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New In Bkk. Looking For Friends


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Hello everybody!

I'm relatively new here, both in Thailand and on this forum. I moved here about half a year ago and found this site through a topic on this forum.

Now... I am a farang with a permanent residence in Thailand and I have my share of Thai friends and family living here, but as most people have probably realized: it's pretty difficult to find foreign friends in Thailand. Generally they consist of either A. Visitors to Thailand who come here to study or find work experience for a while but eventually return to their county of origin, or B. Expatriots who retire in Thailand with an "imported" mate or a Thai girl they picked up in a pub. It is indeed a very difficult task to find farangs permanently residing in Bangkok who are aged between 20 and 30.

So my question is: How do I go about establishing a social network of foreign, young individuals to hang out with? I've been told to join a club or language course, but I don't really want to committ myself towards something like that. The bottom line is: I'm hoping to find some guys and girls around my age to occasionally hang out with, as it gets pretty lonely living in a big city all by yourself. My apologies for posting in the "Ladies in Thailand" topic, but the "Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat life" topic had a "let's get drunk together and party all night long" feel to it.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated so please don't hesitate to send me a note.

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I don't live in Bangkok, I am afraid, so can't give you much info on social groups to join but you could try hitting some of the business networking events that go on, you are sure to meet friendly like minded people at these.

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we dont hang out in pub that much anymore, so i donno alot. Honestly We (me and hubby)think we should finding new friends too coz our friends they r now having kids (all at the same time, but we dont want kid lol) so it hard to get them to hangout like before.my hubby didnt work here that is abit difficult looking for friends that speak the language and my friends are scare of farang lol , if u know wat i mean.

anyone around ?? lol :P

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we dont hang out in pub that much anymore, so i donno alot. Honestly We (me and hubby)think we should finding new friends too coz our friends they r now having kids (all at the same time, but we dont want kid lol) so it hard to get them to hangout like before.my hubby didnt work here that is abit difficult looking for friends that speak the language and my friends are scare of farang lol , if u know wat i mean.

anyone around ?? lol :P

You had me at husband and kids. I'm at that age where I'm too old to hang out in pubs, which never really was my thing to begin with, and not yet willing to get married, let alone have kids. I guess that narrows down the circle. As for the last part, you lost me there. I have lot's of Thai friends and they don't seem scared of me (at least I don't think so), it's just the farang department in which I'm lacking in.

But it's good to know there are guys and girls out there, so here's hoping somebody will take notice.

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Well, I agree that a pub is the only place to meet, but I also feel a little old for pubs. In any case, let's give this thread some time so there'll be more people. I'm quite a bit busy this week anyway (I work during christmas and new year <_<). Oh, and I'm 26.

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I think there are plenty of things you can do in Bangkok besides drinking - but to be honest I can't think of much. :huh:

Having Lunch/Dinner, Picnic, Bowling, doing Sports are the only things I can think of.

Friends of mine went wake boarding and go kart racing - I've never tried it though, but it sounds like fun.

Maybe anyone has better ideas? :D

Personally I don't like partying and most young girls or guys in Bangkok seem to be only about that.

I guess it's all about finding friends with similar interests which can be hard at times.

I found my friends at Uni, so I can't give you any good tips on how to meet people. I totally agree with you that it's

a little hard to find foreign friends with similar interests.


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You can already start by a pm to oxfordwill perhaps?

He's expressed an interest but maybe doesn't read the thread often enough

Alternatively you could pm bkkjames to meet for a game of chess :whistling:

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You can already start by a pm to oxfordwill perhaps?

He's expressed an interest but maybe doesn't read the thread often enough

Alternatively you could pm bkkjames to meet for a game of chess :whistling:

Sorry for my lack of internet/forum knowledge, as I said, I'm new here. How's that work?

(...meet for a game of chess) Wow, that sounds really. really exciting... not.<_<

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