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I would like to wish each and everyone of you on the Chiang Rai and Thai Visa Forums a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and that you all have a healthy,prosperous and enjoyable 2011. I look forward to our continued banter, Sun. :D


Indeed, and allow me to return the compliments of the season to yourself.

I usually leave mine till Christmas Eve, the mail is never late on ThaiVisa.


Indeed, and allow me to return the compliments of the season to yourself.

I usually leave mine till Christmas Eve, the mail is never late on ThaiVisa.

Thanks Sceadugenga, I used to send Christmas cards out but that was years ago and with internet traffic being very high this year I thought I had better give people time to read my wishes long before the event as for the postal cards I havent bothered this year as they wouldnt get them in Europe anyway with all that snow. :D


Did you see my offer to send you an eBook to try in the good book topic?

I was serious,you just need to PM me your eMail address?

Many thanks sceadugengadongadingadanga :D My email remains private so not to get spam from anyone , but thanks anyway, I will get an ebook as soon as the price drops from 149 GBP plus on top the import charges of 50 GBP, until that happens where its worth forking out the money I will remain a normal reader of trees. :D


C'mon, you know you want a free eBook, just open a free web based account like Gmail then throw it away afterwards.

Think of all the trees you'll save. :lol:


C'mon, you know you want a free eBook, just open a free web based account like Gmail then throw it away afterwards.

Think of all the trees you'll save. :lol:

Scea. my musical trets has turned into normal trets for the day.

Head, $%^&&, Brick Wall , ^%&$#$% and banging yer heed against it , spring to mind :(

Id love a free ebook, never checked them out. You may have my email . I also have some sort of spam blocker so I'm not too worried about the spam


OK, this is a FREE eBook, free because it is out of copyright.

This post is NOT in breach of forum rules as torrent sites are not involved so I don't need to eMail it.

And sunholidaysun1 can take it as well and pretend he never.

On Our Selection

You then copy and paste it as a Word document and read it on your computer.

Here's the first few paragraphs... an Aussie classic.

On Our Selection.

Chapter I.

Starting the Selection.

It's twenty years ago now since we settled on the Creek. Twenty years!

I remember well the day we came from Stanthorpe, on Jerome's dray--eight

of us, and all the things--beds, tubs, a bucket, the two cedar chairs with

the pine bottoms and backs that Dad put in them, some pint-pots and old

Crib. It was a scorching hot day, too--talk about thirst! At every creek

we came to we drank till it stopped running.

Dad did n't travel up with us: he had gone some months before, to put up

the house and dig the waterhole. It was a slabbed house, with shingled

roof, and space enough for two rooms; but the partition was n't up. The

floor was earth; but Dad had a mixture of sand and fresh cow-dung with

which he used to keep it level. About once every month he would put it

on; and everyone had to keep outside that day till it was dry. There were

no locks on the doors: pegs were put in to keep them fast at night; and

the slabs were not very close together, for we could easily see through

them anybody coming on horseback. Joe and I used to play at counting the

stars through the cracks in the roof.

The day after we arrived Dad took Mother and us out to see the paddock and

the flat on the other side of the gully that he was going to clear for

cultivation. There was no fence round the paddock, but he pointed out on

a tree the surveyor's marks, showing the boundary of our ground. It must

have been fine land, the way Dad talked about it! There was very valuable

timber on it, too, so he said; and he showed us a place, among some rocks

on a ridge, where he was sure gold would be found, but we were n't to say

anything about it. Joe and I went back that evening and turned over every

stone on the ridge, but we did n't find any gold.

No mistake, it was a real wilderness--nothing but trees, "goannas," dead

timber, and bears; and the nearest house--Dwyer's--was three miles away.

I often wonder how the women stood it the first few years; and I can

remember how Mother, when she was alone, used to sit on a log, where the

lane is now, and cry for hours. Lonely! It WAS lonely.


And you Limbo!

Thanks Scea!

The light will also turn back this time. The days are getting longer

again and the 25th even we humans could notice it even if the stars

were ahead of our perception for some days already. The sun is back!

If they play 'jingle-bell jingle bell' in Big C, why wouldn't we

be allowed to imagine snow? So ...

... the snow will melt, the seeds will sprout, we will have warmth

and food, conditions for the continuation of our lifes.

Thanks to Mithras, the old Arian God of Light, the Sol Invictus of

early Roman Emperors, or, after the christianization on the point

of the swords of later Roman Emperors to Jezus Christ, the Son of

a certainly not lesser but later discovered God.

Anyhow, whatever Builder of the All you wish to attribute the laws

of nature to, time goes on and in a couple of days we will memorate

the fact that the new elected Senate of Rome, often in opposition to

those emperors that affiliated themselves with the Sol Invictus,

gathered for the first time in the old days after having been

elected on the 31th of December.

Two times a new year offers us the opportunity to eat and to drink

too much, to accidently burn ourselves later on the evening, to loose

fingers and eyes due to the wrong handling of fireworks and so on.

But also to try to make a better start!

Also two times we have to endure the 'mornings after' that enable us to

meditate about why we always choose to take that last drink, though we

know that, without exception, is the one that we could have done without.

Moments of contemplation thus, as long as they last even of a kind of

temporary enlightment if you so wish.

I feel a little bit sorry for those among us that already stopped smoking.

It is not easy to create new resolutions once you are used to the old ones.

Therefore I politely suggest to concentrate the next year on the last glass.

To be more clear: 'Last' not in the same sense it is used in 'Last Supper', but

more in the sense of 'okay, let's have the last one; the one for the road'.

Because in nine cases out of ten that will be the one that unnoticed evaporated

already while you were speaking the words.

'Last' is thus meant to be considered on a daily base.

So whatever the Chinese are going to call the year 2011, for me it will

be the year of The One For The Road !

You are welcome to join!

Be nice to each other!

Limbo :yohan:

Look at these people waiting for the moment that the sun will come back (or not).

It's a miniature by the brothers Limburg, made for the Duc de Berry around the

year 1415, soon six hundred years ago. The world existed before us, gentlemen, be

allways aware of that!



Did you know that Mithras' birthday was 25th December? And that he died and was born again?

All well before a better known God (or son of, depending on which sect you belong to).

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