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Children Under 18 To Face Curfew In Bangkok

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Cops to grill kids who stay out after 10pm

By Suparat Iamtan,

Mayuree Sukyingcharoenwong

The Nation

Youth who stay out of their homes after 10pm in Bangkok must have good reasons to do so from now on or police could summon them for questioning.

Metropolitan Police Bureau spokesman Maj-General Piya Utayo yesterday said the measure was intended to prevent youths from ending up as criminals or victims of crime. However, some people are worried about the measure.

"Police will conduct patrols to ensure youths do not engage in inappropriate activities," he said.

He said the Metropolitan Police commissioner had instructed his subordinates to strictly monitor youths aged under 18 who were out of their homes after 10pm.

"If we find them road racing or hanging out at Internet cafes, we will send them to police stations," Piya said.

He said the parents of the youths would then be alerted so they knew about the problem and could bring their children home. "But if the youths engage in illegal activities, they will be charged and face legal action," Piya added.

"It's necessary to take preventive measures, otherwise the children may become criminals or crime victims," he said.

Piya said children who had valid reasons - such as taking evening tutorial courses - would be allowed to stay out late.

Senator Wallop Tangkana-nurak, who chairs the Senate committee on children, women and the elderly, urged police to implement the measure cautiously. "If police stop and arrest children who are heading to a party at their friend's home, they will be violating the children's rights," he warned.

He said police should just ask the children where they are going and check if they are telling the truth or engaging in illegal activities.

Wallop also pointed out that it would be very sensitive if police conducted body searches on girls or took them to police stations for unclear reasons.

Panadda Chamnansuk, a lecturer from Kasetsart University's Faculty of Social Science, was even more worried. She said the measure would not fit in with Bangkok people's lifestyles.

Panadda said she believed police should focus on risky places such as auto-accessory shops and gaming cafes.

Wallop suggested police implement the measure by setting up checkpoints at night, claiming it would be more useful. "Check the adults too so as to effectively prevent crimes," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-01-14

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I agree, if enforced, this will only affect the regular kids, .....the hi-so will wiggle their way out of it, no problemo.

The cops will like it, as it's a chance to fraternize with pretty young girls. How's that? - you may ask. I've seen traffic stops along the hwy's - who do you think gets pulled over for checks (helmets, license, etc)? 10 to 1 it's pretty college girls. Not because they're the main offenders, but because the cops relish interacting with pretty girls more than other drivers - .....to get a phone number from a giggling, frightened girl perchance....?

And after apprehending a sweet young thing for being out late, what's the cop to do, ....escort her home, just the two of them? .....or to some secluded place for private consultation?


I have no statistics on this, but doubt criminal cases against 17-or-less old children committed by farang are only a very minor part of all crimes against children. Most is 'Thai only' business. Mind you the new curfew is also meant to combat crimes by children.

PS to be sure, in no way do I want to defend 'sick-minded' farang, neither sick-minded Thai.

I hate it when I make a mistake like this. I hope all understand 'doubt ... are only a very minor part' should be 'doubt ... are more than a very minor part'

Sexual crime against minors by Caucasian men be it in Thailand or in western countries is widely documented. It is not very difficult to find the information to validate my statement. Anyone can simply google it on the internet, e.g, the recent case in the UK: http://www.bbc.co.uk...hester-12143586 It is no wonder that kids in the west are scared to venture out on their own be it during the day or in the evening. If these men were not so perverted they would not spend their money travelling all over the world to abuse minors. The notoriety of male farangs in Thailand is widely discussed and there is nothing you people can do to alter the locals' negative perception. I don't doubt that there are some Thai men who are sick-minded, yet I don't see them going abroad like a lot of their Caucasian counterparts do - to carry out these heinous acts against children. And if they did, they would be punished severely. I find it utterly hypocritical of farangs to keep lecturing the locals about their sexual morality when they seem to have no problem breaching their own code of ethics.

