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Fake Club


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Fake Club is located near to Chatuchak market and the Railway Park. It is the main club in a row of clubs and bars dedicated to gayness, in its broadest form. It is a unique proposition.

The customer base is around 80% Thai-Chinese effeminate boys/men. The average age must be around 20. The skin colour is pure white. It definitely doesn't operate as a pick up joint since for those effeminate boys there is simply nobody there to pick them up.

...but for a Farang with an interest in such boys this is clearly one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Until 2am you could be mistaken into thinking you've gone to the wrong place when matched against the above apparent hyperbole. But just wait. Until 2am you are unlikely to be approached many times, and perhaps only 2 or 3 boys will talk to you. But at 2am as the police close down the disco the entire street (or at least up to the central reservation) becomes like the Savannah in Africa 15,000 years ago. The prey is the white man. The hunter packs are the screaming packs of effeminate boys who, having downed a few bacardi breezers, are now intent on nabbing the prize par excellence.

Wherever the whiteman goes a horde of Thai-Chinese boys will follow. The standard weapon of choice is to talk to their friends in English as the whiteman dodges past. The secondary weapon is to push their friends into the whiteman until a conversation is forced. The whiteman must then use every weapon at hand to stop prying hands upon his crotch, telephone numbers being seduced off him, and vile invitations to head home.

I recommend the experience and wish you good luck. I just pray to God you don't need to go into the toilets.

To give my personal interest in this. It seems I am not gay. I am hyper-liberal and thought that maybe a very effeminate boy would appeal to me. But it didn't turn out to be true. But there were a few girls there, and heck, some pretty ladyboys too. A true pic-n-mix for even the most discerning party.

**As a warning: If you look over 30 then you will look so out of place that a rupture in the time-space continuum could take place. I suspect some boys there were as young as 15.**

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