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Sole Responsibility - Need Help

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Hello everyone, this is my first post on here, I must say how helpful I have found this forum.

Please can anyone give me some advice on the following…

I am putting together my wife and her two children’s UK Settlement visa applications which was going ok until I read about providing evidence of Sole responsibility for the children.

Can anyone give me a nudge in the right direction and tell me what is classed as evidence.

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Sole responsibility can be a minefield. It may not be too difficult if your wife and the children are seeking to travel together ( rather than the children joining you both in the UK at a later stage ), but you must be sure that all the evidence and documentation is good. Seek proper advice if you are unsure.

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My Stepson successfully applied for a settlement visa to the UK, while travelling with his Mother (My Wife) earlier this year.

We provided a document called a por kor 14 obtained from the local district office which is a sworn statement that my wife has sole responsibility.

My wifes parents also made similar sworn statements to this effect at the local district office.

He was included on the Tabien Bahn for my wifes family so we were able to demonstrate they lived in the same house separate from his natural father.

We obtained a letter from the school he attended that stated my wife paid the bills and was responsible for making decisions with regard to his welfare.

For the duration that my wife (then girlfriend) visited the UK for 6 months on a tourist visa we were able to show continued money transfers back to Thailand for his up keep and a record of regular phone calls back home.

The above worked for us.... Good luck.

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Whilst a PK 14 can be useful, and the ECOs at the embassy do seem to give it some weight these days, it is not acceptable on it's own as evidence of sole responsibility.

If parent and child(ren) are living together, and have been for a considerable period, and are applying together then sole responsibility is (usually) taken as given by the ECO. It is only when parent and child(ren) have been living apart that problems may occur; in which case the type of evidence suggested in the links provided above will be required.

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Thank you for your help. Looking over all the info it seems problems happen when the wife moves to another country and a year later try and get the children over. I plan to bring my wife to the uk only when she and her two children have a visa. Will let you know how i get on.

We have the KP 14 already so might just get the letter from school as backup.

One more question, do you need to provide copys of every document eg emails telephones bills or just things like marriage certificat and TB test??

Again thank you for your help

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From How to Apply

Step 4 - Prepare your documents

Original documents & photocopies

You must provide original documents with a photocopy of each original document you are submitting (including your passport photograph page). In particular, you should include original documents relating to birth, marriage, divorce and death. If you are not able to include originals of these then you should send certified copies. Failure to submit original documents or certified copies may mean your application is delayed or refused. Your original documents might not be returned to you if you do not provide photocopies. For your convenience photocopying services are available at the visa application centre (fee payable). Please see the 'Additional Services' page on this website for more information.

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A little bit more help please, when putting the final application together containing all 3 applications (1 for my wife and 1 for each child) how should the supporting evidence e.g. sponsors letter, bank statements, accommodation be set out.

I will include photocopies of each bit of paperwork but do i need to provide 3 copies for each application or can the letters and supporting evidence refer to all 3 applicants.

Example, i have a letter from my parents inviting them to live in our house as she owns the property. In the letter she has invites all 3, is this ok or would i need 3 individual letters.

Thank you


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