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Why Dont Prostitutes Have Eye Brows?


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I only really drink in places that have prostitutes and have been with quiet a few over the last decade, I also work with and come into contact with a lot of non prostitutes obviously, I would almost always bet my money on a girl with normal groomed eye brows is not prostitute and the one with the shaved tattooed style is a prostitute.

Roll on:

my wife has shaved/tattoed eye brows and she has never been a prostitute she is a well educated university graduate who works for a large accounting firm in Bangkok etc etc ......

Or my prostitute wife has never shaved her eye brows etc etc etc......

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I think it's a hereditary as well, the chances are that their mothers were also prostitutes and that they are born without eyebrows. This is because evolution is trying to combat the eyebrow lice problem. It stings a bit when the rain washes their hair products into their eyes, but hey, it's still better than having eye brow lice.

I've heard it's actually something to look out for if you want a good shag. You see, if they were born without eyebrows then their highly skill-full and experienced mothers have likely showed them the ropes from a very young age.

In summary, eyebrow-less bar-girls have a reputation of being great in bed.

I really must get on with some work now.

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I think it's a hereditary as well, the chances are that their mothers were also prostitutes and that they are born without eyebrows. This is because evolution is trying to combat the eyebrow lice problem. It stings a bit when the rain washes their hair products into their eyes, but hey, it's still better than having eye brow lice.

I've heard it's actually something to look out for if you want a good shag. You see, if they were born without eyebrows then their highly skill-full and experienced mothers have likely showed them the ropes from a very young age.

In summary, eyebrow-less bar-girls have a reputation of being great in bed.

I really must get on with some work now.


Edited by happyrobert
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Change beers Andy. And maybe take a trip. You been here too long and drinking to many Changs.

They are monks Andy not hookers. For gods sake get out while you can.

The orange robe is the tell tale sign.

Monks all shave their eyebrows and have been doing it for a long long time.

It is good that you are going to Wats but my gosh get a handle on things. You sound like you have lived in Patts for 10 years. Same thing happened to a mate of mine. He began seeing hookers everywhere. But when he kissed the cop directing traffic he woke up.

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Change beers Andy. And maybe take a trip. You been here too long and drinking to many Changs.

They are monks Andy not hookers. For gods sake get out while you can.

The orange robe is the tell tale sign.

Monks all shave their eyebrows and have been doing it for a long long time.

It is good that you are going to Wats but my gosh get a handle on things. You sound like you have lived in Patts for 10 years. Same thing happened to a mate of mine. He began seeing hookers everywhere. But when he kissed the cop directing traffic he woke up.

Should've let sleeping cops lie. I bet that cost him a couple of hundred baht...

I suppose it was the tight trousers...


Not to say that cops only lie in their sleep, mind.

"YOu were observed to be proceeding at 80 kph in a 50 kph school zone"

"OFFSer, I'm a pedestrian"

"Are you calling me a liar, sonny?"

"I called you 'officer'"

"That'll be 200 baht, and and another 100 baht for no rear reflector"

In response to the OP:

? To keep their ankles warm?

? To distinguish them from chancelors?

? Because Noddy wouldn't pay the ransom?

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I have never seen anyone with tattooed eyebrowes IIRC...but then again, I haven't been to Phuket or Pattaya longer than 24h, combined...

Trimmed eyebrow's on the other hand is done by anyone that knows how to take care of themselves. I would avoid any girl that did not, it is clear what it means 5 years down the line...

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