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American with outstanding US warrant in US$93m fraud case arrested in Bangkok


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He had better hope it is a federal charge he will return to face and not state charges in La. I do hope it is the latter , if the charges prove true, as he will probably be exposed to some of those he conned out of insurance monies or their relatives.

It does not say anything about him conning anyone. It claims this is for unpaid taxes.

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At 63, he must have had a very energetic shuffle and been a master of disguise to have eluded the BiB this long. whistling.gif

The BIB are not known for their inteligence. Very low IQ or they would not be coppers in the first place.

Why would the Thai police even be looking for him? Do the US police circulate "Wanted" lists to every police force in the world? Perhaps the "inteligence" level of the US police isn't what you would expect it to be!

If what some posters maintain is true, then your offering would indicate that a career in BiB would be apposite fir you. A US arrest warrant was issued and it was discovered that the subject of the warrant had fled to Thailand. The US authorities asked BIB to scout around for him. What is so difficult in understanding that?

Perhaps the intelligence level of members of US police forces doesn't meet your expectations so are you suggesting that the the police only accept Ph.D's?

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He shouldn't have been living in bangkok.Many places in asia he could have hid and never been found.

Bangkok what was he thinking

Where would you suggest?

Tehran, Pyonyang, Harare, Caracas, Pattaya.

Tehran, Pyongyang, Caracas - they don't like Americans

Harare - they don't really like the white folk

That leaves Pattaya :whistling:

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who did he piss off ( or not pay off) to finally get arrested?

No, it looks like Thailand is getting into bed with a few countries nowadays with extradition treaties, perhaps the authorities got a shock when they wanted other countries to cooperate regarding Taksin, but were told "and what have you done for us in the past?"


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He shouldn't have been living in bangkok.Many places in asia he could have hid and never been found.

Bangkok what was he thinking

Where would you suggest?

Brazil. They won't extradite you if you have a child there, so get on that and you'll be set for the rest of your life. Really the best option especially if you have money you can have a great life

Anywhere in Thailand is bad long term, Thailand extradites tons of people and if they know to look for you will get you eventually.

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One would think that with a case involving 2.8 Billion Baht, that something would have be written about it previously, but not a peep found anywhere.

Of course, the proverbial misspelling of names in local articles is a likely cause.

Not a peep indeed! Google his name. Not much comes up. Is this story for real?

>>>link please

It's probably this one, maybe


Thanks for that.

It points out that rather than the 2.8 Billion Baht of the OP, it's actually only 18.3 Million baht involved.

oh well, what's a few zeros when it comes to accuracy.... :rolleyes:

and it's Illinois, not Louisana....

and Saunders, not Saunder...

sheesh, maybe it's NOT the same, but nothing still found on a Saunder in Louisana.


Edited by Buchholz
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He had better hope it is a federal charge he will return to face and not state charges in La. I do hope it is the latter , if the charges prove true, as he will probably be exposed to some of those he conned out of insurance monies or their relatives.

It does not say anything about him conning anyone. It claims this is for unpaid taxes.

Do you think the unpaid tax may be a result of unpaid insurance claims? A more approiate word may have been thief but I was trying to be diplomatic.

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At 63, he must have had a very energetic shuffle and been a master of disguise to have eluded the BiB this long. whistling.gif

The BIB are not known for their inteligence. Very low IQ or they would not be coppers in the first place.

Yeah? In my opionion they are quite brilliant in catching a number of people in a country where you'd expect it to be nearly impossible due to low organization.

Now we are at it - I have good experiences with the Thai police the few times I have been in contact with them in the last 18 years.

Should I ever need to trust a person with my life and had the choice between a random farang and a random Thai policeman I'd take the policeman any time.

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If he was reporting his address to immigration every 90 days, that must have been a very challenging fugitive search. (Call a taxi.)

Poor bugger ! I guess that he ran out of cash and the BIB's were'nt getting any more "tea money"

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He shouldn't have been living in bangkok.Many places in asia he could have hid and never been found.

Bangkok what was he thinking

Where would you suggest?

Tehran, Pyonyang, Harare, Caracas, Pattaya.

Tehran, Pyongyang, Caracas - they don't like Americans

Harare - they don't really like the white folk

That leaves Pattaya :whistling:

You should try asking questions around the opal fields of Lightrning Ridge in Aust. You would probably end up accidentially falling down a 90 ft abandoned mineshaft !

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If he was reporting his address to immigration every 90 days, that must have been a very challenging fugitive search. (Call a taxi.)

UMMMMM Do we really think that someone who ran an insurance company and allegedly scammed it for $ 93, 000 ,000 would be DUMB enough to be reporting every 90 days or not paying off the right people ???

Seems like pressure was applied and the bubble was busted for this guy :) .

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Should I ever need to trust a person with my life and had the choice between a random farang and a random Thai policeman I'd take the policeman any time.

What a choice! :(

Yes, would take some time to add up the pros and cons of those options. :D

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At 63, he must have had a very energetic shuffle and been a master of disguise to have eluded the BiB this long. whistling.gif

The BIB are not known for their inteligence. Very low IQ or they would not be coppers in the first place.

Yeah? In my opionion they are quite brilliant in catching a number of people in a country where you'd expect it to be nearly impossible due to low organization.

Now we are at it - I have good experiences with the Thai police the few times I have been in contact with them in the last 18 years.

Should I ever need to trust a person with my life and had the choice between a random farang and a random Thai policeman I'd take the policeman any time.

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