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Third-Sex Thai Hostesses Ready For Takeoff

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I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

The kind of people that harbor such pettiness are usually the ones that buy a ticket based on price and price alone. Why else would some people be willing to sit in the middle seat on Thai Air Asia? I would think that some people would be more annoyed by the snotty FA's of TG than they would be by an FA that was friendly, well groomed and helpful. It might actually prove more cost effective for a low budget airline to have a sizeable contingent of transgenders. Think about it. A woman with the strength of a man to lift those cabin bags for the old dears that cannot. The transgender FAs offer the benefits of a pretty girl without the downside of having a monthly visitor or becoming pregnant. Alot of elderly foreign flyers that won't know the difference. And some passengers might pick the airline just for the chance of being in close proximity to a hot TG.

if the FA can evacuate the plane in an emergency, manage the hordes of savages on board and can make the flight bearable, that's all that matters to me.

Hmmm, on what basis do you buy your ticket? Pilots age or airplane color?

Let me think 2000 baht for 1 hour flight on AA or 6000 on TG, Which one would i chose??whistling.gif

Also can you please explain what is the difference between AA middle seat and TG middle seat?

Of course majority of foreigners living in Thailand are wealthy high rollers, so majority chose more expensive flights rather then cheaper ones and of course all people flying are open minded.

These are male not female, no matter how much silicon has been injected and what parts have been added or removed-THEY ARE MEN.

They like to be called female, but they are still men.

This is why in all the countries i have visited and its only 24 or so, They can change the name, but on ID card it always says M- for male.

You also need to keep in mind that we are talking about MEN on hormone treatments, and i am sure you know possible outcomes when hormones start to play upsmile.gif

99.9% of the ladyboys in Pattaya are prostitutes on drugs and daily you read or hear of another crime committed by a ladyboy-theft, assault, fraud, drugs.

Living in Thailand, you may well be open minded, or may be ladyboys is your sexual preference, but rest assured majority of the population are not so open minded.

Just speak to any Russian or Eastern European, or visit Mardi Grass in Sydney-where you have thousands of people watching and always have thousands who are totally against it to a point of physical assaults.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

The usual homophobic nonsense, I'm afraid.

so if someone does not like man with a pair of breasts that makes that person homophobic???

Would you prefer "Tansgenderphobic"? Whatever you call them, they are afraid, ignorant and bigoted...so "Homophobic" is pretty close.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

The usual homophobic nonsense, I'm afraid.

so if someone does not like man with a pair of breasts that makes that person homophobic???

Would you prefer "Tansgenderphobic"? Whatever you call them, they are afraid, ignorant and bigoted...so "Homophobic" is pretty close.

Afraid of what?

ignorant of what?

The right word to use is annoyed!

If being gay is not my orientation it means i go out to meet girls. i do not go out to meet man with boobs.

Try living in Pattaya when you are constantly harassed by the ladyboys and see how you feel(of course if it is your preference, then it would be rather enjoyable)

i have no problem with Gay guys, i do have a problem with man asking to go home with me when i am in a girly bar, i also have a problem with men trying to grab me or kiss me or pickpocket me.


PC Airlines

I feel its full name is Post Castration Airlines.

and its motto is "We get you there anyway we can":D:D

Will have to reconsider sitting on the aisle. Do not want to get a surprise when one of these TV air hostess has to stretch to close the overhead compartment. Crotch bulge on skirts is not what I look forward to when I think of air hostess.

PC Air slogan, according to their website: "Service beyond expectation". You didn't expect the torpedo launching did you?


:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: Haven't laughed like that in a while.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

Hopefully you are joking although your words very well may speak from experience.

Although hormonally, ladyboys may be more aggressive than genotypic women, many of the ladyboys and other people involved in the western targeted entertainment venue are simply "low lives".

Low education is not necessarily synonymous with being a "low life", but in the aforementioned venue they seem to go hand in hand, of course not for everybody, but a significant high %.

The soon to be flight attendant undoubtedly is polite, intelligent, and well spoken in Thai and English in addition to having a bona-fide university degree from Kasetsart, a far cry from many of the western sex venue workers. Not to mention the so called perpetual Ramkamhaeng U. students.

In thailand, ladyboys already are employed in businesses and universities in meaningful jobs including those requiring high educational levels. I have interacted with them at famous name universities also, and at that level have yet to incur a singe problem.

Gays, straits, and likely lesbians are employed as flight attendants so why should TS's be barred? Should people not be judged by the content of their character rather than the sexual preference, religion, of color of their skin?

Some countries have had to pass laws to help prevent discrimination of people with "disabilities" as they can be perceived by some in a very negative if not demeaning way. Personally I'd much rather sit down and have a chat with Stephen Hawkings or Elton John than with many of us that are walking and talking hetero's.

I try to remain objective and the only possible issue I can see is if she does not have a sufficiently female voice it may perturb some passengers.

I do not knock those living in pattaya or other areas close to entertainment places since it probably beats retirement in wisconsin or scandinavia, but all of us should realize the existence of other levels of thai society.


The third sex females that these airlines hired are more beautiful than women. You would not be intimidated by them. They are professionals and know their job.

