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PAD Gives 3-Day Ultimatum To Govt To Bring Back 2 Thais

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Remember now, if you should commit a crime in Thailand whatever it may be, speeding, riding without a helmet, killing someone, just say "It is the government's fault! Blame them, not me. Not my fault".

The stupidity of these people is beyond comprehension.


"Eh how about closing the international airport in BKK, Phuket, Samui etc etc. Bringing the city to a standstill for days on end to really finish off the few tourists that have chosen to come here to holiday. There is plenty they can and will do if things don't change. Any way you look at it it isn't good for Thailand or its economy."

ANd due to the money involved, and egg on the face from almost a year ago,

one can bet that both the police and army are now, finally, ready and willing to deal with that kind of thing.

Even here in gentle ol' Siam.

Close the airport in Phuket? I rather think not!

and tourism is down as much from fears regarding limits to expendable cash, as much as anything else.

only those who think this is Taiwan think it dangerous here.

The police are not ready or willing or able to deal with anything. It will be the army if anyone.

Just wait till the BBC picks up the story and starts comparing it to Tunisia and Egypt; the BBC will do its best to portray Thailand as a war zone again and therefore it is only necessary to put a few armoured cars at intersections where flags are being waved. The BBC will make up the rest.


What a ridiculous and stupid demand - have these people got any credibility? I thought these yellows were supposed to be the 'educated' Thai elite reps...? What <deleted>' morons. And how would they like that to be achieved? PM - please - bring in the water canon and the troops and wash these fools from the streets.

....Having lived here for some 20 odd plus years, I can only arrive at a conclusion as thus.

....Gen. Chamlong, you WERE one man that this falang had the greatest respect for for many, many years. What happened? Where has your thought process gone ???


It is a pity indeed....

You have been in Thailand for some 20+ years....?

And your understanding of Thailand is only this much.... as what you expressed.,,,?

Apparently you might live by yourself in some discreet quarter.... not knowing nor understanding what all the protesting is about....?

If you want to understand the current state affairs more, you need to spend more time reading or listening to the newscast....

However, no one can force you to believe one way or the other....

One thing I am truly grateful for though....

That Farang in Thaialnd are not permitted to meddle in any Thai affair except the affair of his own household.... :blink:

Judging from what are being expressed here and the level of understanding displayed.... Thailand would be in a much greater mess.... :(

Cheers everyone.... It is only Chinese New Year....:jap:


Now i am convinced PAD has officially lost the plot.

3 days and/or then WHAT?

Start war with Cambodia? sure let all the PAD leaders and demonstrators dress in army uniform, give them guns and let them go fight for their ultimatums with Cambodia.

I have a feeling if the government was to give them this option-they will all run away.(joke)

I am struggling to comprehend how educated, somewhat rational men can make ultimatums like this.

Little knowledge is dangerous.

Particularly, spurious knowledge is even more dangerous.

Just because someones offer a different perspective for a solution, which differs from our understanding or comprehension,

that does not mean that the different opinion or solution to that problem is in any way inferior in any shape or form.

Just want to offer a different perspective.... which does not mean to say that your opinion is faulty in any way either.... :)

imho, most Thai will defend Thailand but then there are always some who prefer to profit from the situation without having to do anything....

It is very sad that Thailand govt at present has been showing the weaker sides all around.... in spite of the fact there there are many good loyal Thai remaining....

Lastly, for the Thai govt to produce fraudulent witnesses (two days ago) to claim on Thai television that the UN dug well and the Cambodian refugee encampment were all in Cambodian territory in the year 1980....

is something that no old timers, those working for the UN and the Red Cross and the resettlement workers like so many volunteers like myself.... would ever in our wildest dream and imagination, could envision it to ever happen in the Thai politics.... This must be the lowest point in Thai history.... :(



Get Veera, Ratree out of jail in 3 days or we stage massive rally

By The Nation

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, saying they must secure the release of two Thais jailed in Phnom Penh for espionage within three days - or it will intensify its Bangkok rally dramatically.

Abhisit responded by saying he would like to bring them back even sooner than three days, but did not know how to achieve such a goal. "Everybody wants to bring them back today, but please tell me how this can be done. We have managed to get five people freed, and would like do the same for the remaining two," he said.

High-profile nationalist activist Veera Somkwamkid and his aide Ratree Pipatanapaiboon plan to appeal Tuesday's verdict by the Cambodian court, which sentenced them to eight and six years in jail.

However, an appeal would extend the judicial process and may result in an even longer jail term. The Thai government would prefer them not to appeal, so the judicial process can be completed, leaving the way open to a possible royal pardon.

