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.the Daily Mail is a rather "juicy" tabloid kind of newspaper, as the headlines already suggest; not a content one would find in the Guardian.

Maybe so, but still a few steps above the Huffington Post blog and I seem to remember a few "articles" from there. :whistling:

:lol:...the Daily Mail a few steps above the Huffington Post ?

Thanks for the good laugh.


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I can't believe the discussion about the "sexual" allegations-case going on here as if allegations are proven facts with a third or fourth (I lost track) Prosecutor on this case where 2 women had sex with one man; in the middle of August 2010.

2 women who adored and followed their "target" for quite some time AFTER they had sex with him and whereby the man WAS IN Sweden until early October 2010.

2 women who -accidentally- "found out" they both had sex with the same man....and I can even imagine they met each other in a coffee shop like... :

A:...Hy there, how are you...did you see Julian lately ?....

W: Julian....?...what about him?.....

A: Well, I had sex with him but his condom broke.....:(

"W: Oh...you had sex with him too..? :o...".....and you used a condom and it broke..?...did he also penetrate you during your sleep...?

A:..I don't know, I can't remember....were you on your belly, on your side or back..and did you guys use a condom every time you had sex....?

W: I can't remember, but I DO remember that I was living with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years and we NEVER had sex without a condom" ("true" story in one of the news sources.... :whistling:)

...shall we both go to the police together and fial a complaint...?.....and inform them about all details when we both had sex with him?;

A: Yeah...good idea; let's go, never mind the press...?..after all, we are decent girls, aren't we ?

W: of course we are...of course: what about the stories in the newspapers that you are lesbian...if you are,....... why sleep with a man.?

Did it happen like that...?

Really? :whistling:

One of them, Anna Ardin, is already since end november in a small Palestinian village.

Some of you even present some of the allegations as facts.

Do you smell something also? ...really strong smell in here........:rolleyes:


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I can't believe the discussion about the "sexual" allegations-case going on here as if allegations are proven facts with a third or fourth (I lost track) Prosecutor on this case where 2 women had sex with one man; in the middle of August 2010.

2 women who adored and followed their "target" for quite some time AFTER they had sex with him and whereby the man WAS IN Sweden until early October 2010.

2 women who -accidentally- "found out" they both had sex with the same man....and I can even imagine they met each other in a coffee shop like... :

A:...Hy there, how are you...did you see Julian lately ?....

W: Julian....?...what about him?.....

A: Well, I had sex with him but his condom broke.....:(

"W: Oh...you had sex with him too..? :o...".....and you used a condom and it broke..?...did he also penetrate you during your sleep...?

A:..I don't know, I can't remember....were you on your belly, on your side or back..and did you guys use a condom every time you had sex....?

W: I can't remember, but I DO remember that I was living with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years and we NEVER had sex without a condom" ("true" story in one of the news sources.... :whistling:)

...shall we both go to the police together and fial a complaint...?.....and inform them about all details when we both had sex with him?;

A: Yeah...good idea; let's go, never mind the press...?..after all, we are decent girls, aren't we ?

W: of course we are...of course: what about the stories in the newspapers that you are lesbian...if you are,....... why sleep with a man.?

Did it happen like that...?

Really? :whistling:

One of them, Anna Ardin, is already since end november in a small Palestinian village.

Some of you even present some of the allegations as facts.

Do you smell something also? ...really strong smell in here........:rolleyes:


Just to clarify a few things. There are two kinds of lesbians. One would never think of sleeping with men, ever. There are names for them but I won't go into them. The other kind sleep with just about anything. You can tell when you meet a lesbian couple on a Song Tau. One has short hair, jeans and a chain from her wallet to her belt loop. The other is feminine looking and sneaks a peak at guys while the short haired one is not looking.

There are of course rare occasions when the short haired stocky lady with the chained wallet will sleep with a man and that usually occurs when infidelity of her girlfriend is involved or you show up with really good chocolates and a wad of cash.

I can also see the sleeping thing which if you read the quote,

The second complainant, Ms W, had consensual intercourse with him using a condom on the night of August 17. But the following morning, she alleges, she woke to find him on top of her, having unprotected sex – something she had never done before.

