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Iphone 4 Preferred Carrier In Phuket

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On my first trip to Thailand I picked up a 12call sim and a cheap phone (at the time my iPhone was locked), but when I finally got my iphone unlocked, the 12call sim chewed through the credit. I see from the apple store they have three carriers: AIS, DTAC, and TrueMove.

1. My wife is on TrueMove, but when we put her sim in an old 3GS, it won't allow us to make calls. Does the iPhone require a 'special' TrueMove sim card (this is about a normal sim, not microsim)

2. Because we want to keep her number, we'll probably stick with TrueMove, at least for her phone. Is there a preference for any of the three in Phuket? TrueMove sprukes 3G (but I thought Thailand doesn't have 3G). so is it real?

3. I've compared their pricing models,and they all seem fair enough, but which, if any, has the superior service in Phuket, particularly Patong?


dam_n, I ended going true move, they all seemed pretty close. I ended up going to JungCeylon in Patong and everyone I spoke with seemed not to understand the concept of the iPhone plans as detailed on the websites of the carriers. I also showed them screengrabs of the plans on the iPad, to no avail.

Anyway, I chose the lesser of evils and spoke to a woman who appeared to have the best grasp of passar englid. She kept nodding and saying yes (as they do), I was dubious and in the end thought <deleted> (in a good way), it's one month. Try it and see what happens.

Made a call tonight and found out I didn't have credit to make it. Turns out she only read part of the screengrab. She only did data, not voice. Ahhh well, going to the true move shop in Phuket today to do the wife's phone (we need her number ported), so I'll see how to do it right for next month.

Top of the morning to you all



Double dam_n.

Edit: Ahhh in rereading my post I see my error, I'm not actually porting between carriers, just upgrading a simcard. Her old card doesn't work in the iPhone. And I didn't want to just get her a new one outright, because we need to keep the old number.

I had trouble enough explaining plans, "keeping phone numbers", I'll do that in the shop

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