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Dating In Chiangmai...


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Objectively there is a modicum, not I think of racism, but rather of skin tone preference in Thailand. Neither blacks nor those whose genetic origin makes them "dark" seem to be appreciated as much as the "white" folk. In a sense it seems that the real problem is that many Thai women equate darkness of skin color with Isaan origin (NE Thailand) where skin tones run darker. It is not an external ethnic discrimination, but rather a reflection of internal generalization that paler is better, and darker equates to an Isaan origin. I realize that Isaan and it's people are predominantly farmers (and often poor farmers) though I find it hard to understand why this is looked down upon, though the same situation occurs in RP. In the decades to come, the status of lowly farmers may rise exponentially. (Just my opinion).

If your friend wants a good Thai woman there is the language obstacle. This can be overcome by a few six week classes held by AUA at a reasonable cost of about $200@ Canadian. Living here for 6-12 weeks is quite cheap and what a nice way to escape those oft-brutal Canadian winters. Knowing some basic Thai will make him more appreciated. Two or three sets of classes, with on-line tutoring in between will go a long way in finding appreciative women.

As another poster mentioned, clean-shaven, nice shoes, quality pants, etc. (not Levi's) are appreciated more than many realize. Look at what quality women wear in Chiang Mai, and watch what respected Thai males wear and you can learn a lot.

The prior mentioned book sounds good. One I would recommend is "Thailand Fever" by by Chris Pirazzi, and Vitida Vasant. It's interesting in that it's tilted towards (but not exclusively) farang-bargirl relationships, though one can use it to avoid such relationships (which is what I recommend). It is written in both English and Thai script, and delves deeply into very important cultural differences so that each in a couple can understand (or at least try to) the others point of view. Still, in my book, I appreciate the oft heard: "You can take the girl out of the bar, but you will never take the bar out of the girl."

He can increase his odds by about 500% by looking for a good Thai woman with a child ( the family abandoned by the husband or widowed especially) (I'm not sure about divorced). It is important to note here that in Thailand a non-registered marriage, even one performed by Monks offers almost no security to women and a man is free to go and take another wife. Oddly though this is tangential--If a farang marries a Thai woman, it is virtually always best to be officially married in Canada (America, etc.) but NOT to officially register the marriage with the Thailand government. To do so removes tremendous civil rights involving ownership of land (it is complex, but once officiated she cannot buy land).

The language barrier alone makes his quest a difficult task. My suggestion to him, unless he is truly dead set on a Thai mate for some reason is to forgo Thailand, and spend a month in Cebu City, RP (Republic of Philippines).

Why? Many reasons:

RP's economy is devastated, many women are indeed desperate. There are almost NO jobs. Almost all young women would love to leave RP for Canada. Most Thai women like Thailand and don't want to leave.

Most Filipino's speak adequate English.

The "Catholic" ethics of RP is such that women do not (almost never) cheat on their men (unless they are in the sex trade, but there are not that many there) but RP men almost always cheat on their women. See the book: Lust in Translation if you don't believe this statement. It is a fascinating book that has researched the cultural aspects of fidelity country by country. RP along with Nepal is almost unique in the universal adherence to fidelity.

Note: If your friend is dark skinned, it will be more difficult. Women in RP, as often is the case in Thailand, want white (white mates and they want to be white themselves) I can't say why, but it is so.

If he wants a good Filipino that was made pregnant by a boyfriend who then decided that she was now worthless and has a child--There he will find what he seeks. It is a sad fact in RP that men often do this; they prey upon young women, knock them up, and simply then overtly or covertly dump them as worthless, like a Cowboy of the Old West who just wants to put another notch on his gun.

Just my thoughts, and please realize that generalizations are not "always" true and I mean no disrespect, not RP men, or Thai men whose culture allows (or even promotes) infidelity. I try to maintain objectivity on another culture. But understanding the common "he can," but "she can't" culture can go a long way to understanding why Thai or Filipino women desire farang husbands.

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jsflynn: "-If a farang marries a Thai woman, it is virtually always best to be officially married in Canada (America, etc.) but NOT to officially register the marriage with the Thailand government. To do so removes tremendous civil rights involving ownership of land (it is complex, but once officiated she cannot buy land)."

