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Eastern European

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I met a lady while I was working in Romania. We spent several months together. Now she want s yo to Thailand for a holiday. She has her visa, but she tells me I have to send her 400 Euros, because she belives that the imigration may ask her to see if she has money to support her while she is here.

Anyone know anything about his??

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Hard to argue with that, but...my wife traveled on a one way ticket to Singapore a few years ago...before she had her US passport. They made her go to an ATM and withdraw something like 10,000 Baht before letting her proceed. So this woman could be telling the truth...

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There IS a requirement to be able to show means of support when arriving in Thailand. It's rarely actually invoked (particularly at the airport) unless the person in question looks dicey, immigration are usually far to busy to bother asking.

Does the lady have a credit card as this would be once way to show means?

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If it was me, i would meet her at the airport, give her your cell phone number and if she hits a problem on the way through she can call you and you can fix it there and then.You being present would also back up her story if she should get in to difficulties.

I wouldnt be sending 400 Euros.

Edited by CharlieH
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(2) Having no appropriate means of living following entry into the Kingdom.

For issue of a Consulate visa that is defined as 20,000 baht single or 40,000 baht for family and 10,000 Baht per person and 20,000 Baht per family for 15 day VOA.

As said it is not often checked but a single woman from an East European country may be higher on radar than many.

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I have come up against this problem with people under my care and had to go to the airport and show the money to immigration before the person could enter the country.

No funny business just want to verify that she has the ability to be able to support herself before she can come in.


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