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I am a novice in this task. I recorded a short video on my Panasonic camcorder. About 3 minutes of video. I downloaded this to my hard drive and viewed it and now I want to upload this video to a place like Google Buzz for my friends to view.

The file created by the camcorder is a .mod file and I learned if I just rename this to .mpg most players can play it. But this file is huge and way too big to upload on the net so what do I need to do next?

Thanks for the suggestions.


By typing "free .mod to .avi converter" in Google I got this link to a tool that looks like it will do the thing for you: http://www.modconverter.net/mod-to-avi.html EDIT: don't download this, they forget to mention on the website that the download version is just a trial version that only converts 5 minutes of video. You'll need to have a look around for a better option, maybe check one of the places selling software in Thailand (no references to pirated software intended or implied! :whistling: )

Then upload to something like youtube. Login to youtube.com, create a login if necessary, and follow upload instructions from there.


Thanks for the idea,,,,,,,what I have done already is,,,,,,,,,,downloaded Picasa,,,,,,I already have a gmail account with Buzz,,,,,Picasa allows uploading video to a Picasa web album and automagically converts the upload to a .flv file. I can set this web site for private viewing to my selected groups in gmail.

It took quite a long time to upload the file as my connection here is less than 512 upload speed,,,,,,,,,I viewed the file after and looks OK,,,,,,,,so we shall see

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