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Watering the garden this afternoon and I confess I had let the grass grow a little long.. well a lot actually. Anyway, I reach down to grab the hose and felt something brush my trouser leg.

BLOODY SNAKE!!!800px-Zamenis_longissimus.jpg

It reared, then stuck it head in the grass and went on its way sharpish. As it exited I could see its body must have been about the thickness of a grown man's wrist and it was no more than two metres and dark green/brown, I am pretty sure it was a rat snake, generally non venomous (or venom so mild as to be negligable to humans). When it left it was not quiet (because I was heavy and on dry leaves) and quite spritely, but what suprised me was given that this was the closest I have come to a wild snake by accident (and I dam_n near trod on the blighter!) I remained pretty calm. I think I have been in Thailand....just long enough :)


I live in a gated concrete village not 10km from Korat City Centre. Psuedo-sticks, I guess B)


I have been very close to brown cobras by accident, like inches, I was very lucky not to stand on them , thats how most people get bitten , i am told by my Thai wife there are some plants that snakes do not like , maybe worth researching , to plant in your garden.


We live near a snake farm, just outside Pattaya. I guess every once in a while, the cops stop by to look the place over. The owner, from Korea, dumps the over limit snakes out the back into a huge pond. Some make their way into out gated community.

The guards find them fairly often...and we found 3 in 2 days. One in the pool, and 2 others near our front gate. Scared my wife so much, she jumped about 2 meters to get away from it!

I caught one to get an ID, but nobody was sure as it was a small snake. The larger one got away....about 1.5 meters.

Such fun living here in LOS...or is that Land of Snakes! :(

P.S. We have a biz behind us clean up an overgrown lot they had. It was right behind our back perimeter wall. They found one almost 3 meters long and as big as your thigh. They took it to the local zoo....


I live in a gated concrete village not 10km from Korat City Centre. Psuedo-sticks, I guess B)

Nice story, never let the grass grow high is what I learned after being bitten by a venomous snake and nearly died.

Question: why you post the pic of a European snake?




Dude your in like whatdaphukaburi, pay some guy a couple hundred baht to do that kind of work!

:lol: :lol:

Best advice yet.:)

Me, I'm different. I WANT to attract snakes... for photo opportunities.


Be very very careful.

Trouser snakes attack men from behind and there have been cases where bitten women had severe abdominal swelling lasting 9 months.


I live in a gated concrete village not 10km from Korat City Centre. Psuedo-sticks, I guess B)

Nice story, never let the grass grow high is what I learned after being bitten by a venomous snake and nearly died.

Question: why you post the pic of a European snake?



The Pictures is a Rat Snake, common to Thailand. If Wikipeadefilia is to beleived. :huh:


Nice find and photo, Loz.. I like snakes.

You can have them Ian, I had my thrill a couple of months ago and it's even a little better than Loz' brush with the snake. I was fiddling with my computer and decided to step outdoors to the patio for a moment, barefooted. I stepped out the door right onto a snake...looked like Loz' picture of the rat snake, but can't be positive as he took off at rapid speed.

When I stepped on him he did rear up and bite me, but nothing happened to me as a result while I searched for him to identify if necessary. The wife, bless her heart, started to suck any would-be venom from my knee where he got me, but there was nothing to be concerned about. Didn't go to the hospital

That evening, however, I did fall out of bed flat on my face on the tile floor, something I have never, ever done before. Took 8 stitches to my eyebrow where I hit, and I still blame it on the snake bite. Did go to the hospital for this one. And no, I don't drink too much!

So welcome all the snakes you want for photo-ops, I'll send you mine.:blink:



What you really mean is you got bitten by a snake and wanted a sympathy shag but the misses belted you. :D

Yup, that's what I've been telling everyone!

mario299 :rolleyes:


Nice find and photo, Loz.. I like snakes.

