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now that saddam has been captured, the door is open for all the other extremist muslim groups to enter iraq and make a nuisance of themselves. the saudi wahabis will probably be the first. now that saddams power and that of his followers has been severely curtailed, all the other american hating trouble makers will do whatever they can to prevent the american led coalition from having any success in iraq.they will fight the americans and they will fight amongst themselves.

i predict very hard times for the unfortunate people of iraq for a long time to come.

Excellent post. Thank you Sir!

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To all the Anti-Bush & Anti-American polocies people:

I respect your opinion in regards to peace and not creating violence within the world. I too, feel that sacrificing young men and women's lives for something I'm not quite sure of myself is pointless. But first, before I opined someone else's view on making the world better, I not only give my reasons for my opposition, but also add a solution of my own. So...

You are free to express your point of views with or without validity since freedom of speech is something we all cherish. But I would like to ask those who continues to blast Bush, Americans, and their polocies, "What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?" And how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office? And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists? Please elaborate.

Thank you,


You are making some very valid points and I appreciate that. But is violence the answer to what happened in Sept 11? IMO no matter how painfull, negotiations with Arab countries as how to tackle the terrorist problem more effectively is the way to go...

My two cents


Some of you have not a clue. If tyrants were allowed to continue to take countries hostage under force as Sadam and others have done it would not be long before

your free traveling garbage speaking arse would be suppressed to listening to state owned radio, forget about TV. No one speaking of liberties of the people of

Iraq's or Afghans poor who were murdered and treated like dogs. What about

religions that promote hate and killings because of such deep hatered of other religions. What about the WTC killings of 3000 people by Mr. Atta who just 2 months prior was coordinating such plans as he did with Sadam. What about

Iran being controlled by the freak Ayatolla Khemni. I wish some of you could live in these places. You would not have a right to think on your own let alone speak out about it. I guess because Sadam was allowed to make back door deals with

a few countries recently his and his cronies should be allowed to kill and own everything that belongs to the country in a closed society under his control.

You want your liberal loving arse to be parked where you want when you want

then with no sacrifice of your own you want to condemn the very things that continue to let you do so. You do not even deserve a reply let alone the air you breath that keep your half a brain it supports. Long live freedom even if it does mean listening to these complete idiots.


The good news is, Saddam is finally where he belongs...behind bars. The bad news is, we still have many more like him to bring down. Being an American, it can be difficult to read some of the Anti-American comments on this forum, but when it comes to how the US is run these days, I can't help but agree with the fact that our leaders are not up to the job. Greed (usually in the form of money) is their main motive for bombing people overseas and using our tax dollars for things that do not benefit the average American. Many of our leaders (and of course this means Bush) are not in it for the people, but rather for the money and the "campaign contributions" given to them by corporations to help them win (or steal) votes. Bush is one among many American politicians who have greatly contributed to our country and her people being hated by many around the world and yet they can still stay in office....education is the key to eliminating these monsters. If people know better, they won't put them in office.

As for the other monsters who stalk innocent people (terrorists and fanatical world leaders) they must be taken out too. The sooner the better! Terrorism is no doubt a big issue for the US, but it is not only a problem for us...it's a world problem that can only be solved by applying one major strategy: cooperation; that is cooperation among ALL countries and ALL citizens. If the world comes together and cooperates, these monsters won't be around for too long. Ignoring the opinions of the UN and bombing innocent people is not the answer...it only generates more Anti-American feelings and prolongs the struggle against terrorism. If Bush and those in power don't understand this simple concept, they should do the world a favor and resign before they cause us more problems. No amount of cheaper oil is worth turning the world against the US and her people. If we all work together, the corrupt rich won't stay so rich and the scum of the earth terrorist groups will be gotten rid of. Education of the masses is our key to success.

Some of you have not a clue. If tyrants were allowed to continue to take countries hostage under force as Sadam and others have done it would not be long before

your free traveling garbage speaking arse would be suppressed to listening to state owned radio, forget about TV. No one speaking of liberties of the people of

Iraq's or Afghans poor who were murdered and treated like dogs. What about

religions that promote hate and killings because of such deep hatered of other religions. What about the WTC killings of 3000 people by Mr. Atta who just 2 months prior was coordinating such plans as he did with Sadam. What about

Iran being controlled by the freak Ayatolla Khemni. I wish some of you could live in these places. You would not have a right to think on your own let alone speak out about it. I guess because Sadam was allowed to make back door deals with

a few countries recently his and his cronies should be allowed to kill and own everything that belongs to the country in a closed society under his control.

