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Is There An Internet Marketing Group In Chiang Mai


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The Official 1st Meeting Of The Internet Marketing Group at Kad Suan Kaew Mall on Tuesday, Jan 18th, 2011 at 7 P.M. has been CANCELED.

My intention in making this post originally was in the hope of finding other LIKE MINDED Internet Marketing Professionals that would like to get together and discuss ideas.

However, it quickly turned into More.... a meeting for ANYONE and as you can tell by reading this POST... I'm NOT interested in meeting just ANYONE.

Life is SHORT and I have NO DESIRE whatsoever to meet with people who are full of Negative Energy.

I think one individuals intent here in this forum is to disrupt the group at our meeting on Tuesday and I don't have time for people like that.

Therefore, I will NOT be at ANY meeting on Tuesday.

If you have seen my INTRO. pdf on this Forum and would be interested in meeting me for a ONE-ON-ONE meeting to see if we are a good match to DISCUSS Internet Marketing... than please contact me via E-mail or PM me here with your INTRO Details and Contact Information.

I will then schedule an appointment to meet you in person at a time that is benificial to us BOTH to TALK about internet marketing... and PROVEN Marketing Technics.

I have nothing to PROVE to anyone here or anywhere... my desire is to just LEARN..

Therefore, if you are interested in meeting me personally send me your INTRO along with what you are currently doing on-line.

If we are a GOOD Match, we will then plan for a PRIVATE GROUP meeting of the CM Internet Marketing Mastermind Group, where you will have the chance to meet other POSITIVE PEOPLE with a GOOD ATTITUDE about Internet Marketing.

Look forward to hearing from people with GOOD ATTITUDES that have current Internet Marketing Experience.

For all the NEWBIES here that are interested in meeting, we will have to do that at a later date.

Sorry that ONE INDIVIDUALS negative attitude and his desire to be a disruption to our 1st meeting has resulted in the cancelation of this meeting.

Of course ANYONE that wants to still meet at the location on Tuesday may do soooo... but I will NOT be present.

Sincerely, The Vacation Man

P.S. This will be my LAST POST in this thread. I will NOT be reading this THREAD any longer so please don't ask me questions on this Forum Thread, becasue you will not receive a reply. E-mail or PM me if you have a question or are interested in meeting one-on-one.

AGAIN: The Official 1st Meeting Of The Internet Marketing Group at Kad Suan Kaew Mall on Tuesday, Jan 18th, 2011 at 7 P.M. has been CANCELED.

Edited by vacationman
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I for one Vacationaman am sorry to see the meeting cancelled, however, I certainly understand why said cancellation was necessary.

You and Diamondking attempted to gather like-minded individuals in an effort to exchange ideas. Unfortunately, as often occurs in open forums, someone sought to find fault and posted comments that, in effect, spoiled the opportunity to which I, and I am certain quite a few others, were looking forward. However, out of this experience I had the pleasure of personally meeting and conversing with Diamondking. He is a positive individual, extremely knowledgeable, and clearly has a desire to provide information with no ulterior motive. He shared some of his experiences with me in support of specific recommendations tailored to my marketing goals that have turned out to be way more than for what I had hoped. His motivative encouragement was exemplary and is exactly what I seek to provide when meeting people who are considering a career in law. Contrary to what has been posted in the forum by one individual, I have found Diamondking to be a gifted, honest professional.

Edited by venturalaw
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It is too bad that one individual spoiled what could have been a good opportunity for everyone. I personally attended several such meetings along with other ex-pats when I lived in Europe. In spite of what products and/or services were being solicited (if any), I always walked away with knowing and learning something more about Internet Marketing than I did before I went. It was always a positive experience and I usually made new contacts and/or friends at the meetings as well. A lot of the people I met were Internet millionaires from all over the globe. Even if I wasn't interested in what was being offered I still benefited from the meetings.

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