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Overly Vain


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Just saw the ad for ponds facial cream again today. You know the one with "_GOLD_" in it? You really can't miss it it has the title saying "pure gold mixed in" showing up every 5 seconds just to remind you in case you forget before the ad ended. At no time at all during the ad does it mention the benefits of adding gold to a facial cream, not once. And last time I recalled the main reason gold was used for jewelry and in dentistry was because it was so inert (non-reactive) with the human body. So really how utterly pointless can it be to add this stuff. But we all know the reason this product exists (to give overly wealthy house-moms bragging rights). The reason why I'm ranting about this is because this is the second product that I've seen in as many days that is just so pointless. The other being that birds nest beverage. But not just made from ordinary water, oh no. It's made with mineral water; but wait for it..... All the way from France. Yes ladies and gentlemen solidified birds' saliva mixed with French mineral water. This thing must now have super extraordinary magical healing powers. It's all just too much in as many days, so _END RANT_

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Just makes me jealous i didnt think of it first.. Im still mad over not bringing those stupid electric AB-WORKOUT that give cancer and diarrhea.. That guy must be filthy rich.

Just like this face cream, do you or anyone else have to buy or use it? Freedom of choice yes?

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Dude, in the early 90's some companies in Japan were selling sake with flecks of pure gold. It was a good seller. :blink: People with excess funds will pay for things that to others seem like a waste.


Like this you mean?? $25,000 dessert


24K gold chocolate dessert

I wonder if the maid?..............................Nah never mind..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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well, thais seems to involve no critical thinking when it comes to tv ads.

"slimming nescafe" that contains a shitload of sugar. Im sure that works 100%.

Or basically any "slimming" shit.

All those whitening creams that wrecks the faces of young ladies and make them look like they have been smoking meth for the last five years. This of course just means you need to slather on more cream from some other brand....

Also the air condition with a filter that make sure you and your kids never get sick because the magic filter kills any and all viruses that might be even thinking of infecting you.

Of course I'm generalising some what.

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A friend of a friend was in our house once. Part of the reason why she was in our house is because it was raining heavily outside and she was soaking wet. We offered her a clean towel so she could dry herself of but she refused because it (the towel) was not a brand name label.

I just let her sit there soaked through for about 45 minutes, after telling her not to sit on my sofa because I didn't want that wet. If I recall correctly, she caught quite a rotten cold shortly after.

Stupid cow!

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A friend of a friend was in our house once. Part of the reason why she was in our house is because it was raining heavily outside and she was soaking wet. We offered her a clean towel so she could dry herself of but she refused because it (the towel) was not a brand name label.

I just let her sit there soaked through for about 45 minutes, after telling her not to sit on my sofa because I didn't want that wet. If I recall correctly, she caught quite a rotten cold shortly after.

Stupid cow!

Tell her that she isn't a brand-name and push her outside.

Edit: The thing is, I don't know if you know how badly she insulted you, assuming she is Thai. Basically you are too poor and beneath her to offer her a towel worthy her attention. The ball-kick some of these insults is sometimes go pass us foreigners as small thing but your Thai partner might know the full extent of the insult and become very hurt - an advice to all is to be alert to how your Ms/gf reacts if these situations come up.

Edited by TAWP
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