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New Thai Law Will Let Pregnant Students Continue Studying

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The indemnity brigade has turned this OP into a male bashing thread. This is about pregnant teens having the legal right to attend school without retribution.

This isn't a male-bashing thread. It's a "males who don't believe in taking responsibility for their actions" bashing thread. I don't think any of the posters have anything against men in general. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of these "bashers" are in fact men themselves.

I actually think the "male" bashing and "males who don't believe in taking responsibility for their actions" bashing is OT anyway.

This is about girls having the opportunity to continue studying after they become pregnant or have kids, regardless of how they become pregnant or whether they are supported.

It's a great step forward for Thailand.

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I have to say I think Thailand has this right and the west has it wrong.

In all the countries it is the womans choice to have a baby, and her choice alone. Nobody is forcing a woman to give birth.

As the man is given no choice at all in the matter, why should he be forced to pay to bring up a child, he had no choice of bringing into the world.

(this of course excludes married men who have entered into a binding contract to bring up their children)

You really don't know anything about Thailand then. Women have no right to abortion here so basically they have no choice. It's either they have the baby or they get an illegal abortion. When women aren't told by military generals what they can and can't do with their own bodies THEN you can start talking about men's right not to pay for their own children's welfare.

Until that magical day, guns are legal and dildos aren't and that's the way this country rolls.

I emphatically agree with this response. The win win situation I dream about is way at the opposite end of the spectrum here, and that too is a regrettable truth. It clearly demonstrates the other side of the coin from what goes on across the pond: Here, it's how "out of hand" men can be if they are allowed the"right to choose" without any consideration for the woman. There it seems to be the opposite.

These two behaviors really make it difficult to seek a solution that enforces parental rights, rather than a woman's or man's rights. The former being the big push because women and their supporters seem to believe in the old adage "possession is 90% ownership". God forbid that the laws would be changed to force the father and mother to put their selfish desires aside and do what is right for the tiny human. No, instead let's remove the father and the child from the equation by denying both of them as being human beings; one is a non human (an embryo/ fetus) or baby simply at the word of the woman. The other is an ATM or father, again simply at the word of a woman.

The man is left without anything to make a claim over because "civilized" society does not see the man as having any ownership beyond the 10%. What that means to me is that men are not seen as viable parents who could raise the child were the woman compelled to bring the baby to term; deliver it, and hand it over to the man for his keeping. God forbid the man wants his own child; a person he is not capable of having without needing a woman's womb and egg (Tough luck to all you "sperm donors" out there!): SCORE = "Womb & Egg 1 / Sperm Donors 0

We are simply reduced to financiers to what a woman wants. Men are not touted in the media and in the social eye as responsible, capable and loving mentors for their children to be, or children. You never get to read about, or see on the TV men who are shining examples of why children need a father in their lives.

Even fathers who are saints are reduced to mediocre coverage on the back page IF even that. A man is nothing more than an ATM, and the woman gets to call the shots. That's how it is there, but not here. The positive is ignored there, and the negative is advertised. Here, the negative is a given, and the positive is a pipe dream. Is that Karma? If so, it is regrettable.

You know, women complain about not having rights, but as a man, I point out that I have no identity or credibility or recognition to be a viable, capable, loving father to a tiny human being; sans woman. I am viewed with suspicion and fear, and there are numerous laws made and being made to collar me further in the event of the slightest misstep. One misstep, and everything I have accomplished that is good can be tossed in a moment. But that opinion that I have is probably not important to women who want rights. It is not important because it makes one stop to consider that what they want might hurt someone else, or make them suffer loss.

The truth of the matter is that there are millions more loving fathers out there than there are monsters that have been imagined here.

The content of this article almost is a direct challenge to discuss matters that do not have anything to do with why a young girl might want to overcome cultural stupidity and callousness and make an appearance at her algebra class with a huge belly.


In Thailand abortion is illegal. (except when the mother's health is at risk.) Men certainly have the option to prevent pregnancy. It is called a condom. So, assuming birth control is used and fails --- neither person has a real "choice."

Morning after pill costs 40bht from any pharmacy .... it can be used 1 week after the 'event'

(I know I just went out and bought one ...... just to check)

Tell me again why it's the mans responsibility? ...... or are you claiming girls are too poor or too stupid to walk to the pharmacy?

