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Soi Bukhao-Low Row Or Low Blow


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What's the Big Deal with Soi Bukhao? (Part 2)

We left the last edition midway through a verbal boxing match, a very punchy Thai Visa thread about Soi Bukhao called “Soi Bukhao Likes and Dislikes?”

If a soi could sue for libel (and most things can in Thailand), this soi would never be out of court.

I was trying to understand why Soi Bukhao invites such vitriol on the Pattaya forum boards, although I left off the last edition none the wiser, except now certain that it does indeed generate more abuse and anger on the boards, than any other soi in Pattaya.

Therealmrbrightside starts us as we left it, with a haymaker: Something I have noticed, is every single expat I have got speaking to ANYWHERE in Pattaya who is skint, no job, bumming about Pattaya trying to extort money out of fellow farangs - lives in Soi Buckaow.


(Clearly he hasn't met the Pattaya One writers)

Jiu-Jitsu, also of the anti-soi brigade, commented on the soi's apparent attractions: Believe it or not, not everyone visits Pattaya to take advantage of women of easy virtue and to dine on a poor imitation of English style food.

In answer to which Soi Sauce (clearly a supporter of this saucy soi) asked:

What do they go to Pattaya for, then?

If it was Thailand's beautiful beaches, culture, and all the rest that TAT tell us about, they 'aint gonna find it in Patttaya. Hua Hin, Cha Am, Phuket, Samui etc, yes. Patts, No!

Taking a swipe at what he saw as the hypocritically snobby attitudes to Soi Bukhao from Pattaya habitues, he also added: I hear there's also snobbism among junkies. "Effin crackheads", sez the smackhead. Seems we got it here, too.

Soi Sauce also firmly fought back against people criticizing Soi Bukhao residents from the luxury of their posh Pattaya seaview condos; who had a view of all the yaba head freelancers strolling along the prom, but if that's your thing, good luck to ya. Bit down-market for my liking.

At this point, Jiu-Jitsu threw some more fuel on the fire: overall it's really just an unattractive, downmarket area populated by ne'er-do-wells in their three quarter trousers, football shirts and trainers; together with their equals.

You can't polish a turd….

thaibeachlovers, tried to throw sand on the flames, but succeeded in only widening up the debate: I don't understand how posters can be so brazen about condemning other people based on their looks, and choice of restaurant etc. Do they think only people that conform to their dress standards and bank balance should be allowed into Pattaya?

Jiu Jitsu, sensing a throwdown, replied with an uncompromising post designed to send the pro brigade smacking onto the canvas: Calm down, calm down... The world is full of stereotypes. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck.... If they look like the kind of people that in my experience, I would wish to avoid, they probably are the people whom I would wish to avoid.

I don't want to talk about their experience in a youth detention centre or Wormwood Scrubs, nor who played in the football game last night, how much they drank and especially not which 'sort' they pulled from the bar last night.

DanielToddGilbert, I presume a major league wind-up merchant, added: It appears that it must become easy to forget ones background when one arrives in Pattaya with the monies from the sale of a two up two down on a run-down council estate in Doncaster then builds oneself a detached house for pittance near a slum and begins to believe one is actually affluent and sophisticated when the truth of the matter is, if one really is like one would like to believe, one would be living in Monte Carlo not Pattaya.

Rgs2001uk, detailing a precise knowledge of the content of Soi Bukhao drinkers' conversations, although not being a fan of them or the soi, continued: Many soon forget and reinvent themselves, usually as real estate developers or investment advisors. After meeting their soul mate, who was of course working as a cashier at the bank where they cashed their giros…these content happy chappies can often be found in local farang watering holes, bitching and moaning about their wife, the wife's family, the heat, the spicy food, no decent beer, can't trust anyone, many suffering from paranoia, everyone's out to rip them off.

Ah soi Buakao, where dreams can become reality. Broken promises, broken hearts, broken bank accounts, broken dreams and in some more extreme cases broken men. [more…]

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-- Pattaya One 2011-01-22

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