Veera and Ratree were arrested together with other five Thai nationals, including Democrat Party lawmaker Panich Vikitsreth, near Sa Kaeo province's Ban Nong Chan while inspecting a disputed border area.

The five admitted they crossed into Cambodia by accident, and were able to walk free after the court suspended their nine-month jail terms.

A defiant Veera insisted in court he was arrested in territory under Thai sovereignty - so the Cambodian court had no authority to rule against him.

Hundreds of yellow-shirt protesters, including members of the PAD's Thai Patriots Network (TPN) faction, have been camping near the PM's Office since last month to pressure the government to take tough action over the border row and Veera's case.

They want the government to scrap a memorandum of understanding on boundary demarcation, signed with Cambodia in 2000, and to use force to remove Cambodians in disputed

border areas.

Abhisit insists the MoU is still useful for handling boundary conflicts and has refused to resort to force. But the Army has boosted troops, notably near Preah Vihear, as has Cambodia.

The PAD has threatened to call a huge rally this Saturday. The current turnout is relatively small.


-- The Nation 2011-02-03


I am not a big supporter of Abhisit, but he has done a reasonably good job, all things considered. I am sure he will do what he can to get the two out of prison, but it will take time. Diplomacy requires a quiet, consistent approach and some trade-offs.

The more the PAD demonstrates, the harder it will be for Cambodia to release them. Face is involved in all of this.

Has the Thai government not learned anything about these demonstrations? It's much better to try and end this group now. They don't seem to go away on their own and when one demand is met, another is made.

Anarchy seems to be the operative word, not democracy.



Get Veera, Ratree out of jail in 3 days or we stage massive rally

Hundreds of yellow-shirt protesters .....

Where are they going to find people? This is going to be a big slap in the face for them.

Mr Panthep noted that the jail sentence was tantamount to forcing both Mr Veera and Ms Ratree to confess that they illegally entered Cambodian territory in order to force them seek a royal pardon which he described as showing disdain for Thai dignity.

When will our beloved hosts get it into their heads that the world, or even SEA, doesn't revolve around their little elephant head?... I guess about the same time they learn about accountability, respect for non-Thais and the like. Perhaps it will take a good ass-kicking from an inferior nation like Cambodia for them to see the light. I sincerely hope not, but eagerly await the day of the latter.


Call in Steven Segal or Chuck Norris. They're going to lead a team into Cambodia to get Veera out before the 3 day deadline.

I think Rambo has more experience in this area. And also speaks the same language...uhh uggg uh uga uh

I think they should ask one of their own hero...ONG BAK... :D

Mr Panthep noted that the jail sentence was tantamount to forcing both Mr Veera and Ms Ratree to confess that they illegally entered Cambodian territory in order to force them seek a royal pardon which he described as showing disdain for Thai dignity.

When will our beloved hosts get it into their heads that the world, or even SEA, doesn't revolve around their little elephant head?... I guess about the same time they learn about accountability, respect for non-Thais and the like. Perhaps it will take a good ass-kicking from an inferior nation like Cambodia for them to see the light. I sincerely hope not, but eagerly await the day of the latter.


You appeared to have been at TV for a long long time....

Perhaps, you could share with us what are your analyses of the current Thai political affairs in reference to the Camb HuSan, pls?

Thx for sharing.... :jap: <email removed>


Eight years in prison for walking over the border is completely ridiculous regardless of who it was.

With that said, the PAD aren't really helping matters by trying to start a war over it. If they want him back so bad then they should simply sit back and give the government time to work. Instead they're using it as ammo to put pressure on the government to divide Cambodia and Thailand even further. If they want a war so bad then why don't they go fight one and not get anyone else involved.

The PAD are willing to risk someone else's lives to reclaim some lost land. Rather then demonstrate to the government why not go demonstrate in Cambodia. Why don't they go reclaim the land themselves?


Eight years in prison for walking over the border is completely ridiculous regardless of who it was.

With that said, the PAD aren't really helping matters by trying to start a war over it. If they want him back so bad then they should simply sit back and give the government time to work. Instead they're using it as ammo to put pressure on the government to divide Cambodia and Thailand even further. If they want a war so bad then why don't they go fight one and not get anyone else involved.

The PAD are willing to risk someone else's lives to reclaim some lost land. Rather then demonstrate to the government why not go demonstrate in Cambodia. Why don't they go reclaim the land themselves?


I am just curious again....

Exactly, PERSONALLY, just what do you know or learn about Apisit govt approach toward the arrest of the 7.... on Thailand territorial....?

I would love to hear your knowledge and insight of the current Thai govt in reference to Thailand territorial, MOU43 and the 4 ministers who came on public television stating that.... those parcels of land are Cambodian and HuSan since before 1980....

