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Anyone Else Being Disurbed By The Noise?


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The desibel levels at the open air fair on the canal road are sky high.

I mean whats the purpose of playing music so loud? It doesn't sound any clearer or better, it just destroys ears and causes tinnitus.

Hearing loss can not be reversed. It's very sad that so many people in Thailand have hearing problems.

I hope Thailand catches up to Western countries in this regard.

I tend to avoid large, crowded, loud places just because it makes me uncomfortable. While I would like to see some changes made in many areas of Thai society, I certainly hope Thailand never becomes a Nanny State. Much of what I love about Thailand is that it simply is NOT the West. Even small villages here have noise issues. The village PA system that plays the National anthem twice a day and makes random announcements (and in some villages plays the news etc all day long) bothers me more than the constant din of noise here. Why? I adjust to the background noise just like people do who choose to live near an airport. It took me about 3 months living in Kamala before I adjusted to the village PA system. After about 6 months they stopped using it and it took me a couple of months to adjust again ;)

Life in Thailand is full of challenges both great and small on a daily basis. I love it for that! Other people want to see it become the "West" and that would send me packing for sure! Why? Simply put, because I enjoy life and new things. I take a slightly different approach to those that say "if you don't like it then leave!" in that I say "Why live some place that makes you unhappy?" I could choose to live almost anywhere, I choose here. It would be rather hypocritical for me to want the place I choose to change to fit my desires/needs.

You are missing my point by a significant margin (again) - most Thai's hate the noise too! it's not that it is just disturbing little old me! it's disturbing the majority of Thais too! but as the Festival is short I have little complaint and if you read the thread I actually apologised as I had not realised it was a shortish festival and I stated that next year I would probably travel somewhere to be out of earshot.

My comments, generally, on Thai selfishness stand - it's my experience (and others too) that, generally, Thais don't care (about other people, animals or the environment). It doesn't make me want to leave, of course, as 90% of Thai living I like. I, too, do not want a 'Nanny State' but a little more law and order and consideration would be welcomed by the vast majority here.

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You are missing my point by a significant margin (again) - most Thai's hate the noise too! it's not that it is just disturbing little old me! it's disturbing the majority of Thais too! but as the Festival is short I have little complaint and if you read the thread I actually apologised as I had not realised it was a shortish festival and I stated that next year I would probably travel somewhere to be out of earshot.

My comments, generally, on Thai selfishness stand - it's my experience (and others too) that, generally, Thais don't care (about other people, animals or the environment). It doesn't make me want to leave, of course, as 90% of Thai living I like. I, too, do not want a 'Nanny State' but a little more law and order and consideration would be welcomed by the vast majority here.

If most Thais hated noise ---- Thailand would be quieter. Most Thais (imho) hardly notice the noise and many associate noise with fun and interesting things. Then again I try pretty hard not to stereotype people with negative associations.

Pardon me for quoting myself quoting you but I find your statements quite telling about how you appear to view Thai people.

Your posts in this thread are showing a propensity to blame and and make blanket statements such as "Thais don't care", "a consideration that wouldn't even cross the most Thai's minds", " and displays a 'I dont give a **** for anyone else attitude' from the Thai's". "Typical Thai: mai pen rai = we don't care ".
with the additions of "There are many decent Thais who hate the noise as much as I do." and "and before you say it - no I didn't come here because I love Thais :lol: "

It begs the question .... Why did you come here? I moved here simply because I enjoy Thai culture, Thai people, the escape from the "rat-race" and nanny states of the West etc. So yeah, Thai people were a significant reason I moved here years ago and a significant reason why I stay. Thai people and Thai culture are part and parcel with Thailand and to have what appears to be such a negative attitude towards them seems like you are just letting yourself in for a world full of discomfort and painful awakenings on a regular basis.

