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So What'S Going To Happen To Older Bike Owners When Benzine Is No Longer Avail?

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So What'S Going To Happen To Older Bike Owners When Benzine Is No Longer Avail

Just realized I did not read OP's question correctly. Sorry.

Older bike owners when Benzine is no longer available will be old bones buried, gone up in smoke, or unable to ride, long since.B)


Yes, it was too long. Thanks.

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I am the greenest greenie you'll find, and I am somewhat proud to still have the CAT on my bike. But the whole global warming thing is simply BS. Not that it's happening, but what's being done to (A) find out if it's really us doing it and (B ) find countermeasures that are going to work. As it is the cause seems a bit unclear, and the solutions nothing more than educated guesses by Al Gore. E.g. mostly worthless. You can't tell me that you can predict global climate if you can't even predict the weather a few days in advance.

I am absolutely for greener bikes, but not because of global warming - because of much more immediate impact of pollution.

From "How to talk to a global warming skeptic"

"Objection: Scientists can't even predict the weather next week, so why should we believe what some climate model tells us about 100 years from now?

Answer: Climate and weather are very different things, and the level of predictability is comparably different.

Climate is defined as weather averaged over a period of time -- generally around 30 years. This averaging smooths out the random and unpredictable behavior of weather. Think of it as the difference between trying to predict the height of the fifth wave from now versus predicting the height of tomorrow's high tide. The former is a challenge -- to which your salty, wet sneakers will bear witness -- but the latter is routine and reliable.

This is not to say it's easy to predict climate changes. But seizing on meteorologists' failures to cast doubt on a climate model's 100-year projection is an argument of ignorance."

It's amazing to me that in this day an age rational people can still question climate change and it's causes aren't fact. The evidence is overwhelming. Unfortunately these kind of "feel good" comments are pervasive in the blogisphere and right wing talk radio and TV, either through A) ignorance of something they can not understand, B) a deliberate attempt at deception for financial gain and notoriety, or C) due to paranoid personality disorder. It's as illogical as denying the existence of evolution. Glenn Beck recently stated that "We are arrogant to think our activities could have any effect on the planet." :annoyed:

Global Warming Facts

FACT - There is scientific consensus on the basic facts of global warming.

The most respected scientific bodies have stated unequivocally that global warming is occurring, and people are causing it.

FACT - The global warming we are experiencing is not natural. People are causing it.

Only CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities explain the observed warming now taking place on Earth.

FACT - Glaciers are melting and are a contributor to sea-level rise.

Between 1961 and 1997, the world's glaciers lost 890 cubic miles of ice. The consensus among scientists is that rising air temperatures are the most important factor behind the retreat of glaciers on a global scale over long time periods.

FACT - Global warming and increased CO2 will harm many economies and communities.

While some skeptics may argue that there are benefits to global warming and extra CO2, warming in just the middle range of scientific projections would have devastating impacts on many sectors of the economy.

FACT - Many communities won't be able to adapt to rapid climate change.

The current warming of our climate will bring major hardships and economic dislocations — untold human suffering, especially for our children and grandchildren.

Check out this Myths vs. Facts report. Particularly section III addresses concerns above. :)Global Warming Myths vs. Facts


No different from other evolutions. Old stuff will be fixed as long as feasible and then, as suggested above, scrapped. A happy goodbye to older two-cycle planet poisoners.

In the aggregate, "cleaner" bikes (except for those castrated by mods, usually against the laws of nations and always for their personal selfish satisfaction) will help keep down the speed of global warming.

CMX.. our bikes are NOT 2-cycle planet poisoners. And WHY should they be scrapped due to MISGUIDED rules and regulations from Governments with vested interests (How many Thai MP's families own Ethanol plants/ crop storage facilities).

Because lets face it that's WHAT this is about.

There are very few Governments around the world who are trying to cause hardship and excessive expense for their people by banning regular Gasoline especially in a 2nd world/ developing country.

Generally bikes are cleaner than other vehicle engines anyway. Even your hated 2t's are more environmentally friendly than a Jet aircraft. :D

Dudes, have you seen them busses on BKK or any of the city street spewing out black smokes. Forget bikes, those guys are worse.


No different from other evolutions. Old stuff will be fixed as long as feasible and then, as suggested above, scrapped. A happy goodbye to older two-cycle planet poisoners.

In the aggregate, "cleaner" bikes (except for those castrated by mods, usually against the laws of nations and always for their personal selfish satisfaction) will help keep down the speed of global warming.

CMX.. our bikes are NOT 2-cycle planet poisoners. And WHY should they be scrapped due to MISGUIDED rules and regulations from Governments with vested interests (How many Thai MP's families own Ethanol plants/ crop storage facilities).

Because lets face it that's WHAT this is about.

There are very few Governments around the world who are trying to cause hardship and excessive expense for their people by banning regular Gasoline especially in a 2nd world/ developing country.

Generally bikes are cleaner than other vehicle engines anyway. Even your hated 2t's are more environmentally friendly than a Jet aircraft. :D

Dudes, have you seen them busses on BKK or any of the city street spewing out black smokes. Forget bikes, those guys are worse.

