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There Are Good Debates And Then...


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Thanks for that, Bangkokrick, I had forgotten about that priceless bit of comedy. I believe Tim Tang understands what I was saying, as do a few others who are having fun with the topic.

Actually, I lied when I said I don't like to argue. I enjoy a good argument providing the argument remains friendly and not abusive. That still allows both combatants to stay entrenched in their belief, while still allowing the opponent to have their say. When I was a child our family grew up arguing at the supper table and it often got quite heated. But I often learned a lot. When it turned into a shouting match I went somewhere else.

Like I said, I enjoy a debate if a person can back up their point of view with some facts that I might not have thought about even though I might not agree with it. I don't particularly like bickering and nasty comments when people won't accept that someone else has a valid point of view. I can't remember a debate where I didn't learn something... even if it was nothing more than hearing a great orator speak.

Debate and arguing are similar but slightly different. There are many synonymous words defining the same subject. That is why a thesaurus is so handy when writing an essay. It gets a bit boring when the same adjective is used over and over to describe the same thing.

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I thought debate was what you put on dehook.

Good one Phil. I'm familiar with both... debate and debait. Did yo bring debait cuz dem catfish is waitin tah be caught? Jest mash a little of dis bread dough on dehook.

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#22 ... Wow. How did you manage to get there from Ian's posting history? 6386 posts in barely two years and counting just like the sign outside McDonald's ... I've had several good repartees with IF but when he prefaces his 'debate' with "I've met thousands of women and ..." what are you supposed to say -- that even though you have met thousands of women you still do not know what the f-ck you are talking about?

When he doesn't like the posit of your debate point he says (as directly to one of my posts) I'm not really interested in arguing

If he does not agree with the debate arena itself then the response is (as directly to one of my posts): but then I don't have my mind in the gutter like you

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Where do you think you are? This is not a forum for intellectual 'debate'! If that's what you want, there're a plethora of websites on the web which would be able to 'test your 'debating skills' :-D

This is a forum based in a third world country (no, it's not emerging it's regressing) world renowned for it's main source of a certain type of tourist GDP. What on earth did you expect?

Posters come on here pissed up and looking for a vent/fight. Take it or leave it.

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We are running out of things to talk about.

We need a collective hobby and no better than one of Mr. Forbes favorite sub-forums, photography.

Also, farming and gardening.

Decorating and home improvement.


Cuppa tea.

Rocking chair.


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A lot of topics very quickly turn from debate to argument and then personal attacks. Personal? ... This is business, not personal

... other than those who post photos of themselves I would not know any one of them from Adam.

I like your views they show great intelligence :whistling: . I doubt many would consider this forum business. Except the sponsors and the one trawling for clients on here. For most of us its not business but personal fun.

And a personal attack has nothing to do with knowing someone personal or not. But has to do that you attack the person instead of his views.

Stuff like hey you stupid baboon you are wrong. Instead of you are wrong because (fill in a good reason).

I wonder what schools you attended, but they might not have educated you a lot.

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We are running out of things to talk about.

We need a collective hobby and no better than one of Mr. Forbes favorite sub-forums, photography.

Also, farming and gardening.

Decorating and home improvement.


Cuppa tea.

Rocking chair.


Dont forget my favorites... the gym and fishing. Damm cold spell isnt good for catching pla bug. But i cant fish anyway too busy with work. :o

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We are running out of things to talk about.

We need a collective hobby and no better than one of Mr. Forbes favorite sub-forums, photography.

Also, farming and gardening.

Decorating and home improvement.


Cuppa tea.

Rocking chair.


Could we have a forum about toast?

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We are running out of things to talk about.

We need a collective hobby and no better than one of Mr. Forbes favorite sub-forums, photography.

Also, farming and gardening.

Decorating and home improvement.


Cuppa tea.

Rocking chair.


Dont forget my favorites... the gym and fishing. Damm cold spell isnt good for catching pla bug. But i cant fish anyway too busy with work. :o

Good for you on the gym front, I badly need that. Bought a mountain bike . . . all good, peddle peddle . . . then on an impulse bought a Honda Click.

Wrong! :annoyed:

Could fish. The bridge over the Shee River isn't too far. Seems to be a popular spot.

Yes, it's cold. :ph34r: But lest we forget summer temps . . . all too soon . . . shall be beating down upon our collective face. :wacko:

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Where do you think you are? This is not a forum for intellectual 'debate'! If that's what you want, there're a plethora of websites on the web which would be able to 'test your 'debating skills' :-D

This is a forum based in a third world country (no, it's not emerging it's regressing) world renowned for it's main source of a certain type of tourist GDP. What on earth did you expect?

Posters come on here pissed up and looking for a vent/fight. Take it or leave it.

Since this topic is about debate and argument I think that my remarks are founded. if you want to discuss something else, why not start a new topic? I don't see that the geographical location has anything to do with it because the majority of poster on here are from Western 1st world Countries, not Thailand.

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We are running out of things to talk about.

We need a collective hobby and no better than one of Mr. Forbes favorite sub-forums, photography.

Also, farming and gardening.

Decorating and home improvement.


Cuppa tea.

Rocking chair.


Could we have a forum about toast?

No harm in asking. PM Admin.

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A lot of topics very quickly turn from debate to argument and then personal attacks. Personal? ... This is business, not personal

... other than those who post photos of themselves I would not know any one of them from Adam.

I never mentioned business in my post, so why misquote me?

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I agree, a debate is not really an argument, otherwise this expat would be an expert at debating by now...

