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Anyone Having Trouble Finding A Relationship Here?


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normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Having lived, worked and holidayed in Thailand for like 6 years in total, having talked with Thai normal ladies who were my co-workers and with other Thais who are above middle class, I can tell you one thing which I am sure of: normal Thai ladies don't like foreigners and won't go with foreigners. If they do, they subject themselves to being looked down by the other Thais. Let me say it straight: it's not a good thing for a Thai lady to be with a foreigner. That\s why you have had difficulties in finding a good relationship. Of course, there are exceptions to the above, there are Thai ladies who don't like Thai men like my ex-girlfriend was and will go with you. It's either that or a search for material gain that will make a Thai lady go with a foreigner. Thai tradition is very similar to the Chinese one, keep to your own people.

i would tend to agree with this as somewhat of a rule, but of course there are many exceptions. some of the girls who study abroad i think are quite happy to mix with farangs since they spent their formative years with them and have an open mind.

if we are talking about the opinions of the parents in 'normal girls' or lets say the middle class families, again i think it makes a big difference on whether they have travelled or experienced much of western countries for themselves. if they are not widely travelled i think it is natural for there to be at least some negative feeling or suspicion towards a farang being with their daughter.

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a lot of them mix with foreigners when they do the work and travel program as well...none of those girls are lower class that i have seen

normal women are the 98 percent who are not prositutes, who work in offices, department stores, nurses etc...

Having lived, worked and holidayed in Thailand for like 6 years in total, having talked with Thai normal ladies who were my co-workers and with other Thais who are above middle class, I can tell you one thing which I am sure of: normal Thai ladies don't like foreigners and won't go with foreigners. If they do, they subject themselves to being looked down by the other Thais. Let me say it straight: it's not a good thing for a Thai lady to be with a foreigner. That\s why you have had difficulties in finding a good relationship. Of course, there are exceptions to the above, there are Thai ladies who don't like Thai men like my ex-girlfriend was and will go with you. It's either that or a search for material gain that will make a Thai lady go with a foreigner. Thai tradition is very similar to the Chinese one, keep to your own people.

i would tend to agree with this as somewhat of a rule, but of course there are many exceptions. some of the girls who study abroad i think are quite happy to mix with farangs since they spent their formative years with them and have an open mind.

if we are talking about the opinions of the parents in 'normal girls' or lets say the middle class families, again i think it makes a big difference on whether they have travelled or experienced much of western countries for themselves. if they are not widely travelled i think it is natural for there to be at least some negative feeling or suspicion towards a farang being with their daughter.

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When walking to BTS with a member of staff (with whom I get on great at the office), she half jokingly suggested we should not walk too close to each other or everyone would think she was "mia farang". So from this little gem, I conclude that there is some stigma attached.

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When walking to BTS with a member of staff (with whom I get on great at the office), she half jokingly suggested we should not walk too close to each other or everyone would think she was "mia farang". So from this little gem, I conclude that there is some stigma attached.

Ya, she has never been married. If the man is walking behind her carrying a little fluffy dog he is Thai. If the man is walking behind drinking a pint of beer he is a Brit. If the man is walking behind drinking two pints of beer with his mate and eating shrimp he is an Aussie. If the man is walking behind carrying Thai Uni girl he is me.

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Ya, she has never been married. If the man is walking behind her carrying a little fluffy dog he is Thai. If the man is walking behind drinking a pint of beer he is a Brit. If the man is walking behind drinking two pints of beer with his mate and eating shrimp he is an Aussie. If the man is walking behind carrying Thai Uni girl he is me.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Too true, Mark. Are you carrying that uni-girl piggy back or up on your shoulders like I do?:D

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When walking to BTS with a member of staff (with whom I get on great at the office), she half jokingly suggested we should not walk too close to each other or everyone would think she was "mia farang". So from this little gem, I conclude that there is some stigma attached.

Ya, she has never been married. If the man is walking behind her carrying a little fluffy dog he is Thai. If the man is walking behind drinking a pint of beer he is a Brit. If the man is walking behind drinking two pints of beer with his mate and eating shrimp he is an Aussie. If the man is walking behind carrying Thai Uni girl he is me.

Behind every successful man there is beautiful woman and walking behind her is another man looking at her Ass rolleyes.gif

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Very subjective.