Oh, and what cup-o-coffee just said!

And to add to COCs post

In Thailand society is much fairer to men.

Man not married ...... no responsibility for any children a man conceives because it was her choice.

Man married (or child ratified by man) ....... custody is almost always given 50/50, the man has a choice.

So much fairer to men than in the western societies.


What are you on about CoffeeCup? first of all by Thai law custody is considered purely on economical terms, so if a child is born, most likely - since men absolutely earn more than women in Thailand as a whole - the father will gain custody: if, big if, he fights for it. So you are wrong there. And all that paranoia about men being good fathers too. Of course they are! Who said they weren't? My father is an incredible man as is my husband. As are countless men I know. We are first of all talkig about the rights to education of pregnant girls, I don't udnderstand why you have suddenly got all freaked out about this and defensive about men being perceived as victims without rights?

The facts are that countless women in Thailand who engage in consensual sex (let's leave non consentual out of it, that is a whole other bowl of noodle) with men - both of whom are aware of consequences - end up alone having the 'responsibility' of a child they are not given the choice of whether to have or not. This addresses only one injustice, it allows said women to continue their education in the hopes of providing a better life for their child...good? I hope we all agree it is. As to men being held responsible for unwanted pregnancies, that will most likely not happen anytime soon outside of individual conscience, of which, thankfully, many men have.

This quote of yours Coffeecup takes the cake: "Right! Bravo to all these posts who believe all men's rights should be removed once the sperm has left the building. And prior to the man engaging in a pleasurable experience; let's remove that as well by encasing his pleasure sensing organ in a tight, rubber casing to remove all feeling."

Seriously? Poor innocent men who only want to have fun without rubbers, how dare anyone hold them accountable for anything. dam_n those women...right? Sigh. I am not anywhere near bashing males, as someone pointed out earlier, just irresponsible males, and it seems as though you are right in one peice of paranoia...you are one!


In Thailand abortion is illegal. (except when the mother's health is at risk.) Men certainly have the option to prevent pregnancy. It is called a condom. So, assuming birth control is used and fails --- neither person has a real "choice."

Morning after pill costs 40bht from any pharmacy .... in can be used 1 week after the 'event'

(I know I just went out and bought one ...... just to check)

Tell me again why it's the mans responsibility? ...... or are you claiming girls are too poor or too stupid to walk to the pharmacy?

Oh, and what cup-o-coffee just said!

Sorry SB ----

If the result of birth control failure (the pill, a condom, anything else) could be determined inside of a week you MIGHT have a point. Since it can't ..... you just missed the point. period.


Sorry SB ----

If the result of birth control failure (the pill, a condom, anything else) could be determined inside of a week you MIGHT have a point. Since it can't ..... you just missed the point. period.

Girl has sex without condom, girl takes morning after pill next day, job done.

Condom fails, girl takes morning after pill next day, job done.

One of us is a very stupid person ....... it might be me .........


Sorry SB ----

If the result of birth control failure (the pill, a condom, anything else) could be determined inside of a week you MIGHT have a point. Since it can't ..... you just missed the point. period.

Girl has sex without condom, girl takes morning after pill next day, job done.

Condom fails, girl takes morning after pill next day, job done.

One of us is a very stupid person ....... it might be me .........

If you think unprotected sex in an other than a 100% monogamous relationship is safe then you are correct and right about who it is.

SB--- did you read the possible side-affects of the "morning after pill"?

Girl isn't married, has sex without a condom. Gets Hep B, HIV etc .... but hey ... she took the morning after pill so...!

Girls is on the pill. Has sex without a condom. Pill fails. ......

And all of this is an issue because -------- a boy who forgets that without sperm conception just can't happen.

Girl has protected sex using a condom because she's smart enough to want to avoid the STI's condom fails ......


Just to clear up a few things -------


Side-effects of morning-after pill

Other Qs & As

Can the morning-after Pill be prescribed to a teenager?

I missed one Pill for four days

I've missed a Pill - what should I do?

Missed Pill: should I use condoms?

Missed Pills: am I still protected?