Where is this" widely documented?" Yes there is abuse all over the world. As there are far more people who live in the "West" than in Thailand there will certainly be a larger number of incidences worldwide involving westerners. You dont see Thai men coming to the west to commit these acts because most cannot afford to travel and most cannot even obtain visas to countries like the US, UK and Australia without great difficulty. Anyway, why should they travel when they can get what they want at home without threat of any meaningful enforcement. You site one case in the west. I'll cite one to you then - my wife was raped by a Thai man in her village when she was 14. Unfortunately I cant give you a court citation because the man was never prosecuted despite everyone knowing who he was and what he did. So why would Thai men go abroad and face meaningful prosecution when they can get away with rape with impunity right at home. I dare say farang do not get away with such behavior even in Thailand, nor should they. The difference between the west and Thailand (and Asia in general) is that in the west there is usually meaningful enforcement against a rapist or abuser. In Thailand enforcement against a local is a farce and used primarily against foriegners. So it would only make sense that in a country where women are viewed as second class citizens whose main role is to take care of their male counterparts, and sexual abuse is not prosecuted, they would suffer more abuse from the local men as there are simply more of them. While sexual abuse cannot be condoned by anyone, it is not the farangs who created a society that fosters and tolerates this kind of abuse.But you must blame the west because as we all know, face saving is far more important than facing the truth in the LOS.

Your reply would be the reply I would have made, Spot on, thanks for doing it for me, cheers.



Cops to grill kids who stay out after 10pm

By Suparat Iamtan,

Mayuree Sukyingcharoenwong

The Nation

Youth who stay out of their homes after 10pm in Bangkok must have good reasons to do so from now on or police could summon them for questioning.

Metropolitan Police Bureau spokesman Maj-General Piya Utayo yesterday said the measure was intended to prevent youths from ending up as criminals or victims of crime. However, some people are worried about the measure.

"Police will conduct patrols to ensure youths do not engage in inappropriate activities," he said.

He said the Metropolitan Police commissioner had instructed his subordinates to strictly monitor youths aged under 18 who were out of their homes after 10pm.

"If we find them road racing or hanging out at Internet cafes, we will send them to police stations," Piya said.

He said the parents of the youths would then be alerted so they knew about the problem and could bring their children home. "But if the youths engage in illegal activities, they will be charged and face legal action," Piya added.

"It's necessary to take preventive measures, otherwise the children may become criminals or crime victims," he said.

Piya said children who had valid reasons - such as taking evening tutorial courses - would be allowed to stay out late.

Senator Wallop Tangkana-nurak, who chairs the Senate committee on children, women and the elderly, urged police to implement the measure cautiously. "If police stop and arrest children who are heading to a party at their friend's home, they will be violating the children's rights," he warned.

He said police should just ask the children where they are going and check if they are telling the truth or engaging in illegal activities.

Wallop also pointed out that it would be very sensitive if police conducted body searches on girls or took them to police stations for unclear reasons.

Panadda Chamnansuk, a lecturer from Kasetsart University's Faculty of Social Science, was even more worried. She said the measure would not fit in with Bangkok people's lifestyles.

Panadda said she believed police should focus on risky places such as auto-accessory shops and gaming cafes.

Wallop suggested police implement the measure by setting up checkpoints at night, claiming it would be more useful. "Check the adults too so as to effectively prevent crimes," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-01-14

I dont understand that this update is still referring to Bangkok, And last night it was announced on T.V. (Thai) that it was to cover the whole of Thailand. Its vital we know who is correct, as posters will be thrown.


A rule kim jong il would be proud of wink.gif

Thats silly. :rolleyes:

Children have no place in the streets late at night. They should be at home, simple as that.


The update is of a very different tone than the first statement.

It shows that the police is bound by the law and doesn't have the power to just arrest someone for being out on the street after 10 P.M.


Look on the bright side - at least they wont be recklessly driving borrowed cars on the motorway after dark. ;)

You do mean 17 year olds ??


Just as they announce that they are going to cut crime by 20% within the next six months. They go and make more pathetic laws that cannot be possibley be enforced without a major draw on already lacking police manpower.This law in itself will raise criminal acts in Bangkok 10 fold with the ammount of youths out after 10pm. I mean.... Please! bah.gif

Give them a break, they are trying to do something, anything to get youth crime down to a minimum. Many countries around the world have somewhat similar curfews. To do nothing is a crime. Do you know where your children will be after 10:00 PM? If you have any.

