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Flat Twin & Earth

Mumbo Jumbo

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Can any one please tell me what the wiring size is used here when building a house, ( ive looked at coothai house, etc, ) but there seem's to be different answeres, I rememberber from my day's back in the UK helping the local sparks , it was ...

lighting .... 1.00mm

Power sockets ...2.5 mm

it also seems that here they use a flat twin cable , rather than single cables...?

Many Thanks .... Mumbo,

PS. does any one know if when getting a telephone installed ( TOT ) they will run the cable underground in PVC electrical yellow pipe thats already been installed into the house ...?

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The most important thing in wire size is that the wire be at least big enough for the breaker that feeds it....you probably know this already. If the voltage was the same in the UK when you worked there then you can use the same size breakers and wire here. This will result in your circuits being a bit oversized I would think because it is unlikely that you will ever use a resistance heater (space heater or hot plate) in Thailand with the exception of the water heaters and that you should allow for electric blow drier use in the bathrooms and bedrooms. I oversized the circuit for the water pumps and my shop will have a full panel of its own with 100 amp capacity when its finished.

The most important thing I said above is to be sure that the wires are at least big enough for the breaker that feed them.

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Flat twin because no earth

Flat triple is available but more expensive than 3 singles (At least where I've priced)

If putting in pipes in the walls use singles and make sure the pipe has 50% space not packed 100% with wire.

standard for lighting 1.5

standard for sockets 2.5

Hot water (not to sure) I used 8

I'm not an electrician but had the house rewired a month ago and have 2 thai electrician friends who agreed on the above.

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There does not seem to be a real standard that anyone is aware of but you should be very safe using UK experience. Three wire flat cable is available but will likely be in the black/grey/green code. I highly advise using RCCB/ELCB/GFI protection everywhere (not just bathrooms which seems to be the norm elsewhere). Most people here use POS hot water so only 3,500 watts or less and not on very long. Water pumps do not draw that much current but clothes dryer or electric kitchen stoves would have to be accounted for.

Believe you will have to pay a little extra to have wire run underground but remember it is not designed for that use so will probably short when it fills with water. Unless you can supply direct burial wire would have some reservations - at least here in Bangkok.

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Watch your builder as they will cut corners ANY way they can. Even if they say they will use the requested wiring , doesn't mean it will be put in. Also watch very carefully for your plumbing work also as they will cut corners here also.

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