Is actually a waking thing. To draw upon my youthful experience way back when I did not require a lady go to the toilet in the morning and brush her teeth beforehand.

Sometimes when I was still very enamored of my second wife I used to wake her up with sex. She liked it better than an alarm clock. For the first minute or so she was drowsy and would smile with her eyes still closed. Once she even called me James and my name isn't James and from then on I made sure she was completely awake but I can see how it is possible to arouse a woman in the morning before she is fully awake and some women actually like to be woken up in that manner.

Finally, again drawing on my personal experience I do realize how two women find out they have had sex with the same man. It happened to me and a couple of women I worked with who were having cocktails after a business meeting.

I found out the next morning when they both turned in resignations to my boss at the same time. Apparently the straw that broke the camel's back was I had used the same pocket rocket (I had sanitized it in between uses). Now why they would have discussed that is anyone's guess.

The only thing that does not ring true to me is him breaking the condom. It could have broken by itself but I find it difficult to believe he broke it with one hand without it being very obvious. I just don't see how that's possible in such a moist slippery environment. I have had condoms break but if required to break one on purpose I would be hard pressed to do it. My fingernails are short and not sharp. Of course he could have snipped the tip before insertion and then pulled it down during but that seems a bit obsessive and a little far fetched.

Edited by mark45y
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Some excerpts from a fine article half the people here will never bother to read.


Whenever anyone – journalist, or otherwise – reveals confidential information there has to be a point to it. By releasing three million random documents, illegally obtained from U.S. government computers, WikiLeaks put paid to its reputation in one fell swoop. Had Assange and his cohorts sorted through the documents and filtered out those with a genuine public interest, he could have been seen as a modern-day hero. But he released everything in the name of so-called transparency. He did it because he could – the prerogative of every dictator in history.


Could you imagine any other scenario where liberals, socialists and other members of the Left would be so cavalier with an allegation as serious as rape? Remember all those headlines about rape anonymity just a few short months ago? Their hypocrisy stinks. It's as if they are saying that Assange's WikiLeaks work trumps any legal charges levelled at him.

The charges of sexual assault against Assange should be fully investigated. For anyone to say otherwise implies that the women are lying and that alleged rape is a trifling charge. It's not.


Assange may be a public hero to some. But it is stupid and illogical to absolve him of all alleged criminal activities just because of his work. A man can do commendable work, but be of bad character. And it is high time we stop judging Assange for his public deeds when, at the moment, it is his private life on trial. We must ensure the separation of powers prevails. This most controversial of men must be judged by the law, not politics.


In the WikiLeaks case, lives and national security have been put at risk. But we shouldn't be surprised. Assange proved he was out of control in August when he demanded $700,000 from Amnesty International which had politely asked him to ensure WikiLeaks did not publish names of Afghan civilians who might then be targeted by the Taliban. Some called it blackmail.


Assange is not a terrorist, as the increasingly ridiculous Sarah Palin suggests. But he is a narcissist and would-be demagogue. If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

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Some seem to be very loose with the term 'terrorist' these days. I suppose we'll all soon be labelled terrorists in one way or the other in good time.

Actually the erosion began for quite a few years now....

Soon all rights carefully framed in our Constitution will be gone & those that cheered the stripping of them will ask how it happened.


Edited by flying
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Some seem to be very loose with the term 'terrorist' these days. I suppose we'll all soon be labelled terrorists in one way or the other in good time.

Actually the erosion began for quite a few years now....

Soon all rights carefully framed in our Constitution will be gone & those that cheered the stripping of them will ask how it happened.




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if Assange wasn't fighting so hard to keep from facing the Swedish authorities, he would be in Sweden.

Following is an article from the Daily Mail. Assange groupies should not read the article. ;)


The wildly promiscuous lifestyle of WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange: Look away now Jemima as our report reveals the sordid truth

:lol:..the Daily Mail is a rather "juicy" tabloid kind of newspaper, as the headlines already suggest; not a content one would find in the Guardian.



The DM was only ever fit for cutting up into small squares and hanging off a nail for use in the Karzi.

