.

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"It seems that Thai cities such as Pattaya are becoming a haven as the favourite retreat destination of wanted fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders and habitual criminals

Why do not International law enforcement agencies collaborate and create some sort of international criminal record computer databases?"

Maybe national law enforcement agencies could/should do a better job of catching criminals before they flee to Pattaya?

Edited by meom
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Pattaya the retreat for fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders, habitual criminals, etc sounds like a description of the locals as well as those who travel there to partake of what is offered. The reputation which draws people to a destination would seem to be emitted from beast itself. Besides recruiting like minded people from within Thailand, areas as mentioned, seem to advertise their seeder side of life to the like minded potential international market place. I can remember areas being off limits for armed force personnel but they were still there when they were opened back up and the workforce and numbers appeared the same.

Disney land could be seen as an example as a location, with potential opportunities for child abuse/abduction etc. But could be used as an example of reputation which leans in a different direction.

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Beetlejuice, your idea is good, but it's only halfway there. Let's go all the way with RFID chip implants. In these terribly dangerous times, one can't be too safe, after all. Older folks like me will have to be retrofitted, but we can start implanting the chips in babies worldwide beginning in January 2011. Let's do it!

But then again, it might be a strategic weakness to rely solely on technology. In order to be truly safe, we should also brand everyone with an Earth citizen number. I was thinking the forehead would be a good, highly visible spot, but that won't work for people with lots of hair or women wearing burqas. Perhaps the best bet will be the back of the right hand. Let's do it!

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copied fro above site

Some 2 per cent of convicted foreign criminals out of approximately 290,000 inmates (2009) currently serve prison terms in the country. Thailand does not provide any statistics about how many of these foreigners have been accorded sentences due to construed mafia activities. But more than half of them (some 3,500) have received a complimentary stay in the tropics for drug offences including the smuggling, distribution and consumption of illicit drugs. A plethora of foreign mafia gangs engaging in illegalities of every conceivable sort and often maintaining transnational connections remain active in the country. But times might become considerably tougher for them in the near future. Thailand’s newly appointed chief of the Immigration Bureau, Pol Lt Gen Wuthi Liptapallop, recently announced his determination to launch a campaign to drive out “hundreds of foreign criminals living in Thailand”. He admitted in an interview with the English-language daily newspaper Bangkok Post that Thailand was known worldwide as a haven for criminals because of its easy-going visa policies and general laissez fare attitude towards foreigners. He stated that Thailand would establish closer cooperation between its own agencies like and international agencies like Interpol, the United States’ FBI, Britain’s Scotland Yard, Germany’s Bundeskriminalamt and others to track down and arrest foreign criminals who are either hiding out or are conducting illegal activities in the Kingdom. “We want [Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket] and other places in Thailand to be tourist destinations, not places for foreign criminals and gangs,” he was quoted as saying. The general claimed he currently had not only on his desk a list of about 1,000 foreigners with arrest warrants issued by Thai authorities “at least half of whom are still in the country”, but also asserted that improved immigration procedures through deployment of computerized registration on arrival would help to track down the movements and operations of international mafia syndicates and their members. While Wuthi’s resolve certainly is commendable, it will be interesting to see how many of his intentions he can put into practice. In the meantime, Thailand continues to remains a tropical hub for the foreign mafia. But don’t attribute it to the year-round balmy weather, fabulous beaches, affordable prices and agreeable populace alone.

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Pol Lt Gen Wuthi Liptapallop, "We want [Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket] and other places in Thailand to be tourist destinations,

May I humbly suggest the esteem Pol Lt Gen, start in his own backyard and clean up the local criminals and local mafia first then...:rolleyes:

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Beetlejuice, your idea is good, but it's only halfway there. Let's go all the way with RFID chip implants. In these terribly dangerous times, one can't be too safe, after all. Older folks like me will have to be retrofitted, but we can start implanting the chips in babies worldwide beginning in January 2011. Let's do it!

