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Anyone Else Being Disurbed By The Noise?


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It used to be quiet... now some bright bonzo has decided to have an 'open air' concert nightly from the huge plaza on canal road near Nimman - the noise is horrific! almost everynight and it's getting unbearable.

Typical Thai: mai pen rai = we don't care

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maybe is time to consider moving to other quite part of chiangmai .

or maybe a set of ear plug or overhead muffer .

you can also try to sound proof your house ,

this way the sound from outside is muffer or greatly reduce .


all thus cost money so you got to balance if it worth while .

or is just worth the rant online .

Edited by Ta22
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Just open your window and enjoy the music. Or better still wander over and enjoy some good food and drink too as well as great shows.

oh great post thanks! so destroy the peace and calm of everybody is ok is it? it's far worse this year and displays a 'I dont give a **** for anyone else attitude' from the Thai's - and before you say it - no I didn't come here because I love Thais :lol:

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Is it the Chiang Mai Food Festival?

Hi - I don't think so - in fact tonight it's very quiet - it's much worse this year in my little home - but it's been very, very bad last few days - it's just pure selfishness - I don't miss much about my homeland but I do miss consideration for ones neighbors - a consideraion that would not even cross most Thai's minds. Love Thailand - hate the selfishness - bit like Love the sinner but hate the sin :jap:

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It is the 3rd Annual Food Festival Sponsored By Chiang Beer.

The dates are 9th - 19th December 2010.

We have walked over there the past TWO nights.

We live basically at Huay Kaew Mall and we can hear it very well from our balcony.

Some decent food and games and of course BEER if you like that sort of thing.

I don't understand why the Thais LOVE the Music soooooo LOUD...

But it is the way it is... soooo we just go over and try to have some FUN.

Last night they had the MUSIC CARS and TRUCKS over there with HUGE SPEAKERS.

I like the Music Cars becasue they normally include almost naked girls dancing on top of them.

That's my wifes favorite part and the main reason she insists that we go over there almost

every night.

Sorry to tell you... the noise ain't stopping anytime soon my friend.

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It is the 3rd Annual Food Festival Sponsored By Chiang Beer.

The dates are 9th - 19th December 2010.

We have walked over there the past TWO nights.

We live basically at Huay Kaew Mall and we can hear it very well from our balcony.

Some decent food and games and of course BEER if you like that sort of thing.

I don't understand why the Thais LOVE the Music soooooo LOUD...

But it is the way it is... soooo we just go over and try to have some FUN.

Last night they had the MUSIC CARS and TRUCKS over there with HUGE SPEAKERS.

I like the Music Cars becasue they normally include almost naked girls dancing on top of them.

That's my wifes favorite part and the main reason she insists that we go over there almost

every night.

Sorry to tell you... the noise ain't stopping anytime soon my friend.

If it's the food festival and it's only ten days then I APOLOGISE as I have got it wrong - I can stand it if I know it's only ten nights and will get away for those nights maybe next year - 4 nights to go then PEACE *sigh*

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and then there's that 'Chiang Mai Feel the Bass' month-long festival from....3rd Jan I think  it was....

I thought the "feel the bass" festival was year round   :(

Only on Pattaya Walking Street

No, it's pretty much EVERYWHERin Thailand, year round.......

We live out in the ricefields south of San Kamphaeng.  Nothing for at least 1km, but the bass just comes from somewhere...........

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Thailand. Not quiet. Get over it. Get earplugs, or move to a quieter area - though in the city, it's always loud, be it tuk tuks, motosais, some Karaoke bar, whatever...

The only thing you can do, if you must, is to buy a large piece of land out in the sticks and build your house in the middle -that's the only way to be quiet.

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Live in the city, near a busy area that includes entertainment that MANY people enjoy, and then complain that the music should stop and call the people enjoying it "selfish"? I would think that the One person complaining about the MANY people enjoying themselves might more rightly earn the title selfish.

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<br>Is it the Chiang Mai Food Festival?<br>
<br><br><br>Hi - I don't think so - in fact tonight it's very quiet - it's much worse this year in my little home - but it's been very, very bad last few days - it's just pure selfishness - I don't miss much about my homeland but I do miss consideration for ones neighbors - a consideraion that would not even cross most Thai's minds. Love Thailand - hate the selfishness - bit like Love the sinner but hate the sin <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jap.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":jap:"><br>
<br><br>You might have it reversed. They are being very considerate off there Thai neighbors. And from what I have read here a few foreigners enjoy it to.<br><br>Maybe instead of trying to drag people in that you don't know you should say I detest it.  Keep it personal.<br><br>From what I read here and learn from friends who have been here a while if you want quite you will have to move out side the city. I know people who have moved into condo's because the area was so quiet A couple of years later the Bars moved in with the loud music.<br><br>Here's a tip. In stead of fighting it just ignore it. The more you can ignore it the less it will bother you. For instance we have planes flying over head they no longer bother me because I don't hear them.<br><br>Was this not a yearly event when you moved there sounds like it was. Edited by jayjay0
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and then there's that 'Chiang Mai Feel the Bass' month-long festival from....3rd Jan I think it was....