Vomiting and the morning-after pill

Will the morning-after pill have affected my baby?


What are the side-effects of the morning-after pill?


The most common side-effects of the morning-after pill are headache, nausea, painful breasts and irregular vaginal bleeding.

One very important side-effect of the morning-after pill, or 'post-coital contraception', is pregnancy. This is more likely if you waited more than 24 hours after unprotected sex before seeking medical advice, or if sex took place more than once.

Until fairly recently, the standard advice was that the morning-after pill could be taken up to 72 hours after sex, but recent research has shown a significant chance of the pill failing to prevent a pregnancy occurring if taken at this time.

This is why doctors now advise that the morning-after pill should be given as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours.

This is why doctors now advise that the morning-after pill should be given as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours.

If the morning-after pill doesn't work and a woman becomes pregnant unexpectedly, there appears to be no problems to the unborn baby - although it is not possible to give an absolute guarantee of this.

Most GP surgeries now have a practice nurse experienced in contraception who can give advice and information about effective pregnancy prevention. It is always a good idea to contact either your surgery, or local family planning clinic (look in the Yellow Pages) for a personal consultation on this subject.

Yours sincerely

The Medical Team

http://ec.princeton.edu/questions/ecsideeffects.html<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">Side Effects

What are the side effects of emergency contraceptive pills?

Emergency contraceptive pills (also known as "morning after pills" or "day after pills") have no long-term or serious side effects, and emergency contraception is safe for almost every woman to use. In general, progestin-only (like Plan B One-Step, Plan B and Next Choice) and ulipristal acetate (ella) emergency contraceptive pills have fewer side effects than combined emergency contraceptive pills (pills containing both estrogen and progestin, such as regular birth control pills used as EC).

You might find yourself feeling queasy and some women throw up after taking emergency contraceptive pills. You might also get a headache, feel tired or dizzy, have some lower abdominal pain, or find your breasts are more tender than usual. If you do feel this way, it should stop within a day or two. Some women also find that the pills cause unexpected bleeding; this is not dangerous and should clear up by the time you have your next period. The pills might also cause your next period to come early or late. (For more information about how emergency contraception might affect your monthly cycle, click here).

A study comparing levonorgestrel (Plan B One-Step or Next Choice) and ulipristal acetate (ella) showed generally similar side effects for the two medications . About 20% of women in each group experienced headaches following EC treatment, 13-14% experienced painful menstruation, and 11-12% experienced nausea. Women taking ulipristal acetate had their next period on average 2.1 days later than expected, while women taking levonorgestrel began their next period 1.2 days earlier than expected, but the duration of periods was not affected.

To prevent nausea and vomiting, you can take the non-prescription anti-nausea medicine meclizine (also sold under the brand names Dramamine II or Bonine). Research shows that taking two 25 mg tablets 1 hour before using combined emergency contraceptive pills reduces the risk of nausea by 27% and vomiting by 64%, but this drug doubles your chances of feeling drowsy (to about 30%). If you happen to throw up within 1 hour of taking a dose of either type of emergency contraceptive pills, some health care providers recommend repeating that dose just in case your body didn’t have a chance to absorb all of the medication.

For a thorough and up-to-date academic review of the medical and social science literature on emergency contraception, including side effects, click here pdf.jpg.


Side Effects of the Morning After Pill

<h2 style="font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-top-style: none; border-right-style: none; border-bottom-style: none; border-left-style: none; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; "></h2>Aug 16, 2010 Jody Morse

2276317_com_emergencyc.jpgEmergency Contraception Can Cause Side Effects -MetticheWhile emergency contraception is safe to use, it can cause side effects. Here are some of the most common side effects of the morning after pill.spritessmaller5.pngspritessmaller5.pngspritessmaller5.pngspritessmaller5.png

The morning after pill, which is also referred to as Plan B, can be an ideal option for women who have experienced a mishap which could lead to pregnancy. Emergency contraception works to prevent pregnancy if it is taken within five days of sexual intercourse. Is the morning after pill safe to use? What side effects are caused by the morning-after pill?

