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Round Trip Bkk - Los Angles, Bkk - Las Vegas


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I'm researching flight possibilities for a friend who wants to go economy class from Bangkok to Las Vegas (but is also considering Bangkok to Los Angeles and making his own arrangements from there). He says he doesn't mind indirect routing, layovers, etc. and tells me Pattaya travel agencies are quoting him the equivalent of $1,100US, which seems very high. Any experience with the agents advertising in the Bangkok Post. BTW, he can pay by credit card and not adverse to internet payment. Thanks.

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I'm also currently looking for a ticket back to address some family concerns. my search has located several agencies offering prices in the 700 to 800 dollar range. look for the ads in the bangkok post, and the nation newspapers.

it seems the key to getting a good price is to get the ticket way in advance of when you are actually leaving.

on the other hand, if you want to leave in a week, you will probably pay through the nose.

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Thanks. HaHa, I'll do just that. I've met guys who've paid 7-800 return to L.A. You can get rt to New York for less than one grand. I could fly here from Toronto for $1000US, or, at least, I could. Since this guy is pretty flexible, there should be something in the 700-900 range.

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