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Nose Bandage For Breathing...?


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Years ago there was a little plastic bandage that flexed that you attached over your nose to aid breathing through your nose during excercise. I am trying to find these little buggers in Thailand, but I dont even know what they're called.

What's the name of the thingy and where do I buy them??


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Any plaster that is stretched across the bridge of your nose will do . they only flatten the nostrils down , I am not certain how long they will last because you will probably rub them off , or they fall of after you get hot and , shall i say perspire,.But good luck .

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Hallelujah!! I've been looking for these things for years too.I thought they had been discontinued. They are my entry back into the marital bed! My snoring apparently is akin to a formula one start for bulldozers. I'm not clear - Boots, Fascino, or Watsons ???

You should consider having a sleep test done as it sounds like you could have sleep apnea which can be very detrimental to your overall health.

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Hallelujah!! I've been looking for these things for years too.I thought they had been discontinued. They are my entry back into the marital bed! My snoring apparently is akin to a formula one start for bulldozers. I'm not clear - Boots, Fascino, or Watsons ???

You should consider having a sleep test done as it sounds like you could have sleep apnea which can be very detrimental to your overall health.

Too true , usualy a sign of a bad heart.

Edited by Thongkorn
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My previous English girlfriend used to kick me out of the bedroom in the middle of the night when I was snoring particularly badly. Then I had one of those jaw clamps made by an English dentist. Cost a lot (£500 - probably a lot cheaper now), took a few nights (only) to get used to and made you feel a bit like Hanibal Lecter - definitely a passion killer. But it worked brilliantly.

But then I kicked that girlfriend out of my bedroom and married a Thai. She tells me 'you don't snore darling' - bless her!

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Hallelujah!! I've been looking for these things for years too.I thought they had been discontinued. They are my entry back into the marital bed! My snoring apparently is akin to a formula one start for bulldozers. I'm not clear - Boots, Fascino, or Watsons ???

You should consider having a sleep test done as it sounds like you could have sleep apnea which can be very detrimental to your overall health.

Too true , usualy a sign of a bad heart.

Thanks to you both. No I don't have sleep apnea. Its a very long standing problem since adolescence and apparently to do with nasal passages in my case. The heart is good thanks to being a runner earlier in life and a cyclist more recently. But the middle age spread and a Thai diet haven't helped in the past few years. Regards.

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