OP: If, and this is a big if. If you are of partial Thai decent, luk krueng, and can speak Thai fluently and you still can't find a lady to suite you, perhaps I can help.

Go to the Chanthaburi fitness park at 6pm. Right after the anthem is played. Dozens of lovely young Thai women release fish into the lake and pray to find a boyfriend.

Target rich my friend.

All this is based on the assumption you are not disgusting to look at.

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Very subjective.

OP: If, and this is a big if. If you are of partial Thai decent, luk krueng, and can speak Thai fluently and you still can't find a lady to suite you, perhaps I can help.

Go to the Chanthaburi fitness park at 6pm. Right after the anthem is played. Dozens of lovely young Thai women release fish into the lake and pray to find a boyfriend.

Target rich my friend.

All this is based on the assumption you are not disgusting to look at.

Hey, that's the lake I go to CATCH the fish they release. :D I return with a couple nicely fried up for them. It works every time. :)

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?

Learn to say "Hungry?" I hate writing phonetically. something along the lines of " Hue mai"

Find a large stick to fend them off.

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

Excellent ! :)

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Very subjective.

OP: If, and this is a big if. If you are of partial Thai decent, luk krueng, and can speak Thai fluently and you still can't find a lady to suite you, perhaps I can help.

Go to the Chanthaburi fitness park at 6pm. Right after the anthem is played. Dozens of lovely young Thai women release fish into the lake and pray to find a boyfriend.

Target rich my friend.

All this is based on the assumption you are not disgusting to look at.

Hey, that's the lake I go to CATCH the fish they release. :D I return with a couple nicely fried up for them. It works every time. :)

Someone better tell the Germans. After the anthem is played they head down to Beach road and release sausages hoping to find a girlfriend. Although it is not fish it seems to be working for them.

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

That is sad why money always is involved

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

That is sad why money always is involved

My grand father was a professional athlete. My father, a successful engineer. Both married beautiful women and never got a divorce. Both were not rich but well off.

Rich guys or sports figures or hard working guys with a future get the ladies.

It is always going to be about money or the potential of money or some kind of Darwinian strength breeding urge.

It is the rare woman that can look for the inner man. It is the rare man that can look beyond surface beauty into things like double joints or no gag reflex.

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What are some good Thai ice breakers or 'chat up' lines?

Not chat up lines as in the traditional sense but things to open a conversation to a Thai person in Thai?


I dropped my bank book, can you help me find it?

This is especially useful, when the bank book is nearby, in clear view, and shows a large balance.

That is sad why money always is involved

LIke Mark said, it's always about money. It's why women will have affairs with the handsome tennis pro, but don't leave her wealthy husband. Bill Clinton's wife didn't leave him for having affairs and neither did John Kenedy's wife, Jacky. The women valued the power and wealthy life style more than their husbands fidelity. Women need to know that they won't be left destitute if their love affair turns sour. That is the same story I hear over and over again from bar girls in Thailand. There IS no back-up if a Thai boyfriend gets them pregnant and then does a runner. It happens all the time. Unlike North America ( and possibly Europe), the Thai government won't chase after a father to support the children he's left behind. The smart Thai women learn this the hard way and don't make the same mistake twice.

PJClark was just having a bit of fun with the dropped bank book story. Years ago an ex-girlfriend told me that all we had was just temporary because she was going to marry either a doctor or a wealthy lawyer. She wasn't going to settle for Joe Lunchbucket (me). She had her head screwed on straight and knew what HER priorities were. The marriages that I see lasting the longest are where two independent people come together in some sort of mutual agreement that suits both their needs. It might change over time, but those marriages usually last longer than the ones that are based on lust and instant attraction. But, there is no one size fits all and everyone has different expectations in life.

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from Post #178 I can tell you one thing which I am sure of: normal Thai ladies don't like foreigners and won't go with foreigners... I would change that to they don't like to be seen with foreigners ... So you both just get beyond the need to be seen ... travel on separate motor cycles ... when shopping (after giving her the budget) each go their own way and then meet up at the cash register ... get beyond the need to show off the TGF or squire the trophy wife ...