This is utter and complete BS. Either you don't read or you are reading things written more than 10 years ago. There is nothing that prohibits or inhibits a woman's civil rights in Thailand by marrying a foreigner.

As far as your comments on Thai-Thai marriages, they are wrong also. A woman has always been able to sue for divorce from a husband that supports another woman. It is only recent that she now can sue on base of infidelity.

FYI, one reason that you don't see a lot of dark skin foreigners married to Thai women is not just because Thai's don't like the dark skin, it is also that many of the men are not attracted to this type of woman. I will say that women from the Philipines are more open to darker skin men. Another misnomer from JSFLYN.

From a white guys perspective you guys think you know what you are talking about.

As for Indian men and Thai women. Let me just say that when I was in University here I had a few Indian friends and they didn't have much problem finding girl friends. Again it is more about personality than appearance for a stable relationship.

TONTO: I would respond to your comments but it is clear that you are so ethnocentric that any rational logic would escape you. I hope that you are not here as an English teacher with such an ignorant and narrow minded perspective.

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Does she have to be Thai? Why not try to find love in India?

i guess he thinks of Canadian and Indian girls are too strong too determined and he probably enjoys gentleness and easygoing of thai ladies

ha ha.. I love a bit of sarcasm in the morning.. :jap:

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Three observations relating to the above posts:

Most Thai people prefer white skin, but not all. I have a friend, not a hooker, who thinks athletic African men are hot. Perhaps the biggest difference between Thai people and western people when it comes to skin color preferences is that Thai people openly state their preference without concern for political correctness.

I've taught English to many Thai university students, almost all of them women. None of them gave the impression of being on the hunt for a rich western husband. They want to learn English because it is an advantage, and sometimes a necessity, in many careers.

Any man who thinks he can come to Thailand and find and marry the perfect woman in a month is setting himself up for a fall.

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I think that the Whites only club of racist that exist here on TV, should really just shut up. They have no idea what a good relationship is.

I don't think that his ethnic background is the problem, I think that he is desperate. What decent women wants that.

What you or I may or may not think isnt the problem.. The problem is the OP has described a certain social strata, a semi educated and maybe 'middle class' or above Thai.. And most of those (sadly) recoil in horror at the idea of a relationship with a darker skinned / Indian gent.

Thais are (very often) unashamedly racist.. To the point of even common media and TV reinforcement (Darkie toothpaste anyone ?? Ohh how we laughed !! :rolleyes: ) in every whitening cream advert and soap opera population. White / pale = good, dark / brown = poor / rural / dirty / etc.. Dont blame me, I am just saying how they reinforce it.

So the idea of a 'good girl' suddenly jumping into the arms of this guy to stroll into the future together, is asking this good girl to break every rule in the good girl rulebook. Its not impossible just highly unlikely. If he has the ability to compensate by rolling up in a benz and has major money, if he can compensate by speaking Thai and understanding cultural norms, all can help. But ultimately he has an uphill road.

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jsflynn: "-If a farang marries a Thai woman, it is virtually always best to be officially married in Canada (America, etc.) but NOT to officially register the marriage with the Thailand government. To do so removes tremendous civil rights involving ownership of land (it is complex, but once officiated she cannot buy land)."

This is utter and complete BS. Either you don't read or you are reading things written more than 10 years ago. There is nothing that prohibits or inhibits a woman's civil rights in Thailand by marrying a foreigner.

My information, for those who might be interested comes from: Thai Law for Foreigners by Benjawan Poomsan Becker. Publisher: Paiboon PubEdition, published 2008.

If as you say the law has changed, please either paraphrase or indicate a source, as this is an important subject to some of us.

Edited by jsflynn603
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If he has been BURNT by a Thai girl already. And wants to come back for seconds then why is he asking you/us for advice? Surely we learn from our own mistakes. :annoyed:

"When in doubt, go without" :D

I think he just happened to meet the wrong girl but i think there are plenty of "good girl" out there but just dont know how to find or meet them...certainly online social network or dating service can end upwith wrong type of people "sexy girl" may be...

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Clinique, You are right, you will never see people of Indian decent married to Thais, so all of the ones that live on Changklan Road are an illusion.