You want your liberal loving arse to be parked where you want when you want

then with no sacrifice of your own you want to condemn the very things that continue to let you do so. You do not even deserve a reply let alone the air you breath that keep your half a brain it supports. Long live freedom even if it does mean listening to these complete idiots.

ah the star spangled banner - "No one speaking of liberties of the people of

Iraq's or Afghans poor who were murdered and treated like dogs." - was that the Americans or Saddam?

"What about

religions that promote hate and killings because of such deep hatered of other religions" Christianity has killed millions - Muslims dont hate other religions "CNN boy" - wake up!

"You do not even deserve a reply let alone the air you breath that keep your half a brain it supports. Long live freedom even if it does mean listening to these complete idiots." yes but we will listen to you anyway!

Is it Khun? Bush calling or another of his brainwashed puppets.

The good news is, Saddam is finally where he belongs...behind bars. The bad news is, we still have many more like him to bring down. Being an American, it can be difficult to read some of the Anti-American comments on this forum, but when it comes to how the US is run these days, I can't help but agree with the fact that our leaders are not up to the job. Greed (usually in the form of money) is their main motive for bombing people overseas and using our tax dollars for things that do not benefit the average American. Many of our leaders (and of course this means Bush) are not in it for the people, but rather for the money and the "campaign contributions" given to them by corporations to help them win (or steal) votes. Bush is one among many American politicians who have greatly contributed to our country and her people being hated by many around the world and yet they can still stay in office....education is the key to eliminating these monsters. If people know better, they won't put them in office.

As for the other monsters who stalk innocent people (terrorists and fanatical world leaders) they must be taken out too. The sooner the better! Terrorism is no doubt a big issue for the US, but it is not only a problem for us...it's a world problem that can only be solved by applying one major strategy: cooperation; that is cooperation among ALL countries and ALL citizens. If the world comes together and cooperates, these monsters won't be around for too long. Ignoring the opinions of the UN and bombing innocent people is not the answer...it only generates more Anti-American feelings and prolongs the struggle against terrorism. If Bush and those in power don't understand this simple concept, they should do the world a favor and resign before they cause us more problems. No amount of cheaper oil is worth turning the world against the US and her people. If we all work together, the corrupt rich won't stay so rich and the scum of the earth terrorist groups will be gotten rid of. Education of the masses is our key to success.

well balanced from an American - well done sir and welcome :o

The good news is, Saddam is finally where he belongs...behind bars. The bad news is, we still have many more like him to bring down. Being an American, it can be difficult to read some of the Anti-American comments on this forum, but when it comes to how the US is run these days, I can't help but agree with the fact that our leaders are not up to the job. Greed (usually in the form of money) is their main motive for bombing people overseas and using our tax dollars for things that do not benefit the average American. Many of our leaders (and of course this means Bush) are not in it for the people, but rather for the money and the "campaign contributions" given to them by corporations to help them win (or steal) votes. Bush is one among many American politicians who have greatly contributed to our country and her people being hated by many around the world and yet they can still stay in office....education is the key to eliminating these monsters. If people know better, they won't put them in office.

    As for the other monsters who stalk innocent people (terrorists and fanatical world leaders) they must be taken out too. The sooner the better! Terrorism is no doubt a big issue for the US, but it is not only a problem for us...it's a world problem that can only be solved by applying one major strategy: cooperation; that is cooperation among ALL countries and ALL citizens. If the world comes together and cooperates, these monsters won't be around for too long. Ignoring the opinions of the UN and bombing innocent people is not the answer...it only generates more Anti-American feelings and prolongs the struggle against terrorism. If Bush and those in power don't understand this simple concept, they should do the world a favor and resign before they cause us more problems. No amount of cheaper oil is worth turning the world against the US and her people. If we all work together, the corrupt rich won't stay so rich and the scum of the earth terrorist groups will be gotten rid of. Education of the masses is our key to success.

