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I'm stunned by some of the games that are coming out but quite a few aren't platformed for the PC.

I have noticed that the games I like the look of are available for Xbox and PS3.

I know ZIP and ZILCH about Xboxes or PS3 thingies - I presume (!) that they work like a computer and you hook them up to a monitor? (Sorry!!)

Anyone point me to a link where the basic are explained to a noob? (I have several USB external HDs, if this matters.)

I only want to play games (I have a good PC already) and won't be bothering about going online with whatever I get.

Any help appreciated!




If your monitor has HDMI than it's a direct connection. Otherwise you can hook either up to a TV via RCA (also called Composite--three cables) or Component (five cables) You can get them down to two (for composite) or four (for component) by using SPDIF (the digital cable if your system supports it).

There's a couple of pros and cons for each system:


+'free' blu-ray player

+backwards compatability for PS1 and PS2 (not all that good any more)

+free online play

+fewer consoles broke over time

+user upgradeable HDD

+bluetooth connection---great feature if the game supports keyboard and mouse

-Sony has removed features...what's next on the chopping block?

-older model is rather large

XBOX 360

+really good matchmaking

+better controller (IMHO)

+integrates into a Windows network very well for streaming music/videos

-more consoles broke

-pay to play online

-no HD content (except for downloadable)

-only sanctioned controllers and HDD

So basically you have to weigh the above benefits and cons and also look at the game library. There are few XBOX exclusive titles (Halo....which sux as a FPS!) and a bit more PS3 exclusive ones.

While it looks like I'm giving more reasons to own a PS3 I have actually never owned one; my first gen XBOX (AFAIK first one sold in Iraq) is still going strong.


If your monitor has HDMI than it's a direct connection. Otherwise you can hook either up to a TV via RCA (also called Composite--three cables) or Component (five cables) You can get them down to two (for composite) or four (for component) by using SPDIF (the digital cable if your system supports it).

There's a couple of pros and cons for each system:


+'free' blu-ray player

+backwards compatability for PS1 and PS2 (not all that good any more)

+free online play

+fewer consoles broke over time

+user upgradeable HDD

+bluetooth connection---great feature if the game supports keyboard and mouse

-Sony has removed features...what's next on the chopping block?

-older model is rather large

XBOX 360

+really good matchmaking

+better controller (IMHO)

+integrates into a Windows network very well for streaming music/videos

-more consoles broke

-pay to play online

-no HD content (except for downloadable)

-only sanctioned controllers and HDD

So basically you have to weigh the above benefits and cons and also look at the game library. There are few XBOX exclusive titles (Halo....which sux as a FPS!) and a bit more PS3 exclusive ones.

While it looks like I'm giving more reasons to own a PS3 I have actually never owned one; my first gen XBOX (AFAIK first one sold in Iraq) is still going strong.

Thanks ... useful. I'll keep investigating.



I had the same "what shall i buy" stress a year ago....i went for the XBox 360 as i had friends who loved it and as i was never getting into the "Blue ray" world and did not intend to stream via it, the XBox 360 was my choice. Its been a great games console. I buy all my games 2nd hand as there are soooo many to catch up with. I have had no mechanical problems, the graphics atstanding and it does all i ask of it.

Below is the link to fairly recent CNET Xbox v PS3 slim battle.....se how that went.

But in the end it really is a 50/50 call.

Have fun either way.B)



Perky granddad ask your grandkids, they are the best source of information on stuff like this, and they would probably be thrilled to help "the old man"

I'll have to wait a year or two - he is is 2 months old ...



if you want enjoy the online gaming the xbox is the best,ok you must pay some euro's every year but what you get back for is is the ultimate matchmaking.

The ps3 also has online gaming for free....but it's not the perfect matchmaking as on the xbox.

Some games like Halo reach can't be played on the ps3!!!

Another thing is that if you buy an xbox in thailand you can buy a original non modified and an modified one that can play every copy game,the non modified is guaranteed online,the modified xbox can go online untill you get banned,and if you get banned you'll need to buy a whole new console,but if you don't really care about online gaming an modified xbox will be ok,and you can play all copy games for less the 100 bath a game.

I am a xbox fan and will always be untill the end of time because ps3 will never be able to do the same as xbox live


I was kinda debating the same thing...until I played the Wii. It's really neat and now I am even more confused. But I am just looking for gaming. We had a bowling tournament a few days ago with 10 different people. It was a blast...and you can get a bit of exercise...but just a bit. :)

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