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You are missing my point by a significant margin (again) - most Thai's hate the noise too! it's not that it is just disturbing little old me! it's disturbing the majority of Thais too! but as the Festival is short I have little complaint and if you read the thread I actually apologised as I had not realised it was a shortish festival and I stated that next year I would probably travel somewhere to be out of earshot.

My comments, generally, on Thai selfishness stand - it's my experience (and others too) that, generally, Thais don't care (about other people, animals or the environment). It doesn't make me want to leave, of course, as 90% of Thai living I like. I, too, do not want a 'Nanny State' but a little more law and order and consideration would be welcomed by the vast majority here.

If most Thais hated noise ---- Thailand would be quieter. Most Thais (imho) hardly notice the noise and many associate noise with fun and interesting things. Then again I try pretty hard not to stereotype people with negative associations.

Pardon me for quoting myself quoting you but I find your statements quite telling about how you appear to view Thai people.

Your posts in this thread are showing a propensity to blame and and make blanket statements such as "Thais don't care", "a consideration that wouldn't even cross the most Thai's minds", " and displays a 'I dont give a **** for anyone else attitude' from the Thai's". "Typical Thai: mai pen rai = we don't care ".
with the additions of "There are many decent Thais who hate the noise as much as I do." and "and before you say it - no I didn't come here because I love Thais :lol: "

It begs the question .... Why did you come here? I moved here simply because I enjoy Thai culture, Thai people, the escape from the "rat-race" and nanny states of the West etc. So yeah, Thai people were a significant reason I moved here years ago and a significant reason why I stay. Thai people and Thai culture are part and parcel with Thailand and to have what appears to be such a negative attitude towards them seems like you are just letting yourself in for a world full of discomfort and painful awakenings on a regular basis.

This has been discussed before many times - and the answer is always the same for 90% of farangs (I'm being very generous and it's probably a lot more) - take away the cheap living, girls and easy going life and farangs would leave in droves. Keep those few who are psedo-Thai (like your goodself) and there would be few farangs around (which could possibly make you happy).

I make no bones about it - I do like much of Thai culture and some Thai people - but not all and the bits I don't like are not overwhelming enough to make me want to leave - this is a debating forum and I merely begged the question about the noise levels.

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Hmmm am I "pseudo-Thai" ? I am not here for the "girls " (or in my particular case the "boys"), I have taken the time to learn to read Thai, there are cheaper places to live that would not have been so challenging in language acquisition etc. I have an eight year relationship. I eat both western and Thai, have a western salary (but before didn't work for almost 6 years), etc... I wouldn't be happier if there were fewer westerners here.

Nope, I am not even close to being Thai. I don't have PR, I don't have citizenship, I see things far differently than my Thai friends quite often etc. I am just not crusading to CHANGE Thailand. I accept it for what it is (warts and all) just like I do my partner. (And since becoming an adult, have done so with every relationship.) People who tend to adjust well here are those that don't fight the reality of what Thailand is. In my home, it is an English speaking bastion of retreat for me. My partner is fluent in English, we like many of the same things regarding food, TV, music, culture etc. When I leave my home, I know what I am doing. I am walking out into the real world. Sometimes the real world even enters my personal space. (Like waiting on Cable TV installers etc --- the same in the West as in Thailand)

Adaptability is the key to living in Thailand without going nuts. I am adaptable. I don't have to qualify most of my statements. I like Thai people. I like Thailand. I like living here. I find living here challenging and exciting. There is something new every day. If I were to be making negative statements they would be far more general, such as: I don't like some people. (nationality isn't the issue), I don't like some things. (loud crowded places exist everywhere!) I generally don't like shopping (tech gadgets being the exception to the rule.)

Be happy where you live! If you aren't happy with where you live find another place! You are responsible for your own happiness!

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These concerts have been goingon for the 20 years I have been here. It is part of Thai culture to have fun,,noisy fun,, whether you like it or not ! There are plenty of quiet locations in CM, so as others have said - perhaps you should move. The concerts will not.