Emergency Contraception is Safe to Use

According to Planned Parenthood, the morning after pill is considered a safe method of birth control. Emergency contraception contains the same hormones as the birth control pill. That said, Plan B does not offer continuous protection against pregnancy because women will only take one dose of the morning after pill. It should not be used as a regular method of birth control.

Side Effects of the Morning After Pill

While emergency contraception is considered to safe to use, some women may experience side effects which are similar to those caused by the birth control pill. Some of these side effects may be very mild and women may not necessarily relate them to the morning after pill. Common side effects of Plan B include:

  • breast tenderness
  • abdominal pain
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • vomiting

About half of all women who take the morning after pill experience nausea for up to 24 hours and about one out of five will vomit, according to Planned Parenthood. Many women who take emergency contraception will also experience an irregular menstrual period afterwards. The period may occur at a different time or it may be lighter or heavier than usual.

Prevent Emergency Contraception from Causing Nausea

Most women who take the morning after pill will experience nausea, but there are a few steps which can be taken to prevent it or reduce the severity of it. Avoid taking Plan B first thing in the morning. Despite it being called the “morning after” pill, it can be taken later on in the day. Taking it after eating a light meal can help prevent nausea. Planned Parenthood also recommends women to take anti-nausea medicine to avoid this side effect of the morning after pill.

Pre-existing Pregnancy and the Morning After Pill

According to the American Pregnancy Association, there is currently no medical evidence which shows that emergency contraception causes birth defects. That said, pregnant women are not still not recommended to take the morning after pill. Any woman who suspects that she may be pregnant prior to taking Plan B should be sure to take a home pregnancy test beforehand.

Read on

Since emergency contraception is considered safe, side effects are generally mild to moderate and do not require medical attention. Women who experience persistent or severe vomiting and/or vomiting which is accompanied by blood or a coffee ground-like material should consider visiting a doctor. If vomiting does occur, be sure to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration from occurring.


American Pregnancy Association, “Emergency Contraception: Morning After Pill” (accessed August 16, 2010).

Planned Parenthood, “Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)” (accessed August 16, 2010).

Copyright Jody Morse. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.<br style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; "><br style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; ">

Read more at Suite101: Side Effects of the Morning After Pill http://www.suite101.com/content/side-effects-of-the-morning-after-pill-a274860#ixzz18GrPkfCQ

Maybe that sounds like fun for SB?


Well, it's good to hear some of our sage legislators are at least pointed in the right direction, as regards being decent with pregnant women and girls. Still a long way to go though. I agree with the posts above, which mention how the news article woefully omits mention of inseminators in the equation. Those same men who use trickery, force, and drugs (usually alcohol) to gain conquest. Thai men have always, and will continue to be excused from taking responsibility for where they stick their tricky little dicks.

However, half measures are still half measures. Where is the daycare facility that the students will need..??

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said "If students cannot raise their babies, the ministry will get the babies adopted," - quite stupid

He is willing to throw the babies away instead of helping the student continue with a 'normal' life.

Do the Public Health and Education ministries get their employees at the local zoo..??

People in high office acting ignorant is one of the things that perplexes me most about Thailand. At least theycould hire somo eone to write their speeches so they sounded somewhat intelligent.


Maybe that sounds like fun for SB?

I've found that most Thai ladies don't like or want to use condoms, have sex 3 times and invariably they say 'you bf, we don't use condom'.

On of my gfs used to take morning after pills as her contraceptive of choice ........ she wasn't young, and it didn't seem to have harmed her.

Another girl I know used to just have an abortion every time she became pregnant ...... after about 10, she couldn't have any more.

(I know shock, horror, but until very recently this was the standard way of contraception in the USSR)

Now of course you will always chose the EXTREMES to forward your opinions.

SO of course you will always find a way to blame the man.

As COC stated, it's always the mans fault, the women always has no blame.

These stories are all at the choice of the women ....... their body, their choice.

I would never deny a woman her right to chose, or her right to pay for her choice.


Well, it's good to hear some of our sage legislators are at least pointed in the right direction, as regards being decent with pregnant women and girls. Still a long way to go though. I agree with the posts above, which mention how the news article woefully omits mention of inseminators in the equation. Those same men who use trickery, force, and drugs (usually alcohol) to gain conquest. Thai men have always, and will continue to be excused from taking responsibility for where they stick their tricky little dicks.

