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i can be the  200000000 voltages girl  or  dead person all up to when you ask me

When would be a good time to ask then ?

I think the best time would be when she's in the 2000000000 volts mood and you happen to be wearing a rubber suit :o:D

OK I will take your advice.

No time like the present

He who dares wins

Faint heart never wins a fair maiden

Here I go



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This is an interesting and complex topic of which I don't see many serious replies. I find there is some difference with Thai vs western ladies. The under 30 or so seem to be more "liberated" I would say and are more "give and take" re sex. What I have seen of the over 30 are a bit prudish and old-fashioned by my standards. Sometimes mine seems to be less knowledgeable than high school girls I have known many decades ago. She is 35 and sometimes acts like 65. I don't really know if she does not like me or does not like sex with anyone. Sex is not her first priority in any case..

that sounds sad...how about your priority? and you could always ask her :o

When a woman starts putting restrictions on how often, what time of day and what they will do or not do, I would say this puts a "chill" on the relationship. Discussion is rather futile and the attitude is "take it or leave it". Spontaneity is a rather unknown concept to her.

I know where you're coming from. A guy needs to hear now and then his wife/gf say 'Darling, I'm horny'. Much in the same way a woman likes to be told that she's still beautiful or desirable. It would also be nice if she actually did the begging for a change. :D

With my wife it's always 'Up to you' and while it does become a dampener sometimes, it does at least inform me that at least I'm going to be getting my jollies.

I don't think discussion about the possibilities of perhaps her taking the initiative would help matters either. If she suddenly changed, I would then think that she's only doing it just to please me and to comply with my wishes, so we would be in effect, back at square one.

Don't get me wrong, my wife likes it once we get going and she'll do whatever she wants to do and for as long as it takes, which is usually about 10 mins. Then I'll have my 2 minutes worth.

I fully understand too that our sex drives/priorites are different. Where my wife may be happy or content with 2 or 3 times a week, for myself, I feel as though I've got to have it on a daily basis. Even after 15 years of marriage. :D

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