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Why Has Thailand Been So Successful Fighting Global Socialistic Pushes?


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In the 1960s and 1970s when many of Thailand's neighbors foolishly fell into the trap of Communism and proceeding Economic Armageddon and Social Destruction, Thailand has able to avoid such ridiculous ideology and remained on the path of Capitalism. Over the years we have seen more and Western countries embracing socialism and the subsequent destruction of their economies and societies, yet throughout this time the Thai spirit has continued to embrace personal responsibility, low taxes and free market capitalism. In Thailand, there is an idea in society that people are responsible for their personal decisions. Is this courageous spirit a byproduct of Thai culture?

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" Over the years we have seen more and Western countries embracing socialism and the subsequent destruction of their economies and societies..."

Which Western countries are you referring to?

(I'm probably replying to a troll post but WTH - it's been a slow day)

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You are certainly correct about the past, but, the real question is, can they resist Obama's neo-socialist agenda? :o


You Americans simply have no idea what socialism is. The American political landscape consists of the right-wing and the even more right-wing. There's not a socialist in sight.

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There are no bailouts in Capitalism. In capitalism, insolvent companies go bankrupt and the vultures pick them clean.

You guys are trying to take this off topic. The question is why has Thailand so brilliantly been able to avoid these pitfalls?

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You are certainly correct about the past, but, the real question is, can they resist Obama's neo-socialist agenda?

The American political landscape consists of the right-wing and the even more right-wing. There's not a socialist in sight.

Bernie Sanders might dispute that. :whistling:

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In answer to the OPs second post.................

The answer is they havent. They are doing better at the moment because they regulated their banks following the 1997 financial crash, same as most asian countries, Australia included.

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America is running pall mall down the road to UK style socialist train wreck. I say 3 cheers for Thailand. Even though the government sets the price for most commodities like rice sugar diesel gasoline fish sauce. The old soviet model.

Endure it's the power of the unions we object to. In the UK I believe they can go into your house to see what kind of refridgerator you have. Sweet huh?

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This must be a troll it is like standing in a forest and asking wheer are the trees. Thailand willnot have socialism in my lifetime for sure. Socialism is impossible .The rich and powerful would loss contol over the poor if siocialism crept in. There is no way they want that.Also Thailand couldnot support socialism ways economically. If all the people that are subsistant living all of a sudden have welfare can you imagine how many people would be on the take for free money and aid. The government would be broke in a month.

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Its so great! There are the unbelievably wealthy (the government or ex- government) then hi-so's - and then .......the poor.

Capitalism in action.

The poor get nothing, but the wealthy get wealthier by virtue of having no compassion.

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In the UK I believe they can go into your house to see what kind of refridgerator you have. Sweet huh?

yes, I often have random people knocking at the door wanting to look at my fridge. :blink:

Precisely :lol:.

But there's always the odd idiot out there that believes this sort of rubbish....

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Its so great! There are the unbelievably wealthy (the government or ex- government) then hi-so's - and then .......the poor.

Capitalism in action.

The poor get nothing, but the wealthy get wealthier by virtue of having no compassion.

If you think the problem is capitalism then you are deluded. It's corporatism and cronyism.

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Thailand has always been ruled by a military junta and they will never allow socialism to gain a foothold.

What branch of the military does Mark belong to? :rolleyes:

And you really really think that he is the supreme commander of the armed forces and the top generals take commands from him unquestioned?

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Its so great! There are the unbelievably wealthy (the government or ex- government) then hi-so's - and then .......the poor.

Capitalism in action.

The poor get nothing, but the wealthy get wealthier by virtue of having no compassion.

So personal choices have no role? See, I know that this is the accepted Western ideology but it does not seem to fly in Thailand. A Thai person would simply laugh and tell you that if the poor worked hard they would be on their way to improving their life and being rich. They will tell you about the sacrifices they made or their family made in order to gain wealth. As a friend so eloquently put it "Chinese people came to Thailand with only their clothing and a sleeping mat". So then how did they ever succeed without the benefits of a welfare state?

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Endure it's the power of the unions we object to. In the UK I believe they can go into your house to see what kind of refridgerator you have. Sweet huh?

:cheesy: Do you actually believe this nonsense?

Edited by endure
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You are certainly correct about the past, but, the real question is, can they resist Obama's neo-socialist agenda?

The American political landscape consists of the right-wing and the even more right-wing. There's not a socialist in sight.

Bernie Sanders might dispute that. :whistling:

I just wikied Bernie Sanders. He appears to be an independent who describes himself as a socialist. He appears to have no party backing and doesn't appear to be a member of any larger socialist movement in the US. Is that right?

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Thailand has always been ruled by a military junta and they will never allow socialism to gain a foothold.

I agree.

The military were for a long time involved in all aspects of the society.

Whomever in a high political position with no military background was either a puppet, or a relative of the brass.

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Yet the commanders get rotated out every other year, so very clearly, the Military is not in charge of anything. What decisions or policy is the Military making? Now compare Thailand's Military to that of Burma's. You don't see those guys rotating out, do you?

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The American political landscape consists of the right-wing and the even more right-wing. There's not a socialist in sight.

Come on dude. The highest tax rate when you account for income taxes, state taxes, social security and medicare (basically your end of the year taxes excluding property/auto/VAT taxes) in America are very close to 50% for high level earners. We just passed a Universal enforced-by-penalty health insurance program. We have every social program imaginable. How is America not socialist? :rolleyes:

But this is about Thai society's outlook on personal responsibility, so let's try to stay on topic.

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An interesting point, may be it is to do with the founding principle "To be Thai is to be Free" , things were pretty much nearly 100% privately run because Thailand has such a dysfunctional government (or may be it is to be kept that way) . You look at the things that are reasonably "good" in thailand, cars, cinema, hospitals... all only the private entities do well (new Mercedes vs those green 'Mercedes' buses and Bumrunraj vs any government hospital, hotels and... goverment shelter ?) Most thai thinks that any form of govermental bodies are of blood sucking corrupted nature and would like to stay away from them as much as possible.

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