Even though according to the UN and the International Red Cross records in 1980.... showing that those parcels of land, particularly the parcels where the well were dug and the encampment for Cambodian refugees were enacted.... were in Thai territorial....

How or why then Apisit's deputy ministers, namely, SuThep, PraVit, GaSit....

kept on saying on public television that....

those parcels of land where the UN and the Red Cross already stated clearly and unequivocally that.... they belonged to Thailand even in 1980.... there were also photographs taken then to verify such recordings....; that those parcels are already Cambodian territorial....????

Alright, hungryhippo.... shoot....

I am interested in what you have to say about this indisputable historical facts.... which would explain the current Thai political affairs more clearly and applicably....

and would explain plenty about your current statement and stand for the Thai govt and against yellows..... I am not saying nor implying that you are wrong, ok!

Thanks for sharing.... cheers.... :jap:


Call in Steven Segal or Chuck Norris. They're going to lead a team into Cambodia to get Veera out before the 3 day deadline.

I think Rambo has more experience in this area. And also speaks the same language...uhh uggg uh uga uh

+1 | That fits the PAD tactics :crazy:


Eight years in prison for walking over the border is completely ridiculous regardless of who it was.

With that said, the PAD aren't really helping matters by trying to start a war over it. If they want him back so bad then they should simply sit back and give the government time to work. Instead they're using it as ammo to put pressure on the government to divide Cambodia and Thailand even further. If they want a war so bad then why don't they go fight one and not get anyone else involved.

The PAD are willing to risk someone else's lives to reclaim some lost land. Rather then demonstrate to the government why not go demonstrate in Cambodia. Why don't they go reclaim the land themselves?


I am just curious again....

Exactly, PERSONALLY, just what do you know or learn about Apisit govt approach toward the arrest of the 7.... on Thailand territorial....?

I would love to hear your knowledge and insight of the current Thai govt in reference to Thailand territorial, MOU43 and the 4 ministers who came on public television stating that.... those parcels of land are Cambodian and HuSan since before 1980....

Even though according to the UN and the International Red Cross records in 1980.... showing that those parcels of land, particularly the parcels where the well were dug and the encampment for Cambodian refugees were enacted.... were in Thai territorial....

How or why then Apisit's deputy ministers, namely, SuThep, PraVit, GaSit....

kept on saying on public television that....

those parcels of land where the UN and the Red Cross already stated clearly and unequivocally that.... they belonged to Thailand even in 1980.... there were also photographs taken then to verify such recordings....; that those parcels are already Cambodian territorial....????

Alright, hungryhippo.... shoot....

I am interested in what you have to say about this indisputable historical facts.... which would explain the current Thai political affairs more clearly and applicably....

and would explain plenty about your current statement and stand for the Thai govt and against yellows..... I am not saying nor implying that you are wrong, ok!

Thanks for sharing.... cheers.... :jap:

What the he-l are you on about. They crossed illegally into Cambodia and admitted it. And I am implying that you are on about things that have nothing to do with the seven who crossed into Cambodia knowingly in a illegal manner.

Cambodia should give the two in jail the same consideration for release that Thailand would give if the situation was reversed. Remember these two were not first offenders. Surely even you can see there intentions were not honorably.


I think the issue at hand is that the land is disputed, hence why there are Thai farmers living on the wrong side of the border according to Cambodia but having Thai land-paper.

So in effect people from both countries could get caught on the same road and be sentences for spying and trespassing...


Of course they are trying to distance themselves from the Government or the Government needs to distance itself from them with GE coming up.

I mean they just got caught in BED together!!

Oh no no no! honey its not as it appears I wasn't rogering her!

Just happened i had a this itch on my willy and was scratching it on the bed sheet, when this mad mad women throws here self on my bed and it accidentally slid in!

I hate her ! I hate her! what a cuw I hate her! How could you possible think such a thing! really

Silly wife believes him of course



PAD Gives Govt 'Til Feb 5 to Help Jailed Thais

The yellow-shirts have given the prime minister until February 5 to help the two Thai citizens still detained in Cambodia before stepping up their protest.

A key leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy or the PAD Chamlong Srimuang held a press briefing giving the government until February 5 to help the two Thai citizens who have been sentenced to prison by the Cambodian court.

When asked whether the PAD protesters will trespass and occupy the Government House, Chamlong answered that it has not yet been decided what they will do next.

The yellow-shirt leader claims the purpose of the rally is to demand that the current administration show its responsibility with regards to the country's sovereignty, and to deal with widespread corruption.