I thought the "feel the bass" festival was year round :(

Only on Pattaya Walking Street

No, it's pretty much EVERYWHERE in Thailand, year round.......

We live out in the ricefields south of San Kamphaeng. Nothing for at least 1km, but the bass just comes from somewhere...........

stray sub-woofers?post-86914-0-34032400-1292440741_thumb.j

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Live in the city, near a busy area that includes entertainment that MANY people enjoy, and then complain that the music should stop and call the people enjoying it "selfish"? I would think that the One person complaining about the MANY people enjoying themselves might more rightly earn the title selfish.

haha you can't resist it can you? dig,dig,dig - every thread, every topic - we know you of old as another poster rightly put it on a different thread which is why we largely ignore you.

Back ON TOPIC Many people around here are very disturbed by it and it's a general topic of conversation - it's 'noise pollution' and, yes, the Thai's don't care - it's in their nature be it driving, queuing or disturbing others. You would not get away with it in the heart of NY, London or Paris.

Wait until the young kids who are getting boozed up over at the festival reach 30+ then they will start wanting a bit more of a peaceful life too. The fact is noise is a pullutant - don't go telling me TIT - people use that as an excuse for bad behaviour and that everything should be accepted - corruption, prostitution and selfishness - and it's just not true. There are many decent Thais who hate the noise as much as I do.

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Look through the thread. You aren't getting much sympathy and it isn't just from me. Nimanheyman is a busy vibrant area with lots of nightlife. You are suggesting that the nightlife (which ends at a reasonable hour) be curtailed because it affects you personally. That seems selfish to me when so many people are enjoying it.

You would get much the same advice if it were 'call to prayer" from a local mosque as was shown in a prior thread about noise in Chiang Mai. This IS Thailand and the noise levels in NYC, London, Paris etc 1) don't matter and 2) are pretty loud in entertainment areas until after midnight.

Not everyone adjusts well to living in Thailand in the cities. That is seen more and more as people spend a little time here and start having more and more issues with Thailand and the people/culture here. Your posts in this thread are showing a propensity to blame and and make blanket statements such as "Thais don't care", "a consideration that wouldn't even cross the most Thai's minds", " and displays a 'I dont give a **** for anyone else attitude' from the Thai's". "Typical Thai: mai pen rai = we don't care ".....

If you think Thai people are treally the way you are portraying them in this thread it may be time to re-evaluate things.

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I think a lot of the entertainment like karaoke etc would go over better if it didn't make dogs howl.

I have never heard so much bad music.

Hopefully your just renting and did not buy.

I go with the ear plugs, white noise, heavy sedation etc to conquer the onslaught.

Look at the bright side... All the ghosts will have left long ago.

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I think a lot of the entertainment like karaoke etc would go over better if it didn't make dogs howl.

I have never heard so much bad music.

Hopefully your just renting and did not buy.

I go with the ear plugs, white noise, heavy sedation etc to conquer the onslaught.

Look at the bright side... All the ghosts will have left long ago.


Isn't there a specific type of ghost in Thailand that is attracted to loud noise/noisy places?

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The desibel levels at the open air fair on the canal road are sky high.

I mean whats the purpose of playing music so loud? It doesn't sound any clearer or better, it just destroys ears and causes tinnitus.

Hearing loss can not be reversed. It's very sad that so many people in Thailand have hearing problems.

I hope Thailand catches up to Western countries in this regard.

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The desibel levels at the open air fair on the canal road are sky high.

I mean whats the purpose of playing music so loud? It doesn't sound any clearer or better, it just destroys ears and causes tinnitus.

Hearing loss can not be reversed. It's very sad that so many people in Thailand have hearing problems.

I hope Thailand catches up to Western countries in this regard.

I tend to avoid large, crowded, loud places just because it makes me uncomfortable. While I would like to see some changes made in many areas of Thai society, I certainly hope Thailand never becomes a Nanny State. Much of what I love about Thailand is that it simply is NOT the West. Even small villages here have noise issues. The village PA system that plays the National anthem twice a day and makes random announcements (and in some villages plays the news etc all day long) bothers me more than the constant din of noise here. Why? I adjust to the background noise just like people do who choose to live near an airport. It took me about 3 months living in Kamala before I adjusted to the village PA system. After about 6 months they stopped using it and it took me a couple of months to adjust again ;)

Life in Thailand is full of challenges both great and small on a daily basis. I love it for that! Other people want to see it become the "West" and that would send me packing for sure! Why? Simply put, because I enjoy life and new things. I take a slightly different approach to those that say "if you don't like it then leave!" in that I say "Why live some place that makes you unhappy?" I could choose to live almost anywhere, I choose here. It would be rather hypocritical for me to want the place I choose to change to fit my desires/needs.

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