You said it exactly. Responsibility lies with the parents. Not with law enforcement.blink.gif

Hopefully this law will be enforced. If so, it could possibly ease the situation in Pattaya, where we so often read about raids in the boy bars, where there seems to be an abundance of under age boys working to satisfy sick gay pedophiles. I suspect that when these children are taken from the boy bars by the police, they are given a slap on the wrist and are back working the next night. I don't agree with laws that are so dictatorial or Draconian that people can be given a criminal record without due process in a court of law, but if it even deters a few children from being tempted into a gay pedophile's nightlife lair, then it might be worth while. Unfortunately, we know that nothing will really change for the better in Thailand.


I seriously doubt that, even in Thailand, the police have a legal right to unilaterally give someone, child or not, a criminal record simply for being out of the house after 10pm.

Specific targeting of particular problem venues (gay bars, brothels, drug ridden discos etc) would be more useful. Attack the client and protect the child.

Why is it we so often see these wild announcements from various authorities, obviously not thought through, only to disappear into oblivion after a few days? Someone qualified could earn their Phd studying the Thai propensity to fall victim to FIM (Foot In Mouth) and SIF (Shot In Foot) syndromes.



Cops to grill kids who stay out after 10pm

Wallop suggested police implement the measure by setting up checkpoints at night, claiming it would be more useful. "Check the adults too so as to effectively prevent crimes," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-01-14

Isn't that sort of thing referred to as a State of Emergency or Martial Law?  That would pretty much infringe on everyone's rights.  


Look on the bright side - at least they wont be recklessly driving borrowed cars on the motorway after dark. ;)

You do mean 17 year olds ??

Yeah those too.


Going to be very quiet on Nana and Cowboy

This is going to be very interesting. My bet is that absolutely nothing will change and these bars will be permitted to continue their sexual exploitation of young children as they have always done. I hope I am wrong and I would be thrilled if I were.

There's always a few bad apples but on the whole the majority of girls working in Nana and Cowboy are not underage.


The whole of Thailand, hmm? Right, I can see the Krabi coppers picking up youngster at night? Impossible, why you might ask? Because at night our local BIB are too busy doing side jobs at discos. After 6pm there is hardly a cop to be found here, after midnight the few on duty are asleep at the cop station. Useless <deleted> the lot of them.


A rule kim jong il would be proud of wink.gif

Thats silly. :rolleyes:

Children have no place in the streets late at night. They should be at home, simple as that.

100% right! But we are not speaking about children here. We are speaking about 17.5 years old people. Some married with a baby already.

This curfew should be only for less than 13, 14 or 15 years old kids.


I love this part of the article:

Wallop also pointed out that it would be very sensitive if police conducted body searches on girls or took them to police stations for unclear reasons.

Either it's true and Thailand is a shame


not true and the sentence is insulting against officers.


What a third world country Thailand is trying to be. This is the stupidest things I have heard for a long time. So now when one of these poor children are out after 10:00pm they will end up with a criminal record? That should really help there future when looking for a job.

Wasn't it a few days ago that this Government declared that Education should be first in line? Yeah this really helps that.

God I whish I could afford to get out of this backwards Country now.

And to all of you with children, what a sad day this is when the police can just hand out Criminal Records to children.

Give us a break. Thailand has yet to rise to 5th world status.


This would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. Love to hear the PM explain this is was this announced by some rogue cop? Unbelievable.

So I would guess that your thinking is the young adults or children are better off roaming the streets late at night. Force the parents to get off there dead ars and pick up there kid from the police station and explain why there 15 year old was on the street at 1:00 AM. Your right it is pathetic only because some people think this is all laughable.

Interesting perspective pgangles. Perhaps if you looked at theThai thought process behind it, you may realise your response is both archaic and in line with their suppressive attitude expressed by Thai's. Young adults and teens in particular in a city of 12M could never be policed no matter what. Perhaps they police them in your country or is your country more liberal minded? If so I rest my case.


Police Declare Night Curfew for Teenagers to Curb Crimes

Police have stepped up law enforcement to cut crimes stemming from alcohol, while discouraging teenagers from staying out after 10 P.M.

The Metropolitan Police Bureau has pledged to work its hardest to intensify law enforcement in a bid to quell high crime rates in Bangkok by keeping a close watch on alcohol and teen misbehavior.

They explained that the Alcohol Control Act B.E. 2550 will be watched more closely, and that the sale of alcohol after midnight will be banned.

A penalty of a one-month jail term and a 10,000-baht fine will be handed out to violators.