How could they be experienced "professionals", who "know their job", if they've been unable to obtain trolly-dolly positions with local airlines previously ? Just asking ... B)

You are procastinating and prejudice against their gender selection. To be qualified for a air hostess position, the individuals must go through various trainings and have sufficient education. This is a professional job, not a waitress position.

Not at all, I welcome the fact that they have finally been able to find employment, but as a former airline-manager & professional-accountant I simply don't agree, that someone fresh from a training-course can yet be considered professionals who know their job, to the same degree as someone who has several years on-the-job experience. :jap:


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

Why be so negative. I consider transgendered or as you call them lady boys or freaks are a wonderful asset to any industry, and please don’t compare lady boys as being from Pattaya. Otherwise there are other airlines that will be willing to fly you somewhere where else.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

Hopefully you are joking although your words very well may speak from experience.

Although hormonally, ladyboys may be more aggressive than genotypic women, many of the ladyboys and other people involved in the western targeted entertainment venue are simply "low lives".

Low education is not necessarily synonymous with being a "low life", but in the aforementioned venue they seem to go hand in hand, of course not for everybody, but a significant high %.

The soon to be flight attendant undoubtedly is polite, intelligent, and well spoken in Thai and English in addition to having a bona-fide university degree from Kasetsart, a far cry from many of the western sex venue workers. Not to mention the so called perpetual Ramkamhaeng U. students

Gays, straits, and likely lesbians are employed as flight attendants so why should TS's be barred? Should people not be judged by the content of their character rather than the sexual preference, religion, of color of their skin?

I try to remain objective and the only possible issue I can see is if she does not have a sufficiently female voice it may perturb some passengers.

I do not knock those living in pattaya or other areas close to entertainment places since it probably beats retirement in wisconsin or scandinavia, but all of us should realize the existence of other levels of thai society.

i agree with you, sadly though as i mentioned in another post when one is constantly harassed by the ladyboys, it becomes very hard to accept the difference and resentment rather builds up towards all.

As i also mentioned earlier not all people are open minded. There are still millions if not billions who do not accept gay, i really doubt those would be fine with "third sex" but hence we have established its a local airline, i am sure there will be no problem.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

Sure, P.C. Air, I do not know you and I am not interested to know you even if your flights are for free. I have still some respect for myself as well and do not want to mingle with mentally sick ladyboys who better belong in the Pattaya nightlife than on an airplane. Not surprised to see that it is Thailand to be the first country to make this shameful step! What about the insurance Companies? They systematically refuse to health-insure katoeys. And why is that do you think...

The end of the straight civilisation...


Just speak to any Russian or Eastern European, or visit Mardi Grass in Sydney-where you have thousands of people watching and always have thousands who are totally against it to a point of physical assaults.

Southeastern European here, and I have nothing against them working regular jobs, including this one.

Yes, most of Russian or Eastern European people would probaly disagree with me, hence one more reason for me to move away.

And yes, I like girls only.

However, what I do not like is generalisation.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

Why be so negative. I consider transgendered or as you call them lady boys or freaks are a wonderful asset to any industry, and please don't compare lady boys as being from Pattaya. Otherwise there are other airlines that will be willing to fly you somewhere where else.

Firstly i never used word freaks and secondly if ladyboys is your orientation then best of luck to you.

And yes they are a great asset in a straight bar where men go to meet girls.

What are other airlines that will fly me somewhere else? Have you not read the entire thread? its a local charter airline.blink.gif


Back at DM airport, years ago, I was stuck in a transit space with other passengers - waiting for hours for a delayed take-off. On the intercom, there were loud (very loud, as it has to be in Thailand) announcements every minute or so. The voice was obviously a trans-sexual (I hesitate to say the 'k' word on T.Visa, for fear of being bounced). There was muted giggling adjoining each announcement. For some people, that may seem fine, but others of us don't particularly like being loudly spoken at, with a feminine man's overly-effeminate voice accompanied by giggling - periodically for hours on end.

K word??? KATOEY? What's wrong with that?


Just speak to any Russian or Eastern European, or visit Mardi Grass in Sydney-where you have thousands of people watching and always have thousands who are totally against it to a point of physical assaults.

Southeastern European here, and I have nothing against them working regular jobs, including this one.

Yes, most of Russian or Eastern European people would probaly disagree with me, hence one more reason for me to move away.

And yes, I like girls only.

However, what I do not like is generalisation.

You said it, Most Eastern European will disagree and a large number of everyone else also will disagree. That is the point that the majority of the people are not open minded to accept it.


I only hope Pattaya ladyboys do not hear of the news! Or i am afraid passengers will be harassed in the air just as much as on the ground.

i also hope the airline is prepared to lose some customers, there is a large number of people who do not accept so called third sex.

The usual homophobic nonsense, I'm afraid.

I resemble the homophobic nonsense.


Afraid of what?

ignorant of what?

The right word to use is annoyed!

If being gay is not my orientation it means i go out to meet girls. i do not go out to meet man with boobs.