Chamlong also commented on a remark made by 2nd Army Commander Lieutenant General Tawatchai Samutsakorn that he could not make the Cambodian government remove its national flag from the disputed area near the Preah Vihear Temple, saying the regional army commander has lost his honor by surrendering the country's sovereignty to a foreign nation.

Chamlong noted that the military could retaliate immediately without having been ordered by the government, if the country is invaded.


-- Tan Network 2011-02-04




PAD Gives Govt 'Til Feb 5 to Help Jailed Thais


-- Tan Network 2011-02-04


I think that the government should help Veera by providing his with a quiet, confined place, somewhere outside Thailand to consider the error of his ways.

Chamlong also commented on a remark made by 2nd Army Commander Lieutenant General Tawatchai Samutsakorn that he could not make the Cambodian government remove its national flag from the disputed area near the Preah Vihear Temple, saying the regional army commander has lost his honor by surrendering the country's sovereignty to a foreign nation.

Chamlong noted that the military could retaliate immediately without having been ordered by the government, if the country is invaded.

I'm afraid k. Chamlong has lost touch with reality. Sad :huh:



PAD Gives Govt 'Til Feb 5 to Help Jailed Thais


-- Tan Network 2011-02-04


I think that the government should help Veera by providing his with a quiet, confined place, somewhere outside Thailand to consider the error of his ways.

:wai: Even though how hard you try to identify or portray yourself as THAI AT HEART....

Your statement above disqualifies yourself from being a Thai....

Even an ordinary Thai will love the piece of land called Thailand where he is born....

VeeRa was sentenced to serve in prison for 8 yrs because he refused to state that he encroached upon Camb ground....

He insisted in Camb court during the hearing that he was arrested on Thai territorial and was forced onto Camb ground together with Ms. RaTre and others....

While the other 5 were willing to admit guilt per Thai govt suggestion that each confessed that they unknowingly crossed over to Cambodian soil....

VeeRa and RaTre refused the Thai govt offer.... they both stood on the same ground that they were falsely arrested within Thai territory without any doubt....

Rather than applauding VeeRa and RaTre for upholding the truth.... many chose to chastise them for numerous political as well as personal reasons....

If you were truly a Thai at heart as you appear to claim to be.... you would like millions of Thai....

who love His Royal Majesty more than anything on earth, and

at the same time, they also are most zealous of His Majesty kingdom.... and

they will protect their tiny piece of land with their own lives....

Are you up to that yet, Thai at heart....? :jap:

Flash News.... 20110-02-04 Friday 16:00 o'clock

The Cambodian military reportedly started shooting and firing rockets into Thai border towns injuring several Thai villagers....

The Thai military returned fire into Cambodian position....

While Thai high ranking political appointees and deputies PM were disquieting the news saying that it was just a misunderstanding.... :Thaiflag:

What is going on with the current Thai govt....?


Eight years in prison for walking over the border is completely ridiculous regardless of who it was.

With that said, the PAD aren't really helping matters by trying to start a war over it. If they want him back so bad then they should simply sit back and give the government time to work. Instead they're using it as ammo to put pressure on the government to divide Cambodia and Thailand even further. If they want a war so bad then why don't they go fight one and not get anyone else involved.

The PAD are willing to risk someone else's lives to reclaim some lost land. Rather then demonstrate to the government why not go demonstrate in Cambodia. Why don't they go reclaim the land themselves?


I am just curious again....

Exactly, PERSONALLY, just what do you know or learn about Apisit govt approach toward the arrest of the 7.... on Thailand territorial....?

I would love to hear your knowledge and insight of the current Thai govt in reference to Thailand territorial, MOU43 and the 4 ministers who came on public television stating that.... those parcels of land are Cambodian and HuSan since before 1980....

Even though according to the UN and the International Red Cross records in 1980.... showing that those parcels of land, particularly the parcels where the well were dug and the encampment for Cambodian refugees were enacted.... were in Thai territorial....

How or why then Apisit's deputy ministers, namely, SuThep, PraVit, GaSit....

kept on saying on public television that....

those parcels of land where the UN and the Red Cross already stated clearly and unequivocally that.... they belonged to Thailand even in 1980.... there were also photographs taken then to verify such recordings....; that those parcels are already Cambodian territorial....????

Alright, hungryhippo.... shoot....

I am interested in what you have to say about this indisputable historical facts.... which would explain the current Thai political affairs more clearly and applicably....

and would explain plenty about your current statement and stand for the Thai govt and against yellows..... I am not saying nor implying that you are wrong, ok!

Thanks for sharing.... cheers.... :jap:

What the he-l are you on about. They crossed illegally into Cambodia and admitted it. And I am implying that you are on about things that have nothing to do with the seven who crossed into Cambodia knowingly in a illegal manner.