A classic post indeed..Thanks for posting this and I agree with all what you have said above...

Hope other Bush lovers will feel the same.

Actually the the world will appreciate American's if they can really speak the truth and challenge their leaders than blindly following them.

That will definitely help to eliminate terrorists than the way it's happening now.


Sometimes it's better the devil you know than the one you don't, Iraq if I am not mistaken was secular what will it be now?

I am sure that when Iran got rid of the Shah they did not expect to have Khomeni and his ilk dictating to them especially the women.

But there again nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Quoting Khun: "Some of you have not a clue. If tyrants were allowed to continue to take countries hostage under force as Sadam and others have done it would not be long before

your free traveling garbage speaking arse would be suppressed to listening to state owned radio, forget about TV."

and what a fate you deem us all to... No "Friends"??? No "Wheel of Fortune"??? No "Jeopardy"???


Also, you really fail to see what people are REALLY saying. How many of us have said we are UNHAPPY that Saddam Hussein has been captured???

We just tell Bush & co. to tune down the bullshit a few notches. We all know Bush didn't capture Saddam to save "the people of Iraq", even though a lot of Iraqis are surely happy Saddam is now gone. They are however extremely pissed off because the US is still there though. Just reverse the situation, with Egyptian, Iraqi or Saudi Arabian soldiers who don't speak half-decent English, patrolling US soil, sometimes killing innocent people, whether by accident or by intention.

The reaction of the average American is simple enough to figure out, isn't it?

The US are not THE GOOD GUYS. There are no GOOD GUYS in world politics. It's a struggle for power and the control of resources.

The religions are only used as instruments to control people's minds, they are not the real reason for any war whatsoever, and by studying the holy books of Islam, Christendom and Judaism, you will finsd as many (or as few) reasons to say these religions breed hatred of other religions.

In Israel, the struggle is about territory and the control of water, much more than the control of the religious sites. Look at the facts, they are there - the Palestinians control 20% of the water, while the Israelis control 80%.

I suggest you stop watching privatized "free" TV for a sec and instead start seeking out alternative sources of information. It will demand some more of your time and attention, but you will be mightily surprised.

Meanwhile, I hope there will be democracy in Iraq, but since clan loyalties make up the social fabric of the country, and the US and its allies breed more hatred in the muslim world through their actions, I sincerely doubt it will come about within the next 100 years.

Anyway, good riddance to Saddam, the tyrant.


"He said: 'I'm Saddam Hussein, I'm the president of Iraq (news - web sites) and I'm willing to negotiate,"' Major Brian Reed, operations officer for the first brigade of the Fourth Infantry Division, told reporters at the site where Saddam was found Saturday hiding in a hole at a hut.

He must of thought France Germany or Russia was there

If it was about the oil alone why doesn't the U.S. double the tax on Fuel

like European countries. The countries that sell the oil make less than Eupean governments make off it in taxes.

Simple..just stop creating them..You hit me..I hit you..you kill me..my brother will kill you..you kill my family..another family in my hometwon will kill you..you kill my town..my country will kill you..

Never ending..

That's not a solution. What's my solution? I don't have one that's why I don't spew political B.S. I am asking those who thinks they know, but they don't and continue to have diarrhea mouth. But that's the beauty of "free speech", I guess.

Iraq wasnt threatening you country at all, Geoges dad, George was still angry re the hit put out on him in his term - it was probably barbara weilding the wand anyway. I think Iraqis were supressed/killed and should be helped, but not for the reasons the USA went in - that was definately Oil - actually the biggest oil reserves in the world, over 500 years worth (figures from my mate, who is a mud engineer for halliburton!)

Wow! You know the Bush Family? How is Jeb doing?

I believe you now since your buddy is a mud engineer for halliburton. You are so convincing. How were you ever able to have all these tie-ins with publicized Americans. Hey, maybe you are also in with Alan Greenspan. Ask him if I should invest in bonds or high-tech stocks? Better yet, ask Emiril Legasse if I should add (3) tablespoons of salt in his famous gumbo or I should add only (2)? Let me know if Britney Spears still has the hots for Justin Timberlake, O.K.?


Capital wrote:

But is violence the answer to what happened in Sept 11?