Unfortunately due to it lack of real content the paper tended to be course in nature and the ink would come off in you hands. :ermm:

It never really recovered from its pro Hitler and his Nazi friends stance before the war. :o

Old Lord R (the owner at the time)used to wet himself over the likes of as mentioned Khun AH as well as Benny Mussi and our own dear old blackshirt leader /turncoat Ossi Mosley....

bad decision..... :blink::unsure:

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Time to whinge about how the New York Times is a tabloid and and how the official Swedish police report is a CONSPIRACY. :ph34r:

Swedish police report details case against Assange

It bolsters women's assertions that they weren't colluding with his enemies


The New York Times nyt_logo_140x252.gifLONDON — Julian Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy organization who was released from a British jail late last week, is facing a new challenge: the leak of a 68-page confidential Swedish police report that sheds new light on the allegations of sexual misconduct that led to Mr. Assange's legal troubles.

The Swedish report traces events over a four-day period in August when Mr. Assange had what he has described as consensual sexual relationships with two Swedish women. Their accounts, which form the basis of an extradition case against Mr. Assange, are that their encounters with him began consensually, but became nonconsensual when he persisted in having unprotected sex with them in defiance of their insistence that he use a condom.


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If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

It isn't called paranoia when they actually are out to get you.

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If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

It isn't called paranoia when they actually are out to get you.

fwiw - that's not my quote, but from the article.

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If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

It isn't called paranoia when they actually are out to get you.

fwiw - that's not my quote, but from the article.

What Swedish justice. What has he been charged with?

He has previously been questioned by them, they know where he is now, why would he have to go to Sweden to be questioned again. Why don't they just go and knock on his door and ask whatever they want.

Remember, he hasn't actually been charged with anything.

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What a nice double standard some of you boys have going on here. The collective view is that It's the women's fault, they seduced him, they were evil whores etc..

Re read what you said in post #165. Bit of a pot and kettle attitude you have.

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If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

It isn't called paranoia when they actually are out to get you.

fwiw - that's not my quote, but from the article.

Sorry, that was why I left it in italics, I probably should have said it was from the Dailyhatemail.

I still stand by my comment though, quite a few organisations out there want this man silenced, would anyone with a grain of common sense voluntarily stick their own head in an angry lions mouth?

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What a nice double standard some of you boys have going on here. The collective view is that It's the women's fault, they seduced him, they were evil whores etc..

Re read what you said in post #165. Bit of a pot and kettle attitude you have.

What is the correlation? :blink:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If he was half the man he purports to be, he'd voluntarily get on a flight to Stockholm tomorrow and submit himself to Swedish justice. If he's as innocent as he says he is, what has he got to fear?

It isn't called paranoia when they actually are out to get you.

fwiw - that's not my quote, but from the article.

What Swedish justice. What has he been charged with?

He has previously been questioned by them, they know where he is now, why would he have to go to Sweden to be questioned again. Why don't they just go and knock on his door and ask whatever they want.

Remember, he hasn't actually been charged with anything.

What do you think they want to ask him?

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What a nice double standard some of you boys have going on here. The collective view is that It's the women's fault, they seduced him, they were evil whores etc..

Re read what you said in post #165. Bit of a pot and kettle attitude you have.

Not at all. Are you getting desperate to excuse Mr. Assange's behaviour?

The man has multiple sexual partners. That is called promiscuous behavior. I am not passing a moral judgement. It's a fact. He is selfish because he repeatedly refused the HIV test despite the women's request. They asked that he take the test because he did not use a condom and they realized that he was a promiscous male and was therefore more likely to be an HIV carrier. Males that remain with one partner are less likely to transmit HIV. That's a fact, not a moral judgement. There is indeed a double standard at work. There is one that say's its ok for a guy to screw around. If a woman does it she's a whore. The difference between the man and the women in this case, is that the women are acting responsibly by seeking to determine if they are now carriers and would put their future sex partners at risk. Mr. Assange apparently doesn't care about anyone else, just his need for sexual satisfaction,

The Swedish case is going to expose alot of hypocrites.

