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Israeli report says Gaza flotilla assault was legal


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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Of course there are the posters who pretty much claim the exact opposite on a regular basis and have no problem with that. Pot, kettle black. :rolleyes:

Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Of course there are the posters who pretty much claim the exact opposite on a regular basis and have no problem with that. Pot, kettle black. :rolleyes:

Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

And you forgot the other part.....being kicked out of their homes onto the streets like dogs.. :bah:

Edited by midas
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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Of course there are the posters who pretty much claim the exact opposite on a regular basis and have no problem with that. Pot, kettle black. :rolleyes:

Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

Being bashed, bombed, shot and blown up IS being deprived of their human rights.

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Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.

There have been plenty of such incidents and almost never any criticism from the professional Israel-bashers who frequent this forum.

List of suicide attacks carried out by Palestinian militant groups


Sbarro pizza restaurant bombing in Jerusalem, in which 15 Israeli civilians were killed and 130 wounded

A 2007 study of Palestinian suicide bombings during the second intifada (September 2000 through August 2005) found that 39.9 percent of the suicide attacks were carried out by Hamas, 25.7 percent by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), 26.4 percent by Fatah, 5.4 percent by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and 2.7 percent by other organizations.[1]

The criteria used for this list: successful deliberate attacks committed by Palestinian militant groups against civilians and against security forces members using suicide bombers or other similar kind of bombing attacks.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

Well, in 1956 Gamal Nassar the President of Egypt which included Gaza, was also the primary leader of the Arab world. It was he he gave the middle east the modern version of pan arabism using his socialist approach. In 1956 Egypt expelled all citizens of the jewish faith from Egypt including the Gaza strip. The Gaza strip deportations were carried out by local arabs who I believe you call Palestinians. Those Egyptians that were expelled and stripped of their citizenship despite living for centuries in Egypt were compelled to sign a pledge that promised they would never return and that they renounced all of their possessions and assets.

I believe that people launching mortars and missiles at Israelis deprive those Israelis of ther basic human right to live in peace without fear of being killed. Do you think the two Israeli soldiers that were kidnapped and that are being held captive in Gaza have had their human rights respected when even a visit from the Red Cross is denied?

Do you genuinely believe the things you write or do you make these statements because it gives you some sort of peverse pleasure to argue for the sake of arguing?

Edited by geriatrickid
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Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

Well, in 1956 Gamal Nassar the President of Egypt which included Gaza, was also the primary leader of the Arab world. It was he he gave the middle east the modern version of pan arabism using his socialist approach. In 1956 Egypt expelled all citizens of the jewish faith from Egypt including the Gaza strip. The Gaza strip deportations were carried out by local arabs who I believe you call Palestinians. Those Egyptians that were expelled and stripped of their citizenship despite living for centuries in Egypt were compelled to sign a pledge that promised they would never return and that they renounced all of their possessions and assets.

I believe that people launching mortars and missiles at Israelis deprive those Israelis of ther basic human right to live in peace without fear of being killed. Do you think the two Israeli soldiers that were kidnapped and that are being held captive in Gaza have had their human rights respected when even a visit from the Red Cross is denied?

Do you genuinely believe the things you write or do you make these statements because it gives you some sort of peverse pleasure to argue for the sake of arguing?

Yes. I do genuinely believe in what I am writing. Secondly TV and I weren't around in 1956 so it is invalid in todays post.As i have stated in previous posts which I know you have read, history is just that and is part of this problem. I think looking forwards rather than backward maybe more useful. I will reinterate that when admin posts a story similar to what I have metion previously then I will openly condem the perpertrators of those acts also. As yet I have not seen any. Do maybe that is something they can help you with. NOT me.

I am not an arguing type of person. Just have a point of view on our world and where it is heading. And post are merely those thoughts and opinions and I definatley don't preach to others. B)

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Reading this thread one gets the opinion that a common chain of thought is that the Israeli Government and its Military are absolute angels and have never done anything wrong or Illegal to the Palestinians. Not once ? Not ever? Please think about it.

Of course there are the posters who pretty much claim the exact opposite on a regular basis and have no problem with that. Pot, kettle black. :rolleyes:

Well if Admin ever gets hold of a story that they can post here where, X amount of Israelis were just bashed, bombed , shot , blown up or deprived of their human rights by Palistinians then I will condem thier actions just the same.:huh:

Being bashed, bombed, shot and blown up IS being deprived of their human rights.

For once I agree with you. I just wanted to use human rights in the way of etc, etc. I didn't want to carry right on with, being raped, robbed and piliaged, cut off from the rest of the world, minimal food, no clean water, no access to recontruction materials to rebuild what has been destroyed,NGO organisations not being permitted to enter into Gaza to assist, being dranged out of the house they have been living in all their lifes and thrown onto the streets, having their cars and personnal belonging burnt or destoyed, not being able to import or export goods like any other free people in the world, no access to sea or airports. I think you have the idea and I think you know that the list can be as long as a country mile. But thanks again. It was indeed a pleasure to be able to agree with you for once. I look forward being able to agree with you again on something sometime soon. Have a wonderful day in freedomland :jap:

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