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I have seen this Lady the other day on Nimmanhaemin, maybe it was her disturbing your dreams?:whistling:

If you don't like the noise, just start getting your place sound proofed or buy some ear plugs. My neighbour turns on the fan or turns on the internet radio in order to sleep...

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Hmmm am I "pseudo-Thai" ? I am not here for the "girls " (or in my particular case the "boys"), I have taken the time to learn to read Thai, there are cheaper places to live that would not have been so challenging in language acquisition etc. I have an eight year relationship. I eat both western and Thai, have a western salary (but before didn't work for almost 6 years), etc... I wouldn't be happier if there were fewer westerners here.

Nope, I am not even close to being Thai. I don't have PR, I don't have citizenship, I see things far differently than my Thai friends quite often etc. I am just not crusading to CHANGE Thailand. I accept it for what it is (warts and all) just like I do my partner. (And since becoming an adult, have done so with every relationship.) People who tend to adjust well here are those that don't fight the reality of what Thailand is. In my home, it is an English speaking bastion of retreat for me. My partner is fluent in English, we like many of the same things regarding food, TV, music, culture etc. When I leave my home, I know what I am doing. I am walking out into the real world. Sometimes the real world even enters my personal space. (Like waiting on Cable TV installers etc --- the same in the West as in Thailand)

Adaptability is the key to living in Thailand without going nuts. I am adaptable. I don't have to qualify most of my statements. I like Thai people. I like Thailand. I like living here. I find living here challenging and exciting. There is something new every day. If I were to be making negative statements they would be far more general, such as: I don't like some people. (nationality isn't the issue), I don't like some things. (loud crowded places exist everywhere!) I generally don't like shopping (tech gadgets being the exception to the rule.)

Be happy where you live! If you aren't happy with where you live find another place! You are responsible for your own happiness!

maybe, maybe - but that is not the 90% plus I refer too - if you are happy in your little world that's great! we all seek happiness in our own ways.

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These concerts have been goingon for the 20 years I have been here. It is part of Thai culture to have fun,,noisy fun,, whether you like it or not ! There are plenty of quiet locations in CM, so as others have said - perhaps you should move. The concerts will not.

Hello - I do wish people would read my little posts :jap: I have already said that the festival is short - and apologised - and will travel next year to avoid the ear-bashing from that ridiculous music. But as you mention it - it is not a great part of Thai culture to have loud music - many, many Thais are contemplative and don't like it - the more educated ones that is. It is the youth, primarily, who think destoying ones ear drums 'sanuk' (same in the West but it's done - mostly - within closed walls).

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These concerts have been goingon for the 20 years I have been here. It is part of Thai culture to have fun,,noisy fun,, whether you like it or not ! There are plenty of quiet locations in CM, so as others have said - perhaps you should move. The concerts will not.

Hello - I do wish people would read my little posts :jap: I have already said that the festival is short - and apologised - and will travel next year to avoid the ear-bashing from that ridiculous music. But as you mention it - it is not a great part of Thai culture to have loud music - many, many Thais are contemplative and don't like it - the more educated ones that is. It is the youth, primarily, who think destoying ones ear drums 'sanuk' (same in the West but it's done - mostly - within closed walls).

Got the apology.

But i beg to differ on the its mainly the young ones..

Going to temples, weddings, family gatherings ,,all with Thais,,, all are a noisy experience... it is part of their scene and though older peo;le may not enjoyit so much,, they do adapt and fit in... welcome to Thailand...

Oh,, and planning to travel to avoid it next year... MAybe something else will be booked,,at diffenret times and dates..

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Anyone that thinks they can pigeon-hole 90% of the expats into a group that are here for the girls etc ...... oi vey! That number wouldn't even work for the percentage of single men that are expats here, much less the married folks, the women, etc.

I mean really .... cost of living? there are cheaper places. women? exist in every country! laid back atmosphere? If it has you complaining about the locals it must not be very "laid back"!

