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Cant Find Suitable Dvd Blank Disc For Writer


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I have a LiteOn LDW-851S bought it long time ago .. but never tried burning any .. a few days back I wanted to backup a data .. went to pantip plaza and bought myself a TDK+r 8x and IMATION + r 8x .. couldnt burn any , my writer rejected everything ..

i did some research on the net and flashed my firmware and i still cannot burn anything .. tried at 8x 6x 4x .. nothing !!! tried those cheap ones also .. !!

what do u guys reckon is the problem ? writer or media ? what writer r u guys using ? and what media u guys using along with the writer ??

i will be using it to burn DATA and burn movies (home video) + CLONE DVD (Hollywood movies)

thank you all in advance ..


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Need a bit more information as to "rejected everything" and "cannot burn anything". Those are a bit vague... What program did you use, and what was the error message?

My old Plextor 8x drive could write to most anything. Problem was, the discs couldn't be read on most anything, including the writer itself.

My current Pioneer 16x can write on most anything at any speed. The discs can be read on pretty much everything I have. I normally use very cheap media, about 15 baht/disc, and write at 8x (the disc is rated at 4x).

In your case, from the very limited information you have given, I can only wildly guess (shot in the dark) that your writer is defective.

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Need a bit more information as to "rejected everything" and "cannot burn anything".  Those are a bit vague...  What program did you use, and what was the error message?

My old Plextor 8x drive could write to most anything.  Problem was, the discs couldn't be read on most anything, including the writer itself.

My current Pioneer 16x can write on most anything at any speed.  The discs can be read on pretty much everything I have.  I normally use very cheap media, about 15 baht/disc, and write at 8x (the disc is rated at 4x).

In your case, from the very limited information you have given, I can only wildly guess (shot in the dark) that your writer is defective.

i havew decided to buy a new one .. after reading about what your pioneer 16x can do i am very very interested .. which model is that ? how much did u pay for it ? can i get it at pantip ?

about my writer : i cannot burn anything .. after 5-7% it says "error writing to disk" [or something similar] .. i think its time to buy new one ...

which brand it that 15 baht disc you r using ? those princo , monarch, vio , smartbuy ones?

thanks you firefoxx for a quick reply ...

hopefully its equally quick for this one too ...


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My model is the A08, which is no longer produced. The current model is the Pioneer A09 (or the Asus 1608, which is the same thing).

I'm using discs which have no brand... printable discs. Bought in bulk. They're manufactured by Ritek, which manufactures cheap DVD media for a lof of companies.

As for the error, it sounds like a power calibration error. This can mean a lot of things, including a defective drive. It could also be caused by not enough power (a bad PSU). If it's consistent with various media, then it's not the media's fault.

Edited by Firefoxx
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Hello Uncle_Ho:

Does your DVD burner work correctly when you are playing music CDs or DVD movies?

Try START>Settings>Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager.

In device manager, click on DVD/CD Rom drives. Clikc on name of your DVD burner.

It should say "This device is working properly." Is there a yellow question mark ?

Click on "troubleshoot" to see what might be wrong.

Try re-installing the device driver.

Main Question: Are you sure the Lite-On you have is actually a burner. Since you bought long time ago, it might only play CDs and DVDs, but won't be able to burn discs. A friend of mine had same problem. He bought computer in Bangkok. Computer supposedly had a burner. He just used the device to play music CDs. Then 6 months ago, he wanted to burn photos onto CDs. He couldn't. I went on internet and check the model number; found out it was a DVD-Rom and not capable of burning anything.

Hope this helps.

Edited by wrestler7902002
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I'm using discs which have no brand... printable discs.  Bought in bulk.  They're manufactured by Ritek, which manufactures cheap DVD media for a lof of companies.

I used some no-brand DVDs, some of them also Ritek, and they seemed fine for a few months. However, I now have a collection of over 80 DVD-Rs which used to contain movies and now are totally unreadable by any machine I throw them at. Since they're pirated movies I'm not too upset, but I sure wouldn't trust any important backups to no-brand media. Mind you, brand name media can be no better, so it pays to do a bit of research before you buy.