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What Swedish justice. What has he been charged with?

He has previously been questioned by them, they know where he is now, why would he have to go to Sweden to be questioned again. Why don't they just go and knock on his door and ask whatever they want.

Remember, he hasn't actually been charged with anything.

What do you think they want to ask him?

Can he keep the secret ingredient in Swedish Brown Beans a secret please?

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Sweden has some very female oriented sex crimes statutes. If Assange was half as smart as people claim him to be, he would have realized Sweden is NOT the place to be promiscuous.

I wonder if he thought he was a rock star? I have heard narcissism does that to you.

:rolleyes:...is that why Sweden has about the highest divorce rate in the world ? Never been to Sweden, have you? :rolleyes:


I really don't understand your interest in my travel status but, yes, I have been to Sweden.

I visited there three times and had a grand time.

Guess what! I was never involved with Swedish sex crimes and my extradition has never been requested.

Your hero can't make the same claim.

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if Assange wasn't fighting so hard to keep from facing the Swedish authorities, he would be in Sweden.

Following is an article from the Daily Mail. Assange groupies should not read the article. ;)


The wildly promiscuous lifestyle of WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange: Look away now Jemima as our report reveals the sordid truth

:lol:..the Daily Mail is a rather "juicy" tabloid kind of newspaper, as the headlines already suggest; not a content one would find in the Guardian.



In my never ending quest to make sure LaoPo is happy here is some content from the Guardian.


Her account to police, which Assange disputes, stated that he began stroking her leg as they drank tea, before he pulled off her clothes and snapped a necklace that she was wearing. According to her statement she "tried to put on some articles of clothing as it was going too quickly and uncomfortably but Assange ripped them off again". Miss A told police that she didn't want to go any further "but that it was too late to stop Assange as she had gone along with it so far", and so she allowed him to undress her.

Edited by Scott
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What Swedish justice. What has he been charged with?

He has previously been questioned by them, they know where he is now, why would he have to go to Sweden to be questioned again. Why don't they just go and knock on his door and ask whatever they want.

Remember, he hasn't actually been charged with anything.

What do you think they want to ask him?

Can he keep the secret ingredient in Swedish Brown Beans a secret please?

They can ask him anything they want, just why he has to be extradited to ask a few questions is strange. He isn't actually obliged to answer anything. If they have evidence of a crime then why not just charge him, he can answer everything in court if he wishes.

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I am having a difficult time keeping a straight face when I present this little gem.

"I'm not promiscuous. I just really like women." :cheesy::cheesy:

Read the article. The quote is in there.

Please note, the source of this material is Australia.


WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange turns on everyone

By staff writers From: NewsCore December 21, 2010 11:19AM 500 comments

...Assange attacks former friends and US

...Says rape accusers motivated by revenge

...Claims to have material to destroy bank boss

...Police feared he would be assassinated

JULIAN Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, today launched a wide ranging series of attacks on both his enemies and allies as he defended his public and private conduct.

In his first UK newspaper interview since releasing hundreds of secret diplomatic cables last month, Mr Assange told The Times he predicts the US will face reprisals if it attempts to extradite him on conspiracy charges.

He accused his media partners at The Guardian newspaper, which worked with him to make the embarrassing leaks public, of unfairly tarnishing him by revealing damaging details of the sex assault allegations he faces in Sweden.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/features/wikileaks/wikileaks-boss-julian-assange-turns-on-friends-and-foes/story-fn79cf6x-1225974366476#ixzz18jOeTFaj

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They can ask him anything they want, just why he has to be extradited to ask a few questions is strange. He isn't actually obliged to answer anything. If they have evidence of a crime then why not just charge him, he can answer everything in court if he wishes.

Did you ever stop to consider the rules of Swedish interrogation for possible sexual offenses might differ from the rules governing British interrogation?

I don't know but that might account for the extradition request.

If he has nothing to hide, he can waive extradition and be on the next flight to Stockholm. B)

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What a nice double standard some of you boys have going on here. The collective view is that It's the women's fault, they seduced him, they were evil whores etc..

Re read what you said in post #165. Bit of a pot and kettle attitude you have.