No, I don't believe in violence. But, I don't believe in inviting Bin Laden or Hussein for a cup of hot chocalate and analyzing the video of innocent Americans burning to death either. I'm not an expert in terrorism or polotics. It's very interesting, though, and I enjoy reading other's point of views. But I get a little impatient with some of the posters here when they give their two cents with such conviction and no validity. I respect their passion, but when they start spitting on America and Americans then I lose that respect for them.

No one country is perfect. I never claimed that US is perfect. It is a great country, but that's because I am American. If I was living in England, I would be proud of that country. If I lived in Iraq, I would be proud of that nation as well. Again, I don't have solutions. That's why I'm here, not in the White House, or the English Parlaiment, or the Afghan Jirga.

I am interested in what you guys have to say,only to the point of sensibility.


Well the fact is I may just take a few hours drive from where I am now.

I wonder if any of you knowledgable people could tell me when I get to Tikrit

should I take the Son- in- Law room or the rape room. Being that I have been here for both conflicts and plus 10 years straight now and I deal with the locals very often I do not need much lecture on the subject. I did wonder how many years

the U.S. government would keep footing the bill for keeping 10's of thousands

of workers in this area while others set up back door billion $$$ contracts with

old Saddam. Sure we could of continued to foot the bill for how many more years while Saddam continued to do things on the sly like Osama. Of course the people

in Iraq who are compared to the poor Isan family that is so brutalized that these very same people claim are so underprivledged because of Taksin, should not mind waiting another 10 years as long as these billion $$ contracts are issued out by Saddam. Many people here are happy to have an equalizer and are peaceful

and are just trying to make a living from day to day in their birth country just like anyone else. At least some had the balls to finally do something just like the balkins. ###### the balkins would still be an issue if it was up to some of you candy <deleted>. At least some of the asian countries had enough smarts to honor a coalition

resolution for the better of the region once and for all. Many want the benefits of peace but only the few end up sacrificing for it. Yes continue to cry about the unjustice of the Isan family but put up or shut up when it comes time to help the real unjustice of others.


About 5/8's full this morning. A bit of a chill also.

Some of these people that talk such crap could be the same ones that end up in

Thailand thinking they are such a benefit to society there. Some even take on the resposibilty of families and have no type of foundation for themselves let alone

a whole generation of locals. These are the ones that are an influence on the little farm girls that head to town looking for walking ATM's. Taksin only doing for the rich, the poor get nothing. What about Iraq's poor should they live with Saddam

for another 10 years before his sons take over ( to late now). Anyone want to offer help paying the billions that has been put on the U.S tax payer these last 13 years.

If it was about the oil alone why doesn't the U.S. double the tax on Fuel

like European countries. The countries that sell the oil make less than European governments make off it in taxes.

Are you watching only CNN? and the Bush's weekly speech..

These tax and all those nots are very short term things. Do you think US Govt will give any indication to the world to reflect that they are in control of oil in Iraq. No. Not now..It's a long term plan. Right now, US will not get any benefit due to bad infrastructure.

Do you think Bush did this War in good faith to protect Iraqi People and the world from Sadam? According to Bush, that is what he say..What do you think? Do you believe your president? :o

I am not an American..but I do not trust a single statement he is making to the world. He should come forward and face trial with Sadam for his part of war crimes.

All I am interested is to hear Sadam putting down the evidence of the sources of his WMD. Hope it will happen.

Simple..just stop creating them..You hit me..I hit you..you kill me..my brother will kill you..you kill my family..another family in my hometwon will kill you..you kill my town..my country will kill you..

Never ending..

That's not a solution. What's my solution? I don't have one that's why I don't spew political B.S. I am asking those who thinks they know, but they don't and continue to have diarrhea mouth. But that's the beauty of "free speech", I guess.

Ok..this is not your solution..also you do not have one.. :D Interesting..

Then why you support Bush. His solution is to hunt each an every terrorist and clean the world.

Amazing..you guys do not know what your President is talking..but knows how to say Yes to him and to support him..

I highlighted why his Hunting down will not work..That is why I said..your president solution is never ending and has an amplifying effect.

