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Help! My Male Duck Needs A Girlfriend!


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From what I hear, the San Patong Market down south of Hang Dong sells every animal under the sun, including water buffalo. I bet you could find a gorgeous duck there (unless it's the personality that counts, in which case, good on ya, mate!)

Just curious, how much for a water buffalo ? And little piglets do they have them too ? I love those little black piggies from the hilltribes, they are just cool and cute...

Guess a buffalo eats a lot and shits a lot too and I don't want them in my house...

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From what I hear, the San Patong Market down south of Hang Dong sells every animal under the sun, including water buffalo. I bet you could find a gorgeous duck there (unless it's the personality that counts, in which case, good on ya, mate!)

Just curious, how much for a water buffalo ? And little piglets do they have them too ? I love those little black piggies from the hilltribes, they are just cool and cute...

Guess a buffalo eats a lot and shits a lot too and I don't want them in my house...

I neg. (over eating raw meat with blood) for 3000 bht for a baby water buffalo, but maybe that was a falang price

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Dear Sir

Having met said duck I can assure all would be feathered partners that this male duck is indeed a fine specimen. Unfortunately it's owner is not altogether too sure on how to sex a duck. There are three types of duck:

There are males which one poster correctly pointed out was a drake - or as a cockney may say: A Francis. There are female ducks, normally known as duckies. Then there are those of undetermined sex - perhaps

these are duckiedrakes (or in human parlance ladyboys). I rather suspect that this duck is not a drake but a duckiedrake because of the extreme and exaggerated waddle in the way it walked. Although it was dressed in quite feminine feathers it also had an Adam's apple and this convinced me that perhaps this creature was not all that it cracked up to be. However, I am sure anyone who donates their Duckie to the Ricardofel household can be assured that the thing won't end up as wind-dried duck hanging up in a Chinese restaurant window for a customer to consume. Finally, if the poster cannot find a mate on ThaiVisa perhaps he should try www.ducklovelinks.com


Mal Ard

Chiang Mai Duck Sexing Services & Son inc.

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