You can have them Ian, I had my thrill a couple of months ago and it's even a little better than Loz' brush with the snake. I was fiddling with my computer and decided to step outdoors to the patio for a moment, barefooted. I stepped out the door right onto a snake...looked like Loz' picture of the rat snake, but can't be positive as he took off at rapid speed.

When I stepped on him he did rear up and bite me, but nothing happened to me as a result while I searched for him to identify if necessary. The wife, bless her heart, started to suck any would-be venom from my knee where he got me, but there was nothing to be concerned about. Didn't go to the hospital

That evening, however, I did fall out of bed flat on my face on the tile floor, something I have never, ever done before. Took 8 stitches to my eyebrow where I hit, and I still blame it on the snake bite. Did go to the hospital for this one. And no, I don't drink too much!

So welcome all the snakes you want for photo-ops, I'll send you mine.:blink:


Great story, thanks, but that is what Viagra is for.... It helps to keep you from rolling out of bed.:lol: There are side benefits also, if you sleep with a woman. :D

I've been bitten more than a few times handling non-venomous snakes, but only once by one that could do any damage. That was a Tiger snake in Tasmania, Australia, when I was trout fishing. Fortunately at the time, I was wearing waders and thick socks, and the short fangs only scratched my skin on my instep. Had i been wearing sandals or bare feet it would have been much worse. As it was, all I got was a rash like a wasp bite.


Be very very careful.

Trouser snakes attack men from behind and there have been cases where bitten women had severe abdominal swelling lasting 9 months.

Yes !! a crafty title, I thought he was talking about the one eye one headed monster too. :lol:


Walking along 2nd road in Pattaya one day something fell on me. Brushed it off, and when it was on the ground realised it was a snake!!!!! (very small). While I was trying to regain some composure and not look like a crazy farang jumping up and down in histerics it quickly slithered away into the bushes. My first reaction was it must have been thrown on me by some local youths looking for some amusement. Looked around but could not see anyone in fits of laughter. My only conclusion was it must have fallen out of the tree that I was passing - is this possible?


Hi Loz...."I remained pretty calm" that has to be the statement of the day for me.

I am fascinated be snakes, but they scare the crap out of me. I have had my fair share of encounters, but I am the first to admit I sometimes will omit a high pitching noise on a surprise encounter, (not unlike the sound a small girl can produce when screaming, or Ned Fanders from the Simpsons) I am always aware that snakes come in to my garden, and have seen a number of cobras around where I live, and mountain biking around the hills of Mae Taeng I've come close to running a few over. I don't general hang around to see if there the petting type!


Dude your in like whatdaphukaburi, pay some guy a couple hundred baht to do that kind of work!

:lol: :lol:

Best advice yet.:)

Me, I'm different. I WANT to attract snakes... for photo opportunities.

Hi Ian, sorry I know it's not a Thai snake, I took this photo last week at my works in Libyan desert, I very near stood on him as I came out of my office. As you can see he's Getting his lunch on, very thin and very long.... Any ideas what he is?



Hi Ian, sorry I know it's not a Thai snake, I took this photo last week at my works in Libyan desert, I very near stood on him as I came out of my office. As you can see he's Getting his lunch on, very thin and very long.... Any ideas what he is?

I am unfamiliar with that snake, Tonto, but I do know there are far more non-venomous snakes than venomous ones. Virtually all cobras, with the exception of the King cobra will spread their hood when curious, annoyed or frightened. Their eyes are just dark and beady looking. Most vipers have noticeable vertical pupils in their eyes and ALL snakes with vertical pupils are venomous.

Snakes with round pupils are mostly non-venomous. Unfortunately, if you get close enough to see their pupils you are usually too close for comfort.

this is a Mangrove snake and it's mostly harmless despite its threatening gesture.



Be very very careful.

Trouser snakes attack men from behind and there have been cases where bitten women had severe abdominal swelling lasting 9 months.

The purple headed pulsating pyjama python's bite is relatively harmless - but it it starts to cuddle up you may be in trouble. I'm told that if you hold both ends of the snake then it cannot constrict. Prefer not to find out if this is true.

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