Not at all. Are you getting desperate to excuse Mr. Assange's behaviour?

The man has multiple sexual partners. That is called promiscuous behavior. I am not passing a moral judgement. It's a fact. He is selfish because he repeatedly refused the HIV test despite the women's request. They asked that he take the test because he did not use a condom and they realized that he was a promiscous male and was therefore more likely to be an HIV carrier.

I can't believe that a rather intelligent man like yourself is writing as if the allegations are facts....and...you ARE passing a moral judgement, the way you write.


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Sweden has some very female oriented sex crimes statutes. If Assange was half as smart as people claim him to be, he would have realized Sweden is NOT the place to be promiscuous.

I wonder if he thought he was a rock star? I have heard narcissism does that to you.

:rolleyes:...is that why Sweden has about the highest divorce rate in the world ? Never been to Sweden, have you? :rolleyes:


I really don't understand your interest in my travel status but, yes, I have been to Sweden.

I visited there three times and had a grand time.

Guess what! I was never involved with Swedish sex crimes and my extradition has never been requested.

Your hero can't make the same claim.

Good to see you've been to Sweden, but you didn;t answer the question about the highest divorce rate in the world by the Swedes....:rolleyes:

And if you speak of sex crimes....nobody has committed any sex crimes; there are mere allegations by 2 dubious women who just loved to jump in bed with their hero, that's all.

But, I've seen already a few self-appointed judges here who declared Assange guilty. How amazing.


Edited by LaoPo
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:rolleyes:...is that why Sweden has about the highest divorce rate in the world ? Never been to Sweden, have you? :rolleyes:


I really don't understand your interest in my travel status but, yes, I have been to Sweden.

I visited there three times and had a grand time.

Guess what! I was never involved with Swedish sex crimes and my extradition has never been requested.

Your hero can't make the same claim.

Good to see you've been to Sweden, but you didn;t answer the question about the highest divorce rate in the world by the Swedes....:rolleyes:

And if you speak of sex crimes....nobody has committed any sex crimes; there are mere allegations by 2 dubious women who just loved to jump in bed with their hero, that's all.

But, I've seen already a few self-appointed judges here who declared Assange guilty. How amazing.


If they have men like Assange floating around, I can understand the high divorce rate. But the real reason I didn't answer your question is I simply don't care why they have the high incidence of divorce.

You seem to be a self-appointed jury by declaring, "nobody has committed any sex crimes; there are mere allegations by 2 dubious women who just loved to jump in bed with their hero, that's all."

He is proclaimed innocent without having to bother with that nasty trial. :violin:

I'm simply the other side of the coin.

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:rolleyes:...is that why Sweden has about the highest divorce rate in the world ? Never been to Sweden, have you? :rolleyes:


I really don't understand your interest in my travel status but, yes, I have been to Sweden.

I visited there three times and had a grand time.

Guess what! I was never involved with Swedish sex crimes and my extradition has never been requested.

Your hero can't make the same claim.

Good to see you've been to Sweden, but you didn;t answer the question about the highest divorce rate in the world by the Swedes....:rolleyes:

And if you speak of sex crimes....nobody has committed any sex crimes; there are mere allegations by 2 dubious women who just loved to jump in bed with their hero, that's all.

But, I've seen already a few self-appointed judges here who declared Assange guilty. How amazing.


If they have men like Assange floating around, I can understand the high divorce rate. But the real reason I didn't answer your question is I simply don't care why they have the high incidence of divorce.

You seem to be a self-appointed jury by declaring, "nobody has committed any sex crimes; there are mere allegations by 2 dubious women who just loved to jump in bed with their hero, that's all."

He is proclaimed innocent without having to bother with that nasty trial. :violin:

I'm simply the other side of the coin.

Chuckd. I have taken the liberty of highlighting the part of your post I wish to address. As far as I'm aware everyone is at least presumed innocent until found guilty by a court of law. Under the current circumstances Assange cannot have a trial as he has not even been charged with an offense. I am neither pro or anti Assange in this or the WL affair, I simply have not as yet come to any solid conclusions.

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