Any child will be able to understand this. Wonder why you can not? :o


What utter "politically correct" bullshit there is on this thread. A fine example of most Western "education's". Just spew out a bunch of logic-less, wacko, left wing, anti-American conspiracy theories and pat yourself on the back for being so clever.

Why don't you just get a subscription to the National Enquirer for year or two? It's a lot cheaper than University, and probably more concerned with the "truth".

I don't think that George W. Bush is the most intelligent of men, but it is not difficult to see that he has enough common sense to realize that himself, and thus relies on some of the smartest people on the planet for advice.

Is Condaliza Rice stupid? How about Collin Powell? Are they redneck fascists "killing for money" too?

They are a lot smarter than you or I, and a lot more principled than Chirac, Putin and company who sat back and profited off of Saddam's terror, and then tried to save his regime in the name of "peace".

A bunch of clowns who have been schooled by "intellects" such as Al Franken, The Reverend Al Sharpton and Michael Moore, all agreeing with one other. What a waste of space. :o

Capital wrote:
But is violence the answer to what happened in Sept 11?

No, I don't believe in violence. But, I don't believe in inviting Bin Laden or Hussein for a cup of hot chocalate and analyzing the video of innocent Americans burning to death either. I'm not an expert in terrorism or polotics. It's very interesting, though, and I enjoy reading other's point of views. But I get a little impatient with some of the posters here when they give their two cents with such conviction and no validity. I respect their passion, but when they start spitting on America and Americans then I lose that respect for them.

No one country is perfect. I never claimed that US is perfect. It is a great country, but that's because I am American. If I was living in England, I would be proud of that country. If I lived in Iraq, I would be proud of that nation as well. Again, I don't have solutions. That's why I'm here, not in the White House, or the English Parlaiment, or the Afghan Jirga.

I am interested in what you guys have to say,only to the point of sensibility.

You are wrong here.The world was behind you and prayed for the Innocent people died in World Trade Center. All backed Bush..and all commended the work of your then Governor of New York. All prayed for the sacrifice your fire fighters did..

all governments sent you messages condemning the attacks.

When Bush went to war in Afganisthan..all gave the backing. Including UN.

Now are you going to say that we all are Anti-American and criticizing Americans?

May be some..but I am sure..not me..

I do criticize people like you, Khun, Membrane for blindly supporting them.

You get many American's in this forum who thinks logically with facts and figures and not afraid to express the right opinion.

My Freind..if we talk about World Trade Center and Afghanistan and Bin Laden..it's a totally different subject..

But with regarding Iraq..your president is a Crook.. Those who support him blindly are obviously have blood of the Innocent people dying and listed for dying in Iraq and all over the world..

Bush created another conflict in Middle east and many more will suffer and many more will die..May be you and me also can become victims of this..

He will sell Sadam and his crimes to get the vote of people like you to get re-elected. If that happens..then "God Bless the World"

What utter "politically correct" bullshit there is on this thread. A fine example of most Western "education's". Just spew out a bunch of logic-less, wacko, left wing, anti-American conspiracy theories and pat yourself on the back for being so clever.

Why don't you just get a subscription to the National Enquirer for year or two? It's a lot cheaper than University, and probably more concerned with the "truth".

I don't think that George W. Bush is the most intelligent of men, but it is not difficult to see that he has enough common sense to realize that himself, and thus relies on some of the smartest people on the planet for advice.

Is Condaliza Rice stupid? How about Collin Powell? Are they redneck fascists "killing for money" too?

They are a lot smarter than you or I, and a lot more principled than Chirac, Putin and company who sat back and profited off of Saddam's terror, and then tried to save his regime in the name of "peace".

A bunch of clowns who have been schooled by "intellects" such as Al Franken, The Reverend Al Sharpton and Michael Moore, all agreeing with one other. What a waste of space. :D

Ha ha ha..

Acedemics..Intellectuals are Clowns and Stupid..

Politicians are Smart and Intelligent..

Which Category are you? B)B)

This also means that all your previous Presidents inbetwwen Bush Senior and Bush Junior..all are Clowns..and Stupid..coz they did not fight with Sadam and Catch him.. :o



You are a lost sole looking for a place to happen.