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Clokwise, I realise this. I wouldn't know that the discs were made by ritek if I didn't know how to use a media identifying program, so I've done my research... I've been writing DVDs for quite a long time (and CDs since the days of 2x SCSI-only writing).

Writable media is not all that stable, but if you take care of it, it will last. I have old DVD media that was written years ago, and old CD media that was written about ten years ago, and they all are readable. My general experience, with both CDs and DVDs, is that if it's OK after writing, it will be ok for years to come, as long as it's stored correctly.

For archival purposes, I use Taiyo Yuden (made in Japan) discs, 16x. I've already mentioned this before in other threads, so I didn't think that it needed repeating. I said I used ritek discs here, since the emphasis was on compatibility (eg. cheap discs).

As for whether the drive is a burner or not... the DVD writing program will reject the disc/drive even before writing. It won't start writing if it can't write at all.

Edited by Firefoxx
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I use Taiyo Yuden (made in Japan) discs, 16x.  I've already mentioned this before in other threads, so I didn't think that it needed repeating.  I said I used ritek discs here, since the emphasis was on compatibility (eg. cheap discs).

Firefoxx where r u ? in bangkok ? where can i get Taiyo Yuden (made in japan) disk in Bangkok ?

I am contemplating buying taiyo yuden from http://www.supermediastore.com/ but i am tyring to find out if its available in thailand ... really scared of the fake ones though !!!

I dont know if it will be worth it ordering from america to bangkok ... dont know if i have to pay taxes and dont know how much shipping i have to pay .. considering ordering 200 taiyo and 200 verbatim ..

Please do rpely,

cheers !!

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Well, the ones I got were from meritline.com... which is in the US. I asked a friend to buy them for me. $80 for a pack of 100, which means a little over 30 baht each. I bought them because they're printable, and they're Taiyo Yuden.

There is an alternative. You can buy Fujifilm discs, 8x, at IT Mall, 40 baht each. They are also made by Taiyo Yuden (look on the box, it will say "made in japan"). Bad thing is that the screened color on the disc is a very nasty purple. The shop is the corner media shop right next to the open area above Lotus, 4th floor.

Ordering from the US is not recommended... customs can be very strange at times... expensive and time consuming (unless you order something *really* cheap... less than $10). If you want something, it's best that you ask someone to bring it.

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Firefoxx, thank u for a quick reply ..

I am thinking of getting a print-able Taiyo yuden and printable Verbatim ...

I walked all over pantip a few days back and found one shop selling Verbatim printable .. 1900 baht for 50 discs .. i was scared of getting fake discs so i avoided getting it ..

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firefox do you consider verbatim "datalife plus advanced azo"(blue coloured on burning side) as good quality?

using a plextor 740, burn everything and everything can be read on both com and dvd player.

I use these since a little time after many tries ...

what brand names build dvd "Taiyo Yuden" ?

and what is really better in those?


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A lot of verbatims (especially AZO discs) are "made in singapore". I've had very *bad* experiences with discs made in singapore (from CDR, not DVDR). So I avoid them.

Taiyo Yuden is a DVD/CD media factory, like Ritek, or CMC. Brands like Sony, Verbatim, Fuji, Mitsui, Princo don't make their own media, they contract these factories to make the media and put their own brands on.

Taiyo Yuden is generally accepted as the *best* factory. It's located in Japan, so if you see "made in Japan" on a disc, it is probably made by Taiyo Yuden. Most discs sold in Thailand come from Ritek, optodisc, and CMC, which are in Taiwan, so they are "made in Taiwan". Their quality can vary. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

It depends on your drive, your firmware, and your software whether you will have good writes with specific media. However, it is known that Taiyo Yuden discs are the most compatible and most reliable. But since they are expensive, they are not popular in Thailand, and hard to find.

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