Actually, per passenger mile traveled motorcycles emit way more greenhouse gas emissions than buses or jet airplanes.

Believe it or not, the black particulate matter you see from buses is not a huge indicator of the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted. Just don't breath them much as they can cause lung disease and cancer over time. There is a cancer ward full of Thai traffic police in Bangkok.


Source: Motorcycles Create More Greenhouse Emissions

But this shift in Thailand toward gasahol, as katabbsays above, is due to government's absolute passion for exporting much
than importing. In LOS its done to reduce USD imported oil. as it is in Brazil.

So why does Thailand have to import molasses to make ethanol? Why not just import the oil.

I thought someone had already done the math? The energy required to make ethanol is almost as much as the calorific value of the ethanol itself.

THE SURGEON GENERAL: It is OK to smoke the opposition with 2-stroke power


No different from other evolutions. Old stuff will be fixed as long as feasible and then, as suggested above, scrapped. A happy goodbye to older two-cycle planet poisoners.

In the aggregate, "cleaner" bikes (except for those castrated by mods, usually against the laws of nations and always for their personal selfish satisfaction) will help keep down the speed of global warming.

CMX.. our bikes are NOT 2-cycle planet poisoners. And WHY should they be scrapped due to MISGUIDED rules and regulations from Governments with vested interests (How many Thai MP's families own Ethanol plants/ crop storage facilities).

Because lets face it that's WHAT this is about.

There are very few Governments around the world who are trying to cause hardship and excessive expense for their people by banning regular Gasoline especially in a 2nd world/ developing country.

Generally bikes are cleaner than other vehicle engines anyway. Even your hated 2t's are more environmentally friendly than a Jet aircraft. :D

Dudes, have you seen them busses on BKK or any of the city street spewing out black smokes. Forget bikes, those guys are worse.

Actually, per passenger mile traveled motorcycles emit way more greenhouse gas emissions than buses or jet airplanes.

Believe it or not, the black particulate matter you see from buses is not a huge indicator of the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted. Just don't breath them much as they can cause lung disease and cancer over time. There is a cancer ward full of Thai traffic police in Bangkok.


Source: Motorcycles Create More Greenhouse Emissions

What an impressive picture.

The promotion "CLEANER EMISSIONS" comes very good directly in front of the black smoking exaust.biggrin.gifbah.gif


We do not use additive ethanol as something that saves energy or (including costs of manufacture - growing and harvesting) is particularly better for the environment. It is true as well that other agricultural products become more scarce/expensive if lands are diverted to alternative energy uses.

Crop-based fuel is used fundamentally because nations are losing gargantuan amounts of their wealth to the oil-producing states. So long as the public will not shift to alternative sources of energy, that dependency will continue. China and India will increase demand, too. This means that "gasahol" will be cheaper as its alcohol content increases, even governments don't interfere.

The trend in the fuels we're using is that they are becoming more rare and becoming more and more expensive to produce. Just a matter of time, a race between melting the poles and running out of petroleum. Dirty coal electric plants - the race goes on.


The black smoke from a diesel engine has little to do with the emission of CO2. The black smoke is what experts call soot emissions it can easily be filtered out of the exhaust with a Diesel Particulate Filter.

The soot emission is mostly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). PAH emissions are not presently regulated although they may have dangerous effects on human health. The 'Euro 5' standard, will make particulate/soot filters as commonplace in diesel car exhausts as catalytic converters are on petrol cars.



....double posted..????????sad.gif

If that happens you can click on "report" and put "duplicate" in the report field. A mod will delete it.

And that was my point about the picture...like Richard said, black smoke looks bad but it's not the worst thing coming out of a tailpipe.



Thats the way to go :)

fuel pump and injectors you can check partsnumber with Magneti Marelli/Bosch to see if they are Ethanol compatible. Hoses easy to replace. Filler cap gasket easy to replace.

95 Gasohol next :)

and then sell the kits to Ducati LOS :D

Yes that's part of the plan. I intend to find out the flow rate of my current injectors (no point asking Ducati), but once I get the part number, I'm sure I can either google it or set up a simple flow bench to measure their flow rates. Opening cycles don't differ too much, but I will worry about that at a later date. One I can bounce these figures against known current market ethanol capable type injectors, I can pick and choose the quality/brand of injector I want.

:D :jap:

How about this? Electronic Jet Kit Maybe an answer to the flow rate.


The black smoke from a diesel engine has little to do with the emission of CO2. The black smoke is what experts call soot emissions it can easily be filtered out of the exhaust with a Diesel Particulate Filter.

The soot emission is mostly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). PAH emissions are not presently regulated although they may have dangerous effects on human health. The 'Euro 5' standard, will make particulate/soot filters as commonplace in diesel car exhausts as catalytic converters are on petrol cars.

black smoke from diesels is mostly sulphur and unburned diesel (worn out engines, to high pump pressure). The smoke is indeed regulated in EU and US and LOS.

With the already introduced and in some EU countries mandatory EuroIV, diesel contains only a few % of the sulphur it used to (or does in EuroIII diesel), and particle filter catches most of the rest.

All new sold diesels less than 3,5 ton will in LOS be Euro IV within this year, and all will have particle filters.

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