Wake up and smell reality. There are plenty of people from good families in Thailand that see a person for who their are not what they look like.

Yes, there is racial prejudice here just like there is everywhere but for a true relationship the person will care about more than just Ethnic background.

Those that are looking for someone of a particular race usually end up in a superficial relationship.


I don't know what a good girl is. Is your friend a pedophile? I thought that he wanted to date someone. He should be looking for a woman not a girl. A good partner is one that respects you for who you are. Where you find them is irrelevant, but I don't personally believe that relationships built on dating sites on the best.

As stated before, people that are looking for marriage are desperate.

I am not sure how desperate he is all i know was that he is good hearted person who is genuine and honest but just happened to meet the thai girl/woman that toyed his heart in previous relationship

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jsflynn: "-If a farang marries a Thai woman, it is virtually always best to be officially married in Canada (America, etc.) but NOT to officially register the marriage with the Thailand government. To do so removes tremendous civil rights involving ownership of land (it is complex, but once officiated she cannot buy land)."

This is utter and complete BS. Either you don't read or you are reading things written more than 10 years ago. There is nothing that prohibits or inhibits a woman's civil rights in Thailand by marrying a foreigner.

My information, for those who might be interested comes from: Thai Law for Foreigners by Benjawan Poomsan Becker. Publisher: Paiboon PubEdition, published 2008.

If as you say the law has changed, please either paraphrase or indicate a source, as this is an important subject to some of us.

From personal experience, I can confirm that this has not been the case, for several years at the least. I always have to accompany my wife to the local Land-Office, when she buys another plot of land, to confirm that it's not my money she's using, and that I won't try to claim it was, if we ever divorce.

From hearsay, I'd say that it hasn't been true, that a Thai marrying a foreigner lost her right to own land here, for over 20 years. It once was the case, but no longer is.

Hope this helps you. :jap:

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Does she have to be Thai? Why not try to find love in India?

like many of us we are attractted to LOS gentle girls

Some have a very dark and violent side to them. They are not all as 'gentle' as you may think. Some can be very sweet at times but at other times have a very bad temper. Your friend should be very careful. He could be setting himself up for a disaster.

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I don't know the book that you speak of, I just read from Thai Law not from someone quoting their rendition of Thai Law. It has been many years. I forgot the government website that I read, it is in Thai, but I believe that it was 1988 or so that it was repealed.

As for Race I will stand firm that it would not be an issue for someone of Indian (or any other brown skin ethnicity) descent to find a descent woman here from a respectable family.

The issue is that the OP;s friend basically wants a mail order bride.

Hate to break it to the white skin fan club out there but women from good backgrounds don't meet someone in a month and move their entire life to another country not matter how white the guy is. It is not race it is about lifestyle choices. Women from good backgrounds, middle class family or above do not run off to other countries with strangers.

If the OP's friend was to live here for a long time and build a good friendship-+ with a woman than he would have a better chance.

What most of the forum members don't seem to realize that women are not men and hence not as shallow. Women will overlook her initial "TYPE" for a man that she loves.

I always find it ironic that the men that claim that dark skin men have more difficult finding partners are white guys. Tell you that everyone that I know that is non-white and has lived here for extended periods are all married and relatively happy. Brazilian guys tend to do quite well here also. So sorry to burst your bubble it is not a white's only club. Just the women that you guys tend to go after are white crazy. So instead of loving you for you, they are first attracted to an ideal not your reality. I wouldn't call that a "GOOD GIRL"

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So, this is for an Indian looking guy right? Objectively speaking, I'd say that's going to be a tough sell.

yes he is indian looking guy born in india and migrated to Canada. He is from well established and well educated family...been through a rough divorce and was broken-hearted by a thai girl last year. He has good chemistry towards thai so he is now looking to turn new page of relationship hopefully with thai girl for his future wife

So how much dowry you indian friend wants from the thai bride....i understand many women are maimed or killed by their in-laws when they can't paid them dowry... :realangry:

Here is the problem...Indian culture expects dowry from the bride and the Thai culture expects some from the groom. The Indian groom and the Thai bride...huge culture shock!!