But then again, it might be a strategic weakness to rely solely on technology. In order to be truly safe, we should also brand everyone with an Earth citizen number. I was thinking the forehead would be a good, highly visible spot, but that won't work for people with lots of hair or women wearing burqas. Perhaps the best bet will be the back of the right hand. Let's do it!

Think "Beetlejuice" has been reading "1984" or alternatively watching "Team Amercia" again....:lol:

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Well, at least it keeps them all contained in one place. Much easier to trace them down. Why do OTHER people CHOOSE to live in Pattaya? It's been a great little sin-city since it was first developed. If a tourist just wants fun in the sun then there are far better places than Pattaya. That goes for Phuket Patong beach as well. The Pattaya beaches aren't all that great.

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You think Pattaya is bad, try Cape Town (or pretty much any city in Africa), Bogota (or pretty much any city in S. America), Moscow, Las Vegas, Phnom Penh, etc, etc, etc....

Pattaya is not that bad....

Or Manchester, Birmingham etc etc

Rather be in Pattaya than London at at the moment and I bet Price Charles would as well.:D

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International database? With all the local riff-raff running around town, they should start with a local database.


Everyone is missing the point here , first they need a real police force in Pattaya.

Do you live in Pattaya the police in Pattaya are usually OK on serious issues.

The police in England are rated one of the best in the world and it ain't doing them a lot of good at the moment.

Maybe Jingthing could comment he lives in Pattaya.

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one atomic bomb strategically dropped on the centre of pattaya on a Saturday night would be alot more productive than a database, though I fear, not politically correct.

Political correctness will eventually go out of fashion, perhaps somebody should start preparing the bombs. :lol:

Lets face it, no matter where you travel these days you will see people that are 'low life'. Of course many of these low life are from the bottom of the pile when it comes to socio economic status & of course people like that will always gather in budget locations. Of course the sleezier the budget location is the more of them that will flock to the location. Its like <deleted> to a shoe.

Anyway, moral to the story is, if you decide to venture into these locations, then be prepared to perhaps become a victim. If grubs are killing and attacking each other, 'mai pben rai', its just a way of them reducing their own overall numbers. Its like the Australian crime gang wars, they move about executing each other & the problem is? :lol:

Once a person is identified as being a 'low life' they should be micro-chipped and sent to places such as these budget locations thus ensuring that the 'cleaner' areas are left to the civilised people.

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The police in England are rated one of the best in the world and it ain't doing them a lot of good at the moment.

My younger sister who has lived in London for 30 years doesn't have a good word to say about the British bobbies. She calls them a bunch of lazy sods unwilling to do the most simple of jobs. She has had personal experiences to prove her point. I can't say I'm much more impressed by the Canadian police... RCMP as well as municipal police. And, we were raised in a Canadian family who were taught to respect the police and authority. Adult experiences have taught us another point of view.

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Well, at least it keeps them all contained in one place. Much easier to trace them down. Why do OTHER people CHOOSE to live in Pattaya? It's been a great little sin-city since it was first developed. If a tourist just wants fun in the sun then there are far better places than Pattaya. That goes for Phuket Patong beach as well. The Pattaya beaches aren't all that great.

Better than the beaches in Chiang Mai though.

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Well, at least it keeps them all contained in one place. Much easier to trace them down. Why do OTHER people CHOOSE to live in Pattaya? It's been a great little sin-city since it was first developed. If a tourist just wants fun in the sun then there are far better places than Pattaya. That goes for Phuket Patong beach as well. The Pattaya beaches aren't all that great.

Better than the beaches in Chiang Mai though.

We have some wonderful beaches up here in Chiang Mai during the rains and floods and the jetski operators never rip customers off.

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Well, at least it keeps them all contained in one place. Much easier to trace them down. Why do OTHER people CHOOSE to live in Pattaya? It's been a great little sin-city since it was first developed. If a tourist just wants fun in the sun then there are far better places than Pattaya. That goes for Phuket Patong beach as well. The Pattaya beaches aren't all that great.