Cambodia should give the two in jail the same consideration for release that Thailand would give if the situation was reversed. Remember these two were not first offenders. Surely even you can see there intentions were not honorably.

Now, I am able to understand much better....

Why so many arrogant Farang, mighty as they physically appear to be....,

become so helpless and


out of their own countries.... :annoyed:

For this particular group, they thought they understood what was going on.... because someone in a respectable position said so.... :unsure:

Was that a reason why so many have been returning to Southeast Asia on their own to find out for themselves,

why Farang could be so helpless and so very wrong in Vietnam and other countries nearby.... :jap:

Come to think of it.... this is an open forum for every dick and jane....

there surely is no reason to get overly concerned here on what is actually politically correct.... LOL :rolleyes:



But for those who really wish to know what is what....

need only to ask their fathers or mothers or uncles or aunts or friends who

stationed and served around Southeast Asia around 1980....

just.... where or on which country soil, did we dug the well to feed the fleeing refugees and

more importantly, on which country territory, did we build the encampment for the refugees....?

Their answers ought to pretty much clarify which parcels of land belong to which countries and

which country should really lay claim to the current so called--disputed area....?

Back then in 1980, it was very clear that the UN and the International Red Cross and other relief agencies were cooperatively seeking permission from Thailand to build those facilities to accommodate the Camb refugees....

It was very clear to every country in the world that those parcels of land belong exclusively to Thailand....

Most importantly, the refugees themselves now settled affluently in the midwest agricultural regions in the US, Australia and Euro.... would also tell everyone who cares to listen.... that they;

were fleeing into Thailand from Cambodia and surrounding regions....,

living on Thailand good grace....,

drinking from the UN well on Thai soil....,

sleeping in tents erected on Thailand side.... and

lastly, leaving for their new home.... from Thailand.... :jap:

There was really not a doubt in 1980 then.... which country, Thailand or Cambodian, have the sovereign rights over those parcels of land....

What has embolden Cambodian and HuSen, or who have inspired the Camb and HuSen, in 2010, to dare to not only bite the hands that used to feed them with mercy.... but also to dare to lay claim over those parcels of land that used to provide them with security and comfort.... ? :jap:

Those who used to give their own lives and served in this region....

just could not figure it out....

just what could have gone so very wrong.... around Southeast Asia.... at present....

Most perplexing is... why does the current Thai govt behave in such strange manners....

not saying anything or doing anything to protect its own interests and the interests of the Thai people....

but instead chimed in with the former refugees....

proclaiming that those parcels of land--perhaps belong to the refugees....! :o

Isn't there any Thai who is old enough to remember those frightening days and times in recent history....? :realangry:

Or have they all gone overseas to study at Oxford.... :rolleyes:



PAD Gives Govt 'Til Feb 5 to Help Jailed Thais


-- Tan Network 2011-02-04


I think that the government should help Veera by providing his with a quiet, confined place, somewhere outside Thailand to consider the error of his ways.

:wai: Even though how hard you try to identify or portray yourself as THAI AT HEART....

Your statement above disqualifies yourself from being a Thai....

Even an ordinary Thai will love the piece of land called Thailand where he is born....

VeeRa was sentenced to serve in prison for 8 yrs because he refused to state that he encroached upon Camb ground....

He insisted in Camb court during the hearing that he was arrested on Thai territorial and was forced onto Camb ground together with Ms. RaTre and others....

While the other 5 were willing to admit guilt per Thai govt suggestion that each confessed that they unknowingly crossed over to Cambodian soil....

VeeRa and RaTre refused the Thai govt offer.... they both stood on the same ground that they were falsely arrested within Thai territory without any doubt....

Rather than applauding VeeRa and RaTre for upholding the truth.... many chose to chastise them for numerous political as well as personal reasons....

If you were truly a Thai at heart as you appear to claim to be.... you would like millions of Thai....

who love His Royal Majesty more than anything on earth, and

at the same time, they also are most zealous of His Majesty kingdom.... and

they will protect their tiny piece of land with their own lives....

Are you up to that yet, Thai at heart....? :jap:

Flash News.... 20110-02-04 Friday 16:00 o'clock

The Cambodian military reportedly started shooting and firing rockets into Thai border towns injuring several Thai villagers....

The Thai military returned fire into Cambodian position....

While Thai high ranking political appointees and deputies PM were disquieting the news saying that it was just a misunderstanding.... :Thaiflag:

What is going on with the current Thai govt....?

Yes a true Thai at heart would not suport giving there land away. Problem being this is not there land.

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