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Also sorry to rain on your parade, and not wishing to generlise but, "Good Thai Girl to marry with man of Indian decent/background "!!

I agree with previous poster - that is a very tough call.

Perhaps yuo and he have never heard the Thai proverb about 'the Snake and the Indian' ??

Anyway do wish him good luck for what he wants, but still very tough call culturally speaking.

This guy is decent East Indian Canadian...heard of that Thai proverb too buy hey can't judge the book by its cover

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Hate to break it to the white skin fan club out there but women from good backgrounds don't meet someone in a month and move their entire life to another country not matter how white the guy is. It is not race it is about lifestyle choices. Women from good backgrounds, middle class family or above do not run off to other countries with strangers.

Thai women from good backgrounds don't date foreigners.

Life and marriage is a total crapshoot anyway.

Those seeking a certain type of girl from a certain type of background are merely displaying the prejudices built into them by their parents and ethnic background.

Most people find 'bad' wives (husbands) in the end, no matter what their respective backgrounds were or how well matched their social and educational levels are. People have a tendency to grow apart with the passing of time.

IMHO you are just as likely to find a good wife in a bar as on a university campus.

Just try to pick one that actually likes you!

Edited by pjclark1
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here's my (cynical) take:

1. remember you are a walking ATM

2. don't forget that if you cannot get a girl in your own country - you can here - but at a price!

3. Thais view relationships in a more 'practical way' than farangs - what's love got to do with it? (apologies Tina)

4. you are number 10 behind:

their family

their bank account

their gik

their second gik

their friends

their dog

their car

their job

their clothes

and then maybe you (if you find a good one)

and remember the translation problem?

they say/it means

honey I miss you / can i have some money

you are the only one for me / apart from my gik

where have you been honey / I need money

i love you / i love your bank account

you are so handsome / i am short of cash

honey can i bring a friend / can you pay for both of us

i'm feeling sick and cannot come tonight / my gik is visiting town

i have never met anyone like you before / none of my giks have ever had any money

I only like farangs / only they have money

I broken heart / and broken bank account

A bit tongue in cheek but you get the drift? everything here is an 'exchange' i know many farangs who are happy with their Thai girl - often 20 or 30 years apart... must be love right? well it may be... love Thai style

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This is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement of the day.

"Thai women from good backgrounds don't date foreigners."

Hate to break it to you that there are quite a few well respected social elites of Thailand that have married foreigners. There are also a great deal of middle class and upper middle class that are married to foreigners. I know one guy that is married to the daughter of a retired member of parliament.

This I agree with.

"Life and marriage is a total crapshoot anyway.

Those seeking a certain type of girl from a certain type of background are merely displaying the prejudices built into them by their parents and ethnic background.

Most people find 'bad' wives (husbands) in the end, no matter what their respective backgrounds were or how well matched their social and educational levels are. People have a tendency to grow apart with the passing of time"

"IMHO you are just as likely to find a good wife in a bar as on a university campus. Just try to pick one that actually likes you!"

Though I respect your democratic thinking I don't this is accurate at all. A relationship built on drinking and hooking up vs a relationship built on mutual interests and ideals.

I am not saying that a good woman won't be found in a bar, but lets face it there are more nightmare stories about bar hookups than there are about students meeting at the same university.

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This is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement of the day.

"Thai women from good backgrounds don't date foreigners."

Hate to break it to you that there are quite a few well respected social elites of Thailand that have married foreigners. There are also a great deal of middle class and upper middle class that are married to foreigners. I know one guy that is married to the daughter of a retired member of parliament.

d in a bar, but lets face it there are more nightmare stories about bar hookups than there are about students meeting at the same university.

The 'good ones' don't date foreigners (single, never been married, never had children or abortions, educated in Thailand).

The ones with failed marriages, illegitimate children, etc., no longer have 'good backgrounds' by Thai standards.

(I also class westernized Thai girls in the no longer good ones class)

"IMHO you are just as likely to find a good wife in a bar as on a university campus. Just try to pick one that actually likes you!"

Though I respect your democratic thinking I don't this is accurate at all. A relationship built on drinking and hooking up vs a relationship built on mutual interests and ideals.

I am not saying that a good woman won't be found in a bar, but lets face it there are more nightmare stories about bar hookups than there are about students meeting at the same university.

First, educational standards here are dire, really dire, unless the lady has been educated abroad (westernized so damaged in my eyes) you won't be able to meet your educational equal (not that I believe that is important in a relationship between a man and a woman anyway).

I have met some very bright hookers that learn a second language in months, I have also met some ladies with degrees in a foreign language who can't speak a word of that language (and a lot of the female students in ChiangMai work in bars at nights).

A weak man will always have failed relationships ... failure is usually more to do with the man than the woman (no woman likes a doormat).

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I don't know the book that you speak of, I just read from Thai Law not from someone quoting their rendition of Thai Law. It has been many years. I forgot the government website that I read, it is in Thai, but I believe that it was 1988 or so that it was repealed.

As for Race I will stand firm that it would not be an issue for someone of Indian (or any other brown skin ethnicity) descent to find a descent woman here from a respectable family.

The issue is that the OP;s friend basically wants a mail order bride.

Hate to break it to the white skin fan club out there but women from good backgrounds don't meet someone in a month and move their entire life to another country not matter how white the guy is. It is not race it is about lifestyle choices. Women from good backgrounds, middle class family or above do not run off to other countries with strangers.

If the OP's friend was to live here for a long time and build a good friendship-+ with a woman than he would have a better chance.

What most of the forum members don't seem to realize that women are not men and hence not as shallow. Women will overlook her initial "TYPE" for a man that she loves.

I always find it ironic that the men that claim that dark skin men have more difficult finding partners are white guys. Tell you that everyone that I know that is non-white and has lived here for extended periods are all married and relatively happy. Brazilian guys tend to do quite well here also. So sorry to burst your bubble it is not a white's only club. Just the women that you guys tend to go after are white crazy. So instead of loving you for you, they are first attracted to an ideal not your reality. I wouldn't call that a "GOOD GIRL"

I do agree with you that non-white skin race can have a great success in love relationship with thai girls/ladies that so called 'good girl' I have looked around and i dont see too many "decent" thai girls/ladies mingle with indian race (let go the brazilian - the great latino dancer)

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here's my (cynical) take:

1. remember you are a walking ATM

2. don't forget that if you cannot get a girl in your own country - you can here - but at a price!

3. Thais view relationships in a more 'practical way' than farangs - what's love got to do with it? (apologies Tina)

4. you are number 10 behind:

their family

their bank account

their gik

their second gik

their friends

their dog

their car

their job

their clothes

and then maybe you (if you find a good one)

and remember the translation problem?

they say/it means

honey I miss you / can i have some money

you are the only one for me / apart from my gik

where have you been honey / I need money

i love you / i love your bank account

you are so handsome / i am short of cash

honey can i bring a friend / can you pay for both of us

i'm feeling sick and cannot come tonight / my gik is visiting town

i have never met anyone like you before / none of my giks have ever had any money

I only like farangs / only they have money

I broken heart / and broken bank account

A bit tongue in cheek but you get the drift? everything here is an 'exchange' i know many farangs who are happy with their Thai girl - often 20 or 30 years apart... must be love right? well it may be... love Thai style

what is going on in this LOS today world...back in the old day thai women would value their men as "front elephant foot" as being leader - they would go out at dawn to the market for some fresh produce come back and cook for their men. During the day they would tidy up their home do some knitting wait and wait for their men to return. and now what happens...a girl sitting at starbuck and calls their men on their latest smartphone asking for shopping pocket money and a fine dinner...and yet some are still not satisfied.

a lot has changed...how do we find these "good girl"

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Most of the above comments are clearly made by the sexpat community. Get out of your narrow minded small circles.

I doubt that any of the above posters actually socialize on a daily basis with any upper middle class or social elite in CM.

A woman that studies abroad is no longer a "good girl". What a completely ignorant comment.

PJclark. Just admitting that you have talked to a hooker leaves you out of any social circle that I know of.

The 'good ones' don't date foreigners (single, never been married, never had children or abortions, educated in Thailand).

I could give you a list of family names but you probably wouldn't know them as you don't associate in the right circles.

I assure you that there are many that do. They just don't date the sex pat losers that you seem to associate with and are probably one yourself.

Trust me that there are plenty of women here in Thailand that don't think of foreigners as ATM. Matter of fact some of my female friends and I were talking recently about their belief that most of the foreigners in Thailand are middle class and most seem to be labor class in their own countries.

As for educational standards. Tell me what Thai University that you went to and compare it to what Western University. I went to Chula and I also went to Cornell in the states. I tell you that Cornell does have a higher caliber of professors but I didn't have a problem going to Cornell after Chula. I was prepared.

You sound like another arrogant westerner that really knows jack all.

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Sorry newby, sounds like you are just too young to have much understanding of anything.

We shall just have to agree to differ until you are old enough to share common experiences of life.


I am more than happy to talk and associate with people of any social strata in any country.

I am over 50 and have had between 6 and 8 lovers in my entire life (3 were Thai, the others English).

I really wonder which of us is the sexpat? I'm not sure I have had enough lovers to meet the criteria.

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Most of the above comments are clearly made by the sexpat community. Get out of your narrow minded small circles.

I doubt that any of the above posters actually socialize on a daily basis with any upper middle class or social elite in CM.

A woman that studies abroad is no longer a "good girl". What a completely ignorant comment.

PJclark. Just admitting that you have talked to a hooker leaves you out of any social circle that I know of.

You sound like another arrogant westerner that really knows jack all.

Lay off the Bar working girls --- a large percentage of their income goes right back to their families

While I am sure a large percentage of your upper class girls use their income on skin whiteners

Edited by PlanetX
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Most of the above comments are clearly made by the sexpat community. Get out of your narrow minded small circles.

I doubt that any of the above posters actually socialize on a daily basis with any upper middle class or social elite in CM.

A woman that studies abroad is no longer a "good girl". What a completely ignorant comment.

PJclark. Just admitting that you have talked to a hooker leaves you out of any social circle that I know of.

The 'good ones' don't date foreigners (single, never been married, never had children or abortions, educated in Thailand).

I could give you a list of family names but you probably wouldn't know them as you don't associate in the right circles.

I assure you that there are many that do. They just don't date the sex pat losers that you seem to associate with and are probably one yourself.

Trust me that there are plenty of women here in Thailand that don't think of foreigners as ATM. Matter of fact some of my female friends and I were talking recently about their belief that most of the foreigners in Thailand are middle class and most seem to be labor class in their own countries.

As for educational standards. Tell me what Thai University that you went to and compare it to what Western University. I went to Chula and I also went to Cornell in the states. I tell you that Cornell does have a higher caliber of professors but I didn't have a problem going to Cornell after Chula. I was prepared.

You sound like another arrogant westerner that really knows jack all.

not sure where all this 'sex pat loser' stuff is coming from? take away the freely available sex here and 90% of farangs would leave for sure! most don't come here for the culture and most Thai girls who go with farangs don't because they love white skin or the Bealtles it's because they see security etc. and why not? it's an exchange - everything in life is an exchange.

I love my sex life here but would not call myself a 'sex pat loser' having dated professional (no not that type of professional!) girls here for the last few years. I see my self as a 'winner' I know many farangs back in 'farangland' who would love to live the life here where the sun always shines, the living is cheap and the girls more than willing - take those three things away and the farangs would leave in droves. I could not care less at mixing in hiso circles - most of it is what comes out of a kawais toot.

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I know this is a long shot, but is there any chance we can agree that Thai women can't be characterized with simple stereotypes like the arrogant "I don't do farang" socialites and the shameless "anything for money" poor girls?

Nah, probably not. After all, the appeal of stereotypes is that they relieve people of the need to treat other people as individuals and (god forbid!) think before judging.

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I know this is a long shot, but is there any chance we can agree that Thai women can't be characterized with simple stereotypes like the arrogant "I don't do farang" socialites and the shameless "anything for money" poor girls?

Nah, probably not. After all, the appeal of stereotypes is that they relieve people of the need to treat other people as individuals and (god forbid!) think before judging.

if they stopped acting like that people wouldn't see them that way would they? it's only a generalisation but it is pretty prevalant

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