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Any Hospitals Here Do Lipid Profile Testing?

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What is a lipid profile?

The lipid profile is a group of tests that are often ordered together to determine risk of coronary heart disease. They are tests that have been shown to be good indicators of whether someone is likely to have a heart attack or stroke caused by blockage of blood vessels or hardening of the arteries (atherosclerois). The lipid profile typically includes:

An extended profile may also include:

Sometimes the report will include additional calculated values such as the Cholesterol/HDL ratio or a risk score based on lipid profile results, age, sex, and other risk factors. Talk to your doctor about what these other reported values may mean for you

Put more simply its a test of your cholesterol to determine whether you need to change your lifestyle.....suprised if Matt needs to drop in on his daily puskbike ride around the ringroad! ;)

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Ha Ha - I'm just curious that's all!... I've been eating a ton of meat for the past couple of months, whilst weight training, so just wondering how it's affecting my lipids. Hopefully all the salads and veggies on top of the meats has been keeping my lipids in check.

It's pretty expensive at BKK Hospital (no surprise) around 3,500 Baht.


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Ha Ha - I'm just curious that's all!... I've been eating a ton of meat for the past couple of months, whilst weight training, so just wondering how it's affecting my lipids. Hopefully all the salads and veggies on top of the meats has been keeping my lipids in check.

It's pretty expensive at BKK Hospital (no surprise) around 3,500 Baht.


No more expensive then the 5 kilos of steak you eat every week :D

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I was told by an alcoholic, struck off ex doctor in a posh bar in BKK, so it must be true, that drinking lots of Chang keeps Cholesterol down so have been sticking to this method of Cholesterol reduction since ;)

*cancels lipid profile tests

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I was told by an alcoholic, struck off ex doctor in a posh bar in BKK, so it must be true, that drinking lots of Chang keeps Cholesterol down so have been sticking to this method of Cholesterol reduction since ;)

Maybe you should ask him how Chang effects the liver... :D

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Bandon used to do the test as part of a package last year. I suppose it was a bit like a 40,000 mile service for humans. I think it was an overall 'wellbeing' type thing and possibly used for health insurance purposes as well? I would expect them to be able to do the HDL etc stuff on their own.

I was tempted, but was a little concerned that when I went to get the results, that they would be given by a financial advisor rather than a doctor.:whistling:

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I had full lipids, FBC and an HBA1c done 2 weeks ago and it cost me nothing. Mind you the tests were done at one of those evil commie pinko faggot NHS hospitals :lol:

I'll wait and get mine done when I go back to the UK in May. It means I can spend the 3,000 baht plus on more steaks! Aroi Aroi...


What?? when Bangkok Samui is such great value for money?? :ermm: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahaha!

The best medical plan on Samui there in cryptic form for ya. ;)

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I've getting this test done at Nanthon Hospital about twice a year.... the full tests are relatively inexpensive & done within 4 hours... one stop shop, (pills in hand before leaving) unlike getting done in the "west", where it takes days with two visits to the doctor, then having to go to the pharmacy, It's the pills that cost (Crestor) ... not much difference.....

Although I've discovered lately that several pharmacies carry this drug & you can buy over the counter... So since this has been been on going for years, for me, I now purchase the pills directly from the Pharmacy & cut out the "middle man" (doc & tests) I did try for a number of months not taking the pills & trying "alternative things" & even with the supposed "healthier diet" here, my levels shot up!

As for drinking alcohol, which I don't much anyway, the rule of thumb is not to have any alcohol for at least 24 hours before the test & no food for 12 hours... which means getting the test done in the morning... the earlier you get to Nanthon, the shorter the wait for the vampire! :D

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the only test i care about is HIV i would only get that done in the best hospital as i know a back street doctor who gave the wrong results to the wrong person.

in a nut shell.

the person who did not have it. though that they had it and the person that was told that they did not have it . had it. it weas only when the person went for a second opinon that the person found out they were clean. they had to pau twice. one for th wrong result 1 time for the right one at BBK bospital.

so someone out there about 5 years ago could be walking the streets infected without realising.

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the only test i care about is HIV i would only get that done in the best hospital as i know a back street doctