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How Can We Destroy Koh Tao Better?

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After seeing so many mad schemes come to fruition, its rare to be shocked. The latest crack-pot plan from the greens is just too out there to be taken seriously. Although take it seriously we must.

Quite simply, the mountain top behind Maehaad will be razed and a bank of huge wind turbines will be installed. A new pier and three lane highway will be built from the town to the top of the hill to carry these huge turbines. Survey teams are here already planning where this highway will run.

The existing turbine which rarely spins should have served as a lesson in how to destroy nature while not generating electricity. Back of a fag packet calculation show an economic payback time of approx 413,755 years for the new project(I'm assuming zero breakdowns and maintanance). Very sad time for Koh Tao. Could we not go back to the era when buildings should remain lower than surrounding trees, and greens stuck to their beach resorts and bakeries.

Did they consider what happens when the wind doesn't blow? At least most Novembers we should have some electric.

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I have to admit this does not make any sense to me at all. Who is doing this? The 'government'?

Economically they cannot be viable, but are they going to provide electricity for someone who cannot get it by any other means? Projects like this don't have to be profitable if they actually provide a service that is needed/wanted, but I can't get my head around who would do this and why.

I think they will look disgusting and far from ecologically sensible. To me it is madness. Does anyone have any idea what the thought process is behind it all?

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the root cause of the problem is someone is getting a very very big backhander for

A) Building the road


B) ordering the wind turbines ( i would like to see how much the ' Cost ' compared to actually buying one, bet 100 THB there is a huge difference )

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I am in favour of a nuclear power plant painted in tropical colours. It can be fitted like a lighthouse and make many new worldrecords to make Koh Tao worldfamous,like- Highest lighthouse in the world,The brightest flash from a lighthouse in the world and the most scenic placed nuclear power plant in the world.

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what will they do about all of the upcoming noise pollution from the wind turbines?

probably build a night market with a stage pumping out the racket the Thais call music till 4 am

this would actually work quite well as the vibration from a "bank of huge wind turbines" would need to be minimized as well.

it seems the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

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sounds alright to me. wish samui built 3 lane high ways to make traffic safer. as for winde turbine. electric has to come from some where.

u trippy hippies think that all the things u enjoy in life comes from the sky but it doesn't. if u put your pipe away u will realise that things like money and work and electric and cars are needed

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sounds alright to me. wish samui built 3 lane high ways to make traffic safer. as for winde turbine. electric has to come from some where.

u trippy hippies think that all the things u enjoy in life comes from the sky but it doesn't. if u put your pipe away u will realise that things like money and work and electric and cars are needed

also i doube u would here the winde tubines with the noise of trucks and cars and modified bikes going up and down the highway.

anyway more ectric mean more noise mean people can have more parties.

u have nothing to worry about.

your space ship over people is coming

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