I used to think that I knew why most people moved to Thailand. Then I actually got out and met many of the people that moved here (not a small part of those meetings were because of TVF.) I realized that expats in Thailand are a quite diverse group of people! You just can't attach any label to them that hits the majority of them other than "expat."

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Anyone that thinks they can pigeon-hole 90% of the expats into a group that are here for the girls etc ...... oi vey! That number wouldn't even work for the percentage of single men that are expats here, much less the married folks, the women, etc.

I mean really .... cost of living? there are cheaper places. women? exist in every country! laid back atmosphere? If it has you complaining about the locals it must not be very "laid back"!

I used to think that I knew why most people moved to Thailand. Then I actually got out and met many of the people that moved here (not a small part of those meetings were because of TVF.) I realized that expats in Thailand are a quite diverse group of people! You just can't attach any label to them that hits the majority of them other than "expat."

It would make an interesting survey! but, for the majority, take away the girls, cheapness and 'do anything' culture and Thailand would lose the vast majority of expats - that's the truth but most would not want to admit it - I include many of those who may well be married - mostly to girls 20 years younger - I rest my case.

Now as OP can I suggest we get back onto the topic? - this 'why people come here' is very interesting but should really be a thread of it's own (an interesting one at that - especially if there was a poll - although I don't think TVF members are 'typical').

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It is basically one of the dilemmas of Chiang Mai and its development. The actual residents of the city mostly don't like the noise and the disruption it causes. For the itinerants, Chiang Mai is seen as a place to have a good time and earn a living etc.

You have to remember that development has come fairly quickly for a lot of people here, and hence loudness, brashness, biggest, fanciest etc tend to come in the superlative.

Its a little like the culture of one painkiller relieves you so the whole bottle should give you the best of health.

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It is basically one of the dilemmas of Chiang Mai and its development. The actual residents of the city mostly don't like the noise and the disruption it causes. For the itinerants, Chiang Mai is seen as a place to have a good time and earn a living etc.

You have to remember that development has come fairly quickly for a lot of people here, and hence loudness, brashness, biggest, fanciest etc tend to come in the superlative.

Its a little like the culture of one painkiller relieves you so the whole bottle should give you the best of health.

fair comment - and thanks for stating the obvious - most don't like the noise - it's a no-brainer

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I'm not too sure that I would agree with "most don't want the noise".

You only have to look at the number of Karoke places in predominately Thai areas. Normally the license is to close down the machine at midnight, but a most let a few tracks go on till say 12.30, then often close the doors to try and muffle some of the sound so there are no police attendances (with hands out), a sort of tacit acknowledgment of the license requirements.....then finish at 2.00am or 3.00am or later. My local has gone one step further by usually having police drinking on site anyway. Generally they (the smller ones) will stay open as long as there is a single customer who is willing to drink and/or drop his or her 10 baht into the machine.

Music is incredibly popular here, contemporary pop hits, love ballads, and the odd classics. I would be of the opinion that most Thais, young and old, are more than willing to get up and belt out a tune. Near me there is one that at all hours someone will eventually give Theresa Teng (Mandarin from the mountains) a belt as well.

It might be unusual in the original setting (Nimm)of the initial poster but noise and Thais (particularly rural/workers) go very well together especially over Karaoke and Whisky

Edited by mamborobert
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Yeppers, I aint buying the "most don't want the noise", As someone has pointed out already the place in question has been around for AGES. The folks that I know that live here are a mixed crowd, almost all professionals in the medical fields, but from varying backgrounds. They are a brash and outgoing group of people and noise itself doesn't bother them. That being said there is the NIMBY factor. But you can't claim it as your backyard if you move there AFTER the noise :)

To try and pigeon-hole 'most' Thais is as senseless as trying to pigeon hole most expats. They just aren't going to fit in your tidy little boxes and compartments. Your labels won't tend to work. It is nice to see ONE person agree in principle (apparently) with CMF, that being said I would guess that "most" people that live in CNX haven't been here generations :)

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