I know everyone should live on a bicycle and be at peace with mother earth, it just so happens I have things to do and places to see this life time and I like using computers that require energy ( oil ). The oil goes to the world market without the U.S. getting nothing they do not pay for -87 billion they are providing to help rebuild the infastructure plus the cost of several billion each year protecting world assets ( oil ) (and freedom) which is a necissary commodity for the whole worlds economies, it belongs to the world with compensation paid to the country that just so happens to live above it. Fact is you would not be parking your arse on some plane taking nice vacations to thailand without someone trying to make safe travel and open boarders for those that earn the right to be part of a

world society. Sit in your nice little world you have imagined for yourself but the truth is freedom has a price to pay for it and thanks for your contributions. Have you every had to sacrifice anything for it other than reading a book our watching tv.

Get out of your simple mind even though it may be a nice place for you to hide, paying ransom only causes more ransoms being demanded. I hope Bhuda can excuse your simplistic world.


Yeah, Kwiz!

The truth should be painfully obvious in Khun ?'s remarks that people are not to be trusted with peace, because there is still much fear, ignorance, and resentment between them. We need the oil to power the war machine which preserves the peace. Without war there would be no peace. We have many enemies who work for evil. Don't you see, Winston,...er...Kwiz?

Don't believe a word of his. Bush is not stupid nor are any others in his circle. That's where the problem lies. They are all extremely intelligent with unlimited access to resources of any kind. They are so smart and well-positioned that they can make decisions that throw the nations of the world into tumult, including its own people, and there is very little anyone can do about it.

Unfortunately, money talks and bullshit walks. You can only do what is right for yourself and it sounds like you're doing ok. Remember, if people are condemning you for wanting a cleaner, more peaceful planet, then it is they who are in need of guidance. You must be strong, young Jedi.


By the way, the solution to a more peaceful planet is the eradication of multiple belief systems. It doesn't matter which one survives, we all just have to think exactly the same and share the same values. People must be closely indoctrinated, controlled, and monitored from cradle to grave and all arising alternate systems of belief prohibited.



americans ..americans ..cool down, please :o

it's not only your war ... as gwb tried and dragged some other countrie in this s### ...

and bombings go on ...

some more today, and surely tomorrow ... :D


anyone think about iraky people dying everyday as soldiers do too, and what for?

what are this boys dying for?

what are this iraky people dying for?

JM: "indians indians, what did you dye for?"

Indian voices :"nothing at all"


How about you kwiz117? Are you smarter than Collin Powell? That must be why your logic and your English language skills are so polished! :D

I am not sure whether I am smarter, your are smarter or Colin Powell smarter.

People who think that they are smarter and they know everything are the people who know nothing. That much, I know.

On the same logic, I think if ask the same from Colin Powell, he will describe himself as "Not Smarter" and Bush will categories himself as the "Smartest in this Planet". What about you? B)

I am certain Mr. Collin Powell is a gentleman who will not go and lie in public like Bush and Blair. He will talk to the point as a professional and also will talk to the audience accordingly. That is the reason he is respected inside UN compared to your Bush and that Donald Duck. I am not sure about his personal opinion. But he is doing his job very effectively for US and also fulfilling his duties to UN.

So it is unfair for me to go on point out the mistakes or criticize his statements as he is doing a job like the excellent job your Soldiers does in Iraq and allover the world.

Do do not try to relate Colin Powell, US Marines and any other professionals into your Presidents Barbarian killing spam.. :o

It's not fair for them and all the good hearted Americans.


well I do love this forum, its great to see 90% of all the worlds bush supporters in one room. I couldnt be bothered posting another for Khun Bush or Supersuch - your both so tiresome in all of your rebuttles - we are great, Colin Powell is smart, waffle waffle yawn. I will ask again though if the USA wants people to "believe" them in what they do is just why havent they gone after N Korea with the same vigour or why didnt they help "free" east timor from the muderous Indonesians.

Simply there was nothing to gain was there?

Anyway its great to see minoritys have a place to post as the only people who support this war on Iraq is a handfull of gun ho yankees......... I wonder if it will be looked on in 30 years as another waste of human life like vietnam - That was also a great move wasnt it? I better turn on the TV now and see how many more US soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - how sad you guys beleive in your own press, why the world laughs at you and you dont even know it!

Capitalism - your now the largest Oil Barons and Drug Barons - well done!

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