Many a time would i have spent "debating" to my ex Thai GF that she SHOULD be greatful for any assistance i should provide and offer, which is essentially money for free, without being called a kee-niaw and cheap Charlie.

I pity her current debating partner :whistling:

How much do you want to come round and haul her away? I think I have her now.ph34r.gif

Hehe GK...my commiserations!!!

Well, being the mild-mannered guy that I am, I'd hate to get into an argument over the cost of me taking her back...so you had better keep her B)

BTW: Do you have a Kasikorn bank account? Did you know you can top up her phone credit from their internet banking site?

She used to love that & I also found it very convenient :lol:

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I like your views they show great intelligence ... Thank you. This is business, not personal. I thought the reference was so obvious that I did not supply the source for those so non-cinematic...

I wonder what schools you attended, but they might not have educated you a lot. ... They didn't educate me a lot, but they were sure glad when I left.

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I've seen many good topics destroyed by one or two people making a thread a personal bickering match. And moderators have to be continually telling the "children" to take their fight elsewhere or a topic will be closed. And, I've seen many potentially good topics closed for just that reason.

I could start a topic that Christianity is better than Islam or Buddhism (or visa-versa) and then stand back and watch the sparks fly. But, if debated properly it could bring out a lot of information that others might not know.

There are many expats in Thailand who believe Pattaya is evil incarnate, but there are just as many others who could point out all of Pattaya's good points. I'm going down there this weekend to see some friends who love the weather and the golf. I don't intend to be with any women there other than to have one serve me a beer when my friends and I play a few games of pool and watch the NFL playoff games.

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... from the 1973 Best Picture Oscar-winner The Sting:

GONDORFF How 'bout Lonnegan?

HOOKER I gave him the breakdown just like ya told me to.


HOOKER He threatened to kill me.

GONDORFF Hell, they don't do that and you know you're not gettin' through to 'em.

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Where do you think you are? This is not a forum for intellectual 'debate'! If that's what you want, there're a plethora of websites on the web which would be able to 'test your 'debating skills' :-D

This is a forum based in a third world country (no, it's not emerging it's regressing) world renowned for it's main source of a certain type of tourist GDP. What on earth did you expect?

Posters come on here pissed up and looking for a vent/fight. Take it or leave it.

Since this topic is about debate and argument I think that my remarks are founded. if you want to discuss something else, why not start a new topic? I don't see that the geographical location has anything to do with it because the majority of poster on here are from Western 1st world Countries, not Thailand.

Well that's my point, innit? This particular 'forum, notwithstanding it's 'geographical location' hardly gives rise to 'intelligent debate', innit, duh.

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Where do you think you are? This is not a forum for intellectual 'debate'! If that's what you want, there're a plethora of websites on the web which would be able to 'test your 'debating skills' :-D

This is a forum based in a third world country (no, it's not emerging it's regressing) world renowned for it's main source of a certain type of tourist GDP. What on earth did you expect?

Posters come on here pissed up and looking for a vent/fight. Take it or leave it.

Since this topic is about debate and argument I think that my remarks are founded. if you want to discuss something else, why not start a new topic? I don't see that the geographical location has anything to do with it because the majority of poster on here are from Western 1st world Countries, not Thailand.

Well that's my point, innit? This particular 'forum, notwithstanding it's 'geographical location' hardly gives rise to 'intelligent debate', innit, duh.

I have had many intellectual debates on this forum, but that was short lived when you came along. innit

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... from the 1973 Best Picture Oscar-winner The Sting:

GONDORFF How 'bout Lonnegan?

HOOKER I gave him the breakdown just like ya told me to.


HOOKER He threatened to kill me.

GONDORFF Hell, they don't do that and you know you're not gettin' through to 'em.

That was one of my all time favourite movies. It had action, suspense, funny dialogue, great characters and a believable, good plot line. It deserved the Oscar.

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... from the 1973 Best Picture Oscar-winner The Sting:

GONDORFF How 'bout Lonnegan?

HOOKER I gave him the breakdown just like ya told me to.


HOOKER He threatened to kill me.

GONDORFF Hell, they don't do that and you know you're not gettin' through to 'em.

That was one of my all time favourite movies. It had action, suspense, funny dialogue, great characters and a believable, good plot line. It deserved the Oscar.

It won 7 Oscar's Ian. Agree good movie.

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Copied from Wikipedia:

In logic, an argument is a set of one or more meaningful declarative sentences (or "propositions") known as the premises along with another meaningful declarative sentence (or "proposition") known as the conclusion. A deductive argument asserts that the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises; an inductive argument asserts that the truth of the conclusion is supported by the premises. Deductive arguments are valid or invalid, and sound or not sound. An argument is valid if and only if the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises and (consequently) its corresponding conditional is a necessary truth. A sound argument is a valid argument with true premises.


Good luck having a debate, discussion, etc without an argument.

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Copied from Wikipedia:

In logic, an argument is a set of one or more meaningful declarative sentences (or "propositions") known as the premises along with another meaningful declarative sentence (or "proposition") known as the conclusion. A deductive argument asserts that the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises; an inductive argument asserts that the truth of the conclusion is supported by the premises. Deductive arguments are valid or invalid, and sound or not sound. An argument is valid if and only if the truth of the conclusion is a logical consequence of the premises and (consequently) its corresponding conditional is a necessary truth. A sound argument is a valid argument with true premises.


Good luck having a debate, discussion, etc without an argument.

True, but the secret is to have an argument WITHOUT being personal or nasty in the replies. It would be almost impossible to NOT have an argument if you were trying to establish which religion was better than another. But there is no need to call either side bad names or make personal attacks..

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