However, half measures are still half measures. Where is the daycare facility that the students will need..??

Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said "If students cannot raise their babies, the ministry will get the babies adopted," - quite stupid

He is willing to throw the babies away instead of helping the student continue with a 'normal' life.

Do the Public Health and Education ministries get their employees at the local zoo..??

People in high office acting ignorant is one of the things that perplexes me most about Thailand. At least theycould hire somo eone to write their speeches so they sounded somewhat intelligent.

I don't think that having a baby adopted by a responsible and caring family, rather than forcing it to live with an immature and irresponsible schoolgirl, can really be looked at as 'throw babies away'

Some may see this as the right thing to do .... but you are right ...... it doesn't follow current western policies .... so the primitives must be judged as 'wrong' by the colonial forces.


Oh, happy news!

The daughter of our neighbor (18) get pregnant, the boyfriend (19) , both fresh students didn't know why - no instruction in the Thai school-system. Big depression - gossip, gossip. My wife and me went ahead, organized a man ceremony (engagement) with the two families.

My wife gave Buddha teaching: Oh, a little Buddha is coming, wonderful. We all can be happy that a little Buddha is coming. May be you did something stupid, but not bad. Our all duty is now to take care of the little Buddha and his family. Then I chanted the Mantra of Jivaka in Pali for good health and good luck, gave a Phra Nang Pha Ya Amulet from my abbot for the mother. Village people stopped their gossip, offered their help, to take care of the little Buddha, that the mother can continue her studies. No way, my wife is already mae upatham (Godmother).

The lack of clear sexual instruction is the biggest problem, Thailand shares this problem with Catholic countries.


Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.

I can never understand this rather strange attitude!

Why, it has no logic?

Let's apply the same logic to motor accidents ....... if you didn't get in the car you wouldn't have been hurt (doesn't matter if you are crashed into)

Aircraft crashes ........ if you didn't get in the plane you wouldn't have died.

After all, you chose to engage in an activity with the risk of a serious injury being produced.

If you choose to drive an uninsured car you pay for the damages if there is an accident.

If you are at fault your costs increase, especially if they are uninsured also.

If you drive a car you assume the risk of being hit by others also, that's why you buy insurance.

These things DO happen and if you chose to drive you must also assume the responsibility,

for this well known occurrence that is commonly know to happen periodically.

If you get on a plane, there is a risk it may go down, you assume that risk be boarding.

There is a likelihood your family or yourself should you survive will be compensated someone,

but you also assume when purchasing your ticket that there are also limitations to what you,

or your heirs, might recover. Read your ticket and boarding pass small print sometime.

The point is your analogies don't hold water in this argument.

It comes down to taking responsibility for your actions,

having sex with no condom or only a condom comes with it known risks of

disease and pregnancy.

You should also take responsibility for your actions in this case.

Since it can have equally long term or life long ramifications for you and your partner,

just as driving uninsured or taking that unlucky plane trip.


In Thailand abortion is illegal. (except when the mother's health is at risk.) Men certainly have the option to prevent pregnancy. It is called a condom. So, assuming birth control is used and fails --- neither person has a real "choice."

Morning after pill costs 40bht from any pharmacy .... it can be used 1 week after the 'event'

(I know I just went out and bought one ...... just to check)

Tell me again why it's the mans responsibility? ...... or are you claiming girls are too poor or too stupid to walk to the pharmacy?

Oh, and what cup-o-coffee just said!

And to add to COCs post

In Thailand society is much fairer to men.

Man not married ...... no responsibility for any children a man conceives because it was her choice.

Man married (or child ratified by man) ....... custody is almost always given 50/50, the man has a choice.

So much fairer to men than in the western societies.

As far as I know the Morning After Pill Is illegal in Thailand,

if it is here it is not an legal one but a bootleg or smuggled in.


As far as I know the Morning After Pill Is illegal in Thailand,

if it is here it is not an legal one but a bootleg or smuggled in.

Every pharmacy sells it in Thailand ..... so it can't be that illegal.

Why not go and ask?