Better than the beaches in Chiang Mai though.

True, but we do have one nice beach at a local lake.

p><p>It doesn

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The police in England are rated one of the best in the world and it ain't doing them a lot of good at the moment.

My younger sister who has lived in London for 30 years doesn't have a good word to say about the British bobbies. She calls them a bunch of lazy sods unwilling to do the most simple of jobs. She has had personal experiences to prove her point. I can't say I'm much more impressed by the Canadian police... RCMP as well as municipal police. And, we were raised in a Canadian family who were taught to respect the police and authority. Adult experiences have taught us another point of view.

I said they were rated as, I don't myself believe they are the best, have many incidences where they were very good and some they were absolutely useless as for living in London my Mum and Dad got out of there in the 1930's and most of the famiily when they got bombed out they didn't want to live in a prefab house after the war, there's very few Londoners living there as a result most of them moved out to the suburbs.

Edited by Kwasaki
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International database? With all the local riff-raff running around town, they should start with a local database.


Everyone is missing the point here , first they need a real police force in Pattaya.

I was researching crime stats by cities/countries worldwide and came across a few interesting comments. They were related to the fact that the stats are pretty much meaningless as many police forces don't enforce the law, and if they do, are corrupt and put the $$$$ in their pocket rather than the criminals in jail. Sound familiar???

But overall, there are far, far, far worse places to live than Pattaya or Patong. Try walking around Nairobi some night. Or Rio. Or Kingston, Jamaica....or North Las Vegas near where I am right now for the holidays....

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International database? With all the local riff-raff running around town, they should start with a local database.


Everyone is missing the point here , first they need a real police force in Pattaya.

I was researching crime stats by cities/countries worldwide and came across a few interesting comments. They were related to the fact that the stats are pretty much meaningless as many police forces don't enforce the law, and if they do, are corrupt and put the $$$$ in their pocket rather than the criminals in jail. Sound familiar???

But overall, there are far, far, far worse places to live than Pattaya or Patong. Try walking around Nairobi some night. Or Rio. Or Kingston, Jamaica....or North Las Vegas near where I am right now for the holidays....

You certainly don't want to be a "white guy" in certain parts of Detroit or Los Angles. If it's after dark you are almost certain to be mugged. I've never felt threatened in Pattaya at any time of night. Maybe I"m just lucky.

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International database? With all the local riff-raff running around town, they should start with a local database.


Everyone is missing the point here , first they need a real police force in Pattaya.

I was researching crime stats by cities/countries worldwide and came across a few interesting comments. They were related to the fact that the stats are pretty much meaningless as many police forces don't enforce the law, and if they do, are corrupt and put the $$$$ in their pocket rather than the criminals in jail. Sound familiar???

But overall, there are far, far, far worse places to live than Pattaya or Patong. Try walking around Nairobi some night. Or Rio. Or Kingston, Jamaica....or North Las Vegas near where I am right now for the holidays....

You certainly don't want to be a "white guy" in certain parts of Detroit or Los Angles. If it's after dark you are almost certain to be mugged. I've never felt threatened in Pattaya at any time of night. Maybe I"m just lucky.

I think you can say that about certain parts of pretty much any major city in the world!

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Beetlejuice, your idea is good, but it's only halfway there. Let's go all the way with RFID chip implants. In these terribly dangerous times, one can't be too safe, after all. Older folks like me will have to be retrofitted, but we can start implanting the chips in babies worldwide beginning in January 2011. Let's do it!

But then again, it might be a strategic weakness to rely solely on technology. In order to be truly safe, we should also brand everyone with an Earth citizen number. I was thinking the forehead would be a good, highly visible spot, but that won't work for people with lots of hair or women wearing burqas. Perhaps the best bet will be the back of the right hand. Let's do it!


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