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Sick Pug Pup And Frustrated With The Vets Thus Far

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WE got our new pug puppy on Thursday, great dog with an amazing personality. Unfortunately he started getting a weird asthma/cough attacks on Friday night, he's tummy was not very good as he defecates about 15-20 times a day(much more than my previous pug).

WE took him to a vet in Sukhumvit 103 and after giving him some meds for settling his stomache and changing his food to Royal Canin Puppy food was told he should be better in a couple of hours. Well it seemed to have gotten only worse until it peaked at one attack every 10 mins. We rushed him to Thonglor Animal hospital this morning at 2 am where the Vet on call put him in a oxygen booth for 20 mins saying it would help him for 4-5 hours, unfortunately though as soon as we got home the attacks started again.

I am really concerned today as he is not eating his food(with luke warm water mixed as instructed) and seems to not be drinking water as well. Has anyone else had the same problem as this is really distressing and the Vets dont seem to be able to tell me what is wrong.

He is 1.5kg and 2 months 10 days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, he is scheduled for another oxygen treatment tomorrow but is there really any point if it doesnt help?

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The vets at the main Thonglor hospital are really good (I think you went to one of their branches). I'd recommend that you google like crazy to see if you can find any information online. I NEVER take my dogs to the vet or put them on medication until I've read everything I can about potential treatments, side effects, etc. That way when you go back to the hospital, you can have an informed conversation with the doctor (I read online that xxxx, do you think that could help...?). I've always found vets to be really gracious about this and some are really grateful that you did your homework. Thonglor also has specialists. If you saw a general vet, ask to be referred.

Best of luck. I know how stressful it is to have a sick pet.

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The vets at the main Thonglor hospital are really good (I think you went to one of their branches). I'd recommend that you google like crazy to see if you can find any information online. I NEVER take my dogs to the vet or put them on medication until I've read everything I can about potential treatments, side effects, etc. That way when you go back to the hospital, you can have an informed conversation with the doctor (I read online that xxxx, do you think that could help...?). I've always found vets to be really gracious about this and some are really grateful that you did your homework. Thonglor also has specialists. If you saw a general vet, ask to be referred.

Best of luck. I know how stressful it is to have a sick pet.

Not sure if it is the main one I went to(Just past Thonglor 9) but maybe I was just unlucky as it really seemed the woman that was on call was fresh out of uni, the puppy is at another vet now for observation and I am glad to say he is already showing signs of improvement this morning. The vet here in Sukhumvit 93 was pretty upset about the treatment that Thonglor hospital gave(looking at the invoice with meds and treatment the pup was given) so much so that he asked for us to give him the name of the person as one of his friends works there and he wanted to give them a piece of his mind. According to him the oxygen treatment caused the coughing to worse(something about moisture in the lungs).

I have been trying to research as much as possible but could not find anything that matches all of the symptons. Thanks for the advice anyway, but I am happy with the vet he is at now and I told the vet that no expense is to be spared to get the little guy better so I am hopeful he will be better soon.

@aussiebrian thank you for the info, I truly hope this is not the case and it seems that he does not fit all of the symptons(at least not yet), the thing the Vet's cannot understand is that he does not have a fever and in between the attacks he is very playful and happy

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i would check with the pug pup's parents owners since pugs are very prone to respiratory problems due to their soft palate and scrunchy nose, also have intestinal problems for the same reasons, shortened body, barrel ribs, etc... they also suffer from genetic diseases so i would go to some pug sites and forums because this is not the first time ive heard about this problem with pugs... we also treated many pugs with intestinal and breathing disorders... they are sensitive to bad quality air, smoker's cough so to speak.. and the food should also fit ... there area mny pug forums , its enough that u type in 'snoring/gasping for breath plus pug, u will get many results...

if u got the pug at a market, the chances are much higher that there will be physical and genetic problems with the pup unfortunately.

caveat emptor. if u got from a breeder or private party call them up.



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@aussiebrian thank you for the info, I truly hope this is not the case and it seems that he does not fit all of the symptons(at least not yet), the thing the Vet's cannot understand is that he does not have a fever and in between the attacks he is very playful and happy

Kennel cough usually starts with a deep dry-ish cough often followed by retching. In a day this can go over into a deep barking cough with more retching and sometimes vomiting of some white slime. Normally there is no fever, and the dog keeps on playing and eating. Although it can happen that the infection goes deeper and then causes so much distress that the dog becomes lethargic and the appetite goes down.

This kind of cough can also be seen in dogs with distemper.

You also mention that his tummy seems to be not good; often defecating. This can also be a sx of distemper, but not saying it is.

A vet can test for distemper and parvo-virus. You may want to ask your vet about that. Further, there is a newish med on the market, called interferon, that has good results with both parvo and distemper. Also this you may like to discuss with your vet. Interferon isn't cheap, though. I think one bottle 3,500 baht (here in Chiang Mai).

Fingers crossed your puppy will get better soon. :)

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Thanks for all the advice, I am glad to report that he is back home for a few days now and is doing a million times better, still coughing a little but getting better everyday.

Must admit I have never had a pet with this much personality :)

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