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What'S Great About Bangkok?

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*Drivers are much more considerate than in Auckland. They trust others to be responsible, enough to leave parked cars in neutral so they can be moved to make more parks available. Fantastic. They gave us a hand out of a hole despite being blasted with mud.

*Carrefours staff helped me choose the freshest fish, cooked it beautifully and asked me to return.

*Tai chi in the park - they're forgiving of those without much coordination.

*Everyone so helpful and nice.


is this post supposed to be sarcastic??? unsure.gif

No !!! I do not think it's sarcastic he maybe hasn't had much experiance yet.:lol:

OR, he's still on the medication. :D


Agree totally with 2 & 3, mostly with 4 but strongly disagree with 1.

Other car drivers don't even know you exist. Your just an obstacle to their own progress.

As for leaving cars in neutral it's a necessity due to the poor provision of parking spaces. A friend of my SIL left their own car in gear outside of their condo one night by accident only to find that it had been seriously keyed when they left home in the morning. Helpful and nice? Sometimes.


""Everyone is helpful''''

I can agree with this. We were in Cha Am ( ok not BKK but still Thailand ), and we had ran out of petrol on our bike, and a shop owner offered to give us her moped so we could ride to a petrol station and get petrol. That would never happen in my home country

''''Drivers are much more considerate''''

I can also agree with this. To this day i have always found car drivers in Thailand will always look out for moped riders and let you pass. I have never seen or experienced road rage or aggressive driving ( of course it happens though ). a complete contrast to my home country, UK.


There's nothing especially good or bad about Bangkok. Bangkok is just the place life has brought you to for whatever reason. Bangkok doesn't really exist or have any attributes other than in the minds of those who perceive it and ascribe attributes to it.

It's a state of mind - your state of mind. If your mind is calm and tolerant, Bangkok is fine. If you're distressed, Bangkok is bad news, as would anywhere else be. If you're new to the place there's lots of new stimuli. If you've been here a while, familiarity has taken the shine off things that were new.

For me, despite the inconveniences at times, I'm comfortable here. If I have a serious road accident tomorrow I'll probably hate the place, but when things are sorted and I'm back in shape, I'd probably like it again.


OK; assuming that Petbon is not "extracting the Michael". Let's debate but let's also try to keep all the usual negative BS out of the equation.

I love Bangkok, it has been my home for over twenty years. I don't complain any more, I used to, so maybe I have just become even more complacent in my wrinkly years.

I find the people are generally friendly and certainly the most hospitable people I have ever come across anywhere.

Drivers, no, not the most forgiving in the world perhaps, but have you tried driving in London, New York or Paris. I have, and given the choice I would sooner drive through Bangkok than any of those three.

The food, the street vendors? absolutely second to none.

And just in closing a special message to all the nay-sayers...Go home!!!

Happy holidays to everyone, "give peace a chance"



Clearly we are talking about a different Bangkok than the obvious one...?

Otherwise this just makes no sense.

really ? why ? how long have you been a resident of BKK to come to that conclusion ?


NOPE not taking the mickey...Bangkok is heaven after the angry/unhappy number of unemployed "crazies" I've encountered Auckland this year! I've not yet been faced with any oddballs here yet. But I'm happy there, because it offers me an easy enjoyable life and there are happy people there too. If it were not for not speaking Thai, English book libraries, not living by the seaand the heat, I'd be just as happy in BKK which is more vibrant but more relaxing. The weather is fantastic this third time.

What one perceives, one gets. As asked above, why do cynics who Thailand-bash stay?

Yesterday my son went for a run at the railway park next to Chatachuk park, which has been much improved even in the 10 mths away, while I watched happy families picnic, laughing Thais row, fly kites, kids running around...with the breeze, and the sounds of a chamber orchestra playing beautifully, I understood why my kid has lived/worked here for 11 years despite job offers elsewhere.

Don't want to jinx anything, but haven't seen any car accidents, only a couple of cheeky overtakers, and people stop to ask whether they can help when I'm puzzling over which way to go. Believe me, the arrogance and bad driving in Auckland is horrific.

I love the variety of food/fruits available. As pc is quite expensive here, and son's Blackberry too tiny, hadn't been able to follow up this thread.


What people think and believe about Bangkok (or any other place) says a lot more about them than it says about Bangkok. People who think that Bangkok is a friendly place are probably friendly themselves. People who think it's full of bad people, corruption, etc should take a look at themselves and ask why they keep meeting these people and situations. Like attracts like.

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