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Wife Wants Money


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If poor thais want a slice of the cake, they should address their government, not individual foreigners.

That is how we Europeans escaped from our 19th century too.

No, it isn't my socialist Comrade.

Asking for government handouts without flinching is a late 20th century phenomenon in a select range of nations. And they all are starting to suffer from too heavy of an cost now...

Who mentioned handouts?

And since i think you are not too much into socialism, how about a government that enforces the free market, by abolishing monopolies?

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This is my opinion on the matter.

I live in thailand - 3 years now.

Twice my wife and i visited my family in Europe together, twice i went alone.

My family expected TOKEN gifts: clothes, fruit,....

And that is what they got,

Let me stop you right there - there is no comparison between families in the west and here, unless you happen to be married into a BKK family of reasonable wealth and kids that was schooled in the US etc.

We might not like it, but it is the truth.

So take it from there.

If poor thais want a slice of the cake, they should address their government, not individual foreigners.

That is how we Europeans escaped from our 19th century too.

This is a Kingdom.

There really is no govt.

If your suggesting the guillotine........

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I did not compromise with outdated european traditions, as i belong to the generation of the sixties.

I will not compromise with outdated thai traditions.

Nothing wrong with traditions in general, lots wrong with outdated traditions.

I see no contradiction between

- be responsable for your own life

- expect society (government?) to organise solidarity

Get a job, and pay for your expenses - but if you are handicapped / sick / out of work without your fault / ,,,, rely on solidarity.

You may call that socialism, i call it civilization.

Oh, and back to topic ......

This means that farang do NOT have to take care of poor thai families, let them take care of themselves, but also let them rely on a decent social system.

Ranting, i know, i started in the sixties and will never stop.

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The thing is they will rely on the farang in future if you start handing out too much. I would only hand out in real need because else they get dependent on it. My wife always says to her family that they have to work if they ask for money. She does not like supporting someone who does not work while she does.

Last time i wanted to bail her brother out (ok i was sick) but she said i should not because it would only encourage him to get into more trouble and expect to be bailed out.

Summary help in real serious situations otherwise be careful because they will be relying on it and considering it their right.

But in the end why listen to people on a forum just do what you want and live with it.

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You ask a bunch of strangers about what to give the person you married, and planned to live with rest of your life?

Surely you got to know her and the cultural background before you married?

What would you like to have of spending (and living) money if the roles were reversed?


Obviously a rather lucky guy ? Does not marry the youngest daughter so is intelligent to ? If he was a good husband to his Thai wife he would know the customs , know that the youngest daughter supports the parents , know the making of good luck is a priority , know the family pride in taking care of each other and wouldnt post such a crap question on the forum . Me I am committed to the youngest daughter . Not so smart ? I endeavour to learn and to value the family relationship , the customs and try my hardest to control what it costs to support the parents , without being tooooo MEAN about it . But I would have used the above members superior intelligence to quietly email a member and ask very discreetly for some thoughts on 5 years and not sending or giving /squat , and what I needed to do to save face for myself and my wife ? and to ensure a successful and happy visit for her and her family after 5 years abscence . A good word if I may ? just do your best , it is insulting and demeaning to your wife and her family to ask how much ? Give her what you can afford that seems reasonable on the current exchange rates . Tell her to phone you if she needs more ? Leave the door open .

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OP joined in 2005, only 11 posts.

Could this be a 'sleeper troll?'

With the answers he got from you lot I don't bloody blame him for 11 posts.

I posted earlier today too and got a right earful for nothing, actually trying to help!

I'm sick of some of the people in this forum, I only came back recently and noticed nothings changed,

Men acting like whiney little bitches cos they have nothing else to do except show how much of a man they are on an internet forum.

This place used to be good but now all people do is attack.

Sort yourselves out u bunch of girls and get a life.

Ahhh! Ok, I found it! Penis, right? All sorted out now. Thanks James 24.

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Farang marries thai.

Farang has obligation to accept thai rules.


What he said^^^^

Unless you are absolutely incapable of bagging a gal in the real world why would anyone marry a third world chick except for the trade-off of her being totally compliant (her job as a 3rd world woman) and you being in total control.

Awaiting pussywhipped responses......

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seems some of you just wont let go with derailing the thread and the constant arguments

and since the OP has (hopefully) been given some practical estimates I am now closing this thread.

OP - if you really feel you still need some more info and wish to continue the discussion then send me a PM. Ill see what can be done about re-opening this thread (IF needed)


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