In addition, children under the age of 18 will be banned from staying out after 10 P.M. without a proper reason, as young people have often been involved in crimes at night.

Police said teens found in violation will be booked and their parents will be called to pick them up at the police station.

If the teenager is found to repeat the violation, their parents will be charged with intention to instigate such behavior, according to the Children and Teenager Protection Act B.E. 2546.

Officers concluded by stressing that game and Internet cafes must prohibit teenagers after 10 P.M. as well.


-- Tan Network 2011-01-14


"If we find them road racing or hanging out at Internet cafes, we will send them to police stations," Piya said.

Here in Bangkok opposite my apartment there's an internet shop which seems mostly crowded from 10PM till about 1AM. Lots of motorcycle outside, some kids talking outside. Never a problem. The business owner will not be amused when this new directive will be enforced. This suggest enforcement will be tricky.

Mind you personally I think parents have a major role here, not police. Sunday to Thursday nights kids should be home early as they have to go to school the next day. Friday/Saturday nights no problem as long as they behave. Let police patrol a bit more. Should be enough.


A rule kim jong il would be proud of wink.gif

Thats silly. :rolleyes:

Children have no place in the streets late at night. They should be at home, simple as that.

100% right! But we are not speaking about children here. We are speaking about 17.5 years old people. Some married with a baby already.

This curfew should be only for less than 13, 14 or 15 years old kids.

Hold on, we have the Social Workers on one thread crying about how a 17 year old is 'JUST A CHILD' and then we have others claiming that 17 year olds are old enough to roam the streets.

Perhaps if the 17 year old parents werent on the streets at age 15 they might not have become parents at such an early age. Please, don't shoot the messenger but surely these 17.5's with families in toe have already demonstrated the reasons why there should be a curfew.

The people need to be controlled. :Dave:

ps: I note the update mario & clearly this is a step in the right direction. ;)


And how the h*ll are they going to enforce it, and on what basis would someone be given a criminal record ?, I always thought it was a court of law who decided not the police,

The mere fact that you are arrested will give you a criminal record. Whether or not you are convicted is another matter.


Just as they announce that they are going to cut crime by 20% within the next six months. They go and make more pathetic laws that cannot be possibley be enforced without a major draw on already lacking police manpower.This law in itself will raise criminal acts in Bangkok 10 fold with the ammount of youths out after 10pm. I mean.... Please! :bah:

Give them a break, they are trying to do something, anything to get youth crime down to a minimum. Many countries around the world have somewhat similar curfews. To do nothing is a crime. Do you know where your children will be after 10:00 PM? If you have any.

yes I agree Thailand may not be your country it may not have the resources your country has or the man power behind the police forces. Listen I have only lived in Thailand 3 years (not long I know) but in them years I have seen the same as you people.

I.E: corruption, stupidity, prostitution, crime, and much more but I also see very warm people who are kinder than most in the UK and to us these ideas may be insane or stupid or your country may have tried it and not worked but give THAILAND a break people. I would not like my 2 boys out after 10pm under the age of 18 thats just bad parenting in my country. but here in thailand i say try anything and if it helps even a little then it was worth the effort.

and please stop berating the Thai police YES they are corrupt and so would you be if you had to carry a gun and risk your life for PEANUTS. I would be corrupt too come on people get honest you want to live in a poor country then corruption and everything else comes with it so lets give thailand a break.

by OZ


And how the h*ll are they going to enforce it, and on what basis would someone be given a criminal record ?, I always thought it was a court of law who decided not the police,

The mere fact that you are arrested will give you a criminal record. Whether or not you are convicted is another matter.

I think you will find that also depends on the charge/reason you are arrested.

You will most certainly end up with a Police record, as they record & keep all such incidence, however there are occassions where people are arrested & later released without charge OR merely detained because they are too intoxicated etc, again perhaps No charges.


And how the h*ll are they going to enforce it, and on what basis would someone be given a criminal record ?, I always thought it was a court of law who decided not the police,

The mere fact that you are arrested will give you a criminal record. Whether or not you are convicted is another matter.

The newsflashes talk about "they would be taken to police stations", "police could summon them for questioning" and "send them to police stations". That's not the same as 'arrested'.

As for criminal records, different rules for different countries it seems. Read the wikipedia page for more info ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_record )

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