Try living in Pattaya when you are constantly harassed by the ladyboys and see how you feel(of course if it is your preference, then it would be rather enjoyable)

i have no problem with Gay guys, i do have a problem with man asking to go home with me when i am in a girly bar, i also have a problem with men trying to grab me or kiss me or pickpocket me.

Hookers may ask you to go home with them in a girlie bar. Flight attendants are very unlikely too, wouldn't you agree. The same is very likely to be said of those transgendered flight attendants. IMO they'll be getting more attention than they give out which may in-itself become a problem.

You are unfairly applying a prejudice against Pattaya Katoeys (one which I agree with) to those others who have chosen to live their life respectfully in other areas of the social ladder. Many ladyboys can be found working in normal office environments, sales and service positions (no pun) such as makeup counters, retail, marketing etc....

I for one don't care if it is any of the sexual spectrum that attends on the flights I take, so long as they simply do their job professionally - I find no reason to think why if chosen correctly this case should be any different. To be honest, I'd probably be paying so little attention I'd not even notice.


Plastic Curgery Airlines employing Lady Boys. Third sex? Is that a spelling mistake? I thought there was no 'h'.

I only hope should I fly with them [ can I call them them?] I'm not drinking my coffee as they sashay their hips up and down the aisles. Could take your eye.

It's bad enough trying to get the attention of first and second sex hostesses on long haul flights, but imagine trying to get the attention of the Lady Boys as they constantly do their make-up along with removing the 5 o'clock shadow.

I wonder how many of them will recognise their new customers as being old customers from former jobs? Be just like old days for some: strapped down and given a good servicing. And as for the mile high club, I wished I'd bought shares.

Still, those big strong girls should have little trouble hoisting the luggage up into the lockers.

For some of us, flying long distance has always been a bit of a pain in the arse. Now that's official.

I expect when they demo the safety procedures it's now done to music with feathers and sequins.

The 'f' word then. Flying for a living. Can't be all that bad.


I fail to see why some of you are getting your knickers in a twist over this.

Many male cabin crew are gay, yet we don't worry about it (or do you?).

I have lived in Pattaya and have not been hassled too much by K's. Some of you must hang out at some really seedy places. :bah:

As long as they do their jobs properly, I don't care what their gender is.

If it really bothers you, then chose another airline. Simple really isn't it?

There are some very strange people here on TV. :blink:


Just speak to any Russian or Eastern European, or visit Mardi Grass in Sydney-where you have thousands of people watching and always have thousands who are totally against it to a point of physical assaults.

Southeastern European here, and I have nothing against them working regular jobs, including this one.

Yes, most of Russian or Eastern European people would probaly disagree with me, hence one more reason for me to move away.

And yes, I like girls only.

However, what I do not like is generalisation.

You said it, Most Eastern European will disagree and a large number of everyone else also will disagree. That is the point that the majority of the people are not open minded to accept it.

I guess people who move in this circle are allowed to have thier own airline. Horses for courses as they say. Good on them but I think I will stay with the normal airlines.

so its the people who need to accomodate the minority NOT other way around?

That comment is so telling --especially is in its use of the LOL as it's clear you think it's so absurd. Get this: minorities are people. And if by "accommodate" you mean, "be tolerant of differences as long as they are legal and they aren't harm them or anyone else" -- yes, in an enlightened society people need to do that.


oh this is bad. i know that when all flight s are full i am going to have to fly air woofters. i don't even like sitting next to them now they have floooded the skys. help me harold!

i wonder if the future PM will be a lady boy :D


The persons in question are quite attractive, for now. What happens in a few years when that beauty starts to "fade." If you live in Thailand, you should have seen ageing ladyboys -do you think they will still fit the airlines "image"?

The name tags specifying 3rd sex had better be pretty clear about it. I have seen the results of mistaken gender association, and they can be quite ugly. Not in an aircraft, thank you very much.


I won't fly with P.C. Air Services! Not because of the cabin staff, but because they have managed to mirror their globe in the lower right corner of their website (http://pcairline.com/). Seems quite unprofessional, or maybe thats just the map they use when they navigate their planes??? So instead of going to Vietnam, you go to India... Thats truly "Service Beyond Expectations"!!!

But seriously... an airline that can't get a map right? FAIL!!!


You mean the logo in the photo on the plane "it" is holding.

Who and what is P.C. Air?

Politically Correct Airlines???

I think its Pegasus Airlines, though logo in the photo on the plane(he/she is holding does not appear to match)

or could be a misspell and its PB Air


I’ve enjoyed this topic, very funny, especially the....ooh so upset western (middle/old?) men who are terrified they may be seen.....or used as a sex toy by a, possibly beautiful L/B......You should be so lucky!!!! What do you honestly think is going to happen to you? Dose it upset you that some L/B might be lusting over your wrinkly ass and man boobs. Get a grip guys!


Then I suggest you take your PC attitudes and go back to the West.

so its the people who need to accomodate the minority NOT other way around?

That comment is so telling --especially is in its use of the LOL as it's clear you think it's so absurd. Get this: minorities are people. And if by "accommodate" you mean, "be tolerant of differences as long as they are legal and they aren't harm them or anyone else" -- yes, in an enlightened society people need to do that.

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