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I'm also married with Farang but we met in Australia while i went to study for my degree. I'm not Issaan girl, i'm Thai-chinese .. sometime make me wonder how could i end up with farang... well.. anyway back to business. So i might not know exactly how, but i could probably say that it's depend. If you came here and do only nights out then the women that you might meet is gonna be one of BG. Some of them are good, dont get me wrong but I think you need someone who could exchange opionion about stuffs, right? Coz i think that normal, and it take time and a lot of courage to do so. I tell you what, girl from middle class family are not really fond of Farang esp. thai-chinese. You just have to take a long time to prove that you deserve her. Have a good job here and you might bump to one of them on the road, so be brave to find love. Wish you all the best for luv!

Gotta to Paragon, meet my hubby for before valentine celebrate..haha


Edit wrong spelling

Edited by joycywalk
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It depends what your standards are. Thing is, many western men tend to lower their standards when they arrive to Thailand...a two timing prostitute who have seen more hung meat than a butchers window, no education and two kids back in Nakon Nowhere...nevermind little Noi is so sweet...

I would say if one have the standard as back home it can be hard to find a decent companion.

To find a educated girl without previous kids, who can support herself by a decent work, and can hold a interllectual dialog are in my opinion quite hard to find in thailand.

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I would say if one have the standard as back home it can be hard to find a decent companion.

To find a educated girl without previous kids, who can support herself by a decent work, and can hold a interllectual dialog are in my opinion quite hard to find in thailand.

For what do you need interllectual dialogues?

Women have different qualities and for interllectual dialogues you have your mates.

The interllectual dialogues you commonly have with a Western woman are some of the most tiring aspects of a relationship there.

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I'm also married with Farang but we met in Australia while i went to study for my degree. I'm not Issaan girl, i'm Thai-chinese .. sometime make me wonder how could i end up with farang... well.. anyway back to business. So i might not know exactly how, but i could probably say that it's depend. If you came here and do only nights out then the women that you might meet is gonna be one of BG. Some of them are good, dont get me wrong but I think you need someone who could exchange opionion about stuffs, right? Coz i think that normal, and it take time and a lot of courage to do so. I tell you what, girl from middle class family are not really fond of Farang esp. thai-chinese. You just have to take a long time to prove that you deserve her. Have a good job here and you might bump to one of them on the road, so be brave to find love. Wish you all the best for luv!

Gotta to Paragon, meet my hubby for before valentine celebrate..haha


Edit wrong spelling

Simply amazing. It was only 60 years ago that there were anti Chinese laws in Thailand and the Thai Chinese were much discriminated against.

One of the major reasons the Thais fought on the Japanese side during WW II was they were not willing to fight on the same side as the Chinese.

Now the Thai/Chinese have out Thaied the Thais.

Unless I read what you have written incorrectly you have stated that Thais with Chinese blood are even more hesitant to date a non Thai person than Thais of pure Thai blood.

Wow how the world of Thailand has changed.

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Ok so you disagree with me. Is that why you have to moan about my crappy spelling? But thanks for your remark. My T9 spelling check sucks.:-)

I guess you and I are in different phases in life. I still love farang women to bits.

Edited by Hawkup2000
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It depends what your standards are. Thing is, many western men tend to lower their standards when they arrive to Thailand...a two timing prostitute who have seen more hung meat than a butchers window, no education and two kids back in Nakon Nowhere...nevermind little Noi is so sweet...

I would say if one have the standard as back home it can be hard to find a decent companion.

To find a educated girl without previous kids, who can support herself by a decent work, and can hold a interllectual dialog are in my opinion quite hard to find in thailand.

Back home I dated strippers who were working their way through college.

Now I date mostly teachers and nurses or students working their way through college dancing.

I think I have raised my standards a bit.

I found it difficult to have an intellectual dialog with people in the West. So few people have a liberal education anymore. So many technical fields and the information explosion makes it difficult to find anyone with a good grounding in history, literature and philosophy.

My suggestion would be to get a bimbo and a good book. When you finish the book get another and so on.

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Ok so you disagree with me. Is that why you have to moan about my crappy spelling? But thanks for your remark. My T9 spelling check sucks.:-)

I guess you and I are in different phases in life. I still love farang women to bits.

BTW I applaud your spelling. English not being your first language I think it is great you are posting on an English language forum.

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True!:-D But the main differance here is that the young guys and old guys play the same field(to some extent).

And just to make it clear when I say "decent girl" I don't mean "hiso\chinese\whatever". I have never meet a hiso girl with a normal view on life. I have yet to decide who are the worst, the wannabe hiso- or the hiso girls.

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