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Customs Question


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Hi....I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. i have a quick customs question that I hope someone would be able to answer.

I work in Iraq and have been given two televisions, a 19" and a 23", along with an espresso machine. I will declare them upon arrival, but does anyone know if they will make me pay duty, or how much duty will have to be paid?

I always bring crap with me that I purchased off of amazon for the house, family, or friends, but this will be the first time I will bring something that I know will raise eyebrows if I am searched.

Thanks in advance!!!

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DOes a cow have tits? TiT - you will get stung for the import tax.

Do you know if the TV's will work OK here? I bought a hand held TV here (Thailand) once as a gift for someone in the UK - the sound would not work in the UK (it's digital NICAM there, and thailand is still analogue (ofton mono) sound I understand - so no joy).

You do know there is crap all on TV here don't you? SUppose its OK for DVDs, but two of them? One for the XBox?

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Hi...Thanks for all the replies. I'm still debating on whether I should bring the televisions or not. They are LCDs that don't weigh much and will take up about half of my bag. The rest of my bag will be the espresso machine, a step down, and some motorcycle helmets.

If I decide it it going to be too much of pain I may just give them to my interpreter and find a way to stow the motorcycle helmets in my carry on.

Little_muppet.... These thing are easy to find over here for next to nothing. Finding them free is probably a little more difficult.

mystwoodcol...only black burkas in this country. The only color at all in this country comes from the Shia religious pilgrims from India traveling to Karbala or Najaf.

wolf5370...I'm not sure if they work in Thailand or not. For the most part I don't watch television, but the wife will sometimes watch one of those soap operas at night if she has found one she likes.

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Hi...Thanks for all the replies. I'm still debating on whether I should bring the televisions or not. They are LCDs that don't weigh much and will take up about half of my bag. The rest of my bag will be the espresso machine, a step down, and some motorcycle helmets.

If I decide it it going to be too much of pain I may just give them to my interpreter and find a way to stow the motorcycle helmets in my carry on.

Little_muppet.... These thing are easy to find over here for next to nothing. Finding them free is probably a little more difficult.

mystwoodcol...only black burkas in this country. The only color at all in this country comes from the Shia religious pilgrims from India traveling to Karbala or Najaf.

wolf5370...I'm not sure if they work in Thailand or not. For the most part I don't watch television, but the wife will sometimes watch one of those soap operas at night if she has found one she likes.

A few years ago i brought a computer with me to Thailand. In a separate box. At customs in BKK, it went through the scanner and they asked me what is was. I told them it was a computer and the waved me through

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  • 1 month later...

I'm back from my trip and my pass through customs was uneventful. I had a large bag with two flat screens, a couple of new motorcycle helmets an espresso maker and a step-down. I tried to go through the something to declare line but was waved off. My bag was selected for screening at the metal detector and an officer stopped me after and asked what I had. I told her I had two televisions and she gave me a weird "I've seen everything now" look and waved me on.

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DOes a cow have tits? TiT - you will get stung for the import tax.

Do you know if the TV's will work OK here? I bought a hand held TV here (Thailand) once as a gift for someone in the UK - the sound would not work in the UK (it's digital NICAM there, and thailand is still analogue (ofton mono) sound I understand - so no joy).

You do know there is crap all on TV here don't you? SUppose its OK for DVDs, but two of them? One for the XBox?

its not worth the trouble to import them . they are as cheap as chips in thailand trow them away . james hat yai :D

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