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Re-Usable Plastic Cooler Units


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I realize that this may be the wrong time of year to be asking this question -

But has anyone seen for sale in Chiang Mai, the re-usable plastic containers, filled with a blue fluid, that you freeze and put in a cooler box to take for picnics or whatever.

Plenty for sale back in the U.K. and North America, but unless they have them in Robinson - I have not yet seen here.


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The bigger name pharmacies will have them.

I hope I have not mis-interpreted the type you're looking for. The ones in the pharmacies are intended for those needing an ice pack. They are soft, not hard, plastic. Work ok for cooling other things. But, since from a pharmacy could be mpre expensive than what ypu want.

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They do have them in Robinson's and in Central. But they are very costly. I think the smallest ones go for about 150 baht. What I do is take used plastic water bottles and just fill them with water and freeze. Or I get ziploc bags from bakersmart (because they are much cheaper and stronger than those for sale in the supermarkets) and fill one bag with water and then insert it in another bag. You could glue them shut too.

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Use a plastic milk bottle, fill with water and then freeze it. Works great and it is reusable.

Get plastic soft drink bottles as they are much stronger, fill with very salty water. The bottle won't break, won't turn to ice and will keep your beer cool much longer than plain water.

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Use a plastic milk bottle, fill with water and then freeze it. Works great and it is reusable.

Get plastic soft drink bottles as they are much stronger, fill with very salty water. The bottle won't break, won't turn to ice and will keep your beer cool much longer than plain water.

Better yet, 6 baht per bag at 7-11." ICE".:lol:

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