Unkindly posts are from people who I suspect were never young and always had sex with full body protection. As I write this I am chatting with my beautiful daughter the product of my mistake. Give the kids every chance and support this please.


As far as I know the Morning After Pill Is illegal in Thailand,

if it is here it is not an legal one but a bootleg or smuggled in.

Every pharmacy sells it in Thailand ..... so it can't be that illegal.

Why not go and ask?

RU486 or mifepristone?

Don't think so, only progestin, which is not as effective, but can be made locally.



Biolab Co., Ltd. Progestin-only Thailand


Gedeon Richter, Medimpex UK Ltd., Medline Progestin-only

Armenia, Australia*, Azerbaijan, Belarus*, Belgium*, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Russia, Spain*, Tajikistan, Thailand*, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan*

* available directly from a pharmacist


Maybe that sounds like fun for SB?

I've found that most Thai ladies don't like or want to use condoms, have sex 3 times and invariably they say 'you bf, we don't use condom'.

On of my gfs used to take morning after pills as her contraceptive of choice ........ she wasn't young, and it didn't seem to have harmed her.

Another girl I know used to just have an abortion every time she became pregnant ...... after about 10, she couldn't have any more.

(I know shock, horror, but until very recently this was the standard way of contraception in the USSR)

Now of course you will always chose the EXTREMES to forward your opinions.

SO of course you will always find a way to blame the man.

As COC stated, it's always the mans fault, the women always has no blame.

These stories are all at the choice of the women ....... their body, their choice.

I would never deny a woman her right to chose, or her right to pay for her choice.

Great job at totally disregarding the side-effects if a drug with a single flippant anecdotal response. Again ... no semen, no child. Boy's body, boy's choice. Then again he could go get a vasectomy, but that would be taking responsibility for his actions. You also seemed to miss out on the ENTIRE Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection issue. I am not BLAMING the man. I am saying that it takes TWO to tango :) Shared responsibility, and shared blame.

  • 5 weeks later...

I always get a kick out of the whiners that complain the Thailand does not live up to their standards.

Please be reminded that if Thailand lived up to your all collective expectations, you probably would not be here at all.


at the end of the day she decided to have sex every time you have sex you run the risk of getting up the duff so why should there be any special laws to protect or help these people. It is simple don't have sex if you do not want to have a child.

  • 7 months later...

Does anybody know if this bill was passed into a law? Due to unfortunate circumstances my wife’s sister (17 years old) is now pregnant and as soon as her school found out she was immediately kicked out. This absolutely infuriated me but apparently it is the law!


Well other than the fact he chose to engage in an activity

with the risk of a baby being produced, no he hasn't had a choice.

Sorry, if you stick it in, you should also get stuck with the bills too.

I can never understand this rather strange attitude!

Why, it has no logic?

Let's apply the same logic to motor accidents ....... if you didn't get in the car you wouldn't have been hurt (doesn't matter if you are crashed into)

Aircraft crashes ........ if you didn't get in the plane you wouldn't have died.

After all, you chose to engage in an activity with the risk of a serious injury being produced.

The risk is that you are perhaps 80% likely to cause a pregnancy, while travel by road and air, according to Wikepedia is far less risky...

"The National Transportation Safety Board (2006) reports 1.3 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles for travel by car, and 1.7 deaths per hundred million vehicle miles for travel by air."

Education at schools is what is truly lacking. Sex is natural (and really nice) so of course kids are going to try. Educating them from a young age may help both parties make better decisions. Promote and give away free condoms!

Additionally pay attention to the amount of sex (and unhealthy relationships) shown on TV soaps which kids are forced to watch in their most formative years.

I move to introduce insurance policies for horny teen males; if you make a girl pregnant your policy covers reasonable medical costs, and provides a monthly payment for child support. In fact I move to make it mandatory - after all they are in university which I guess means their parents are of sufficient means. Girls who sleep with unprotected uninsured men get what they deserve :lol:

If you discount rape and drug/alcohol induced sex, girls are ultimately the ones who decide - the 'gatekeeper' if you like. They need to make educated decisions, so teach them about all those shameful things that the establishment chooses to hide...


Edit: I realise this is a bit off topic so let me say I praise this law, but it only addresses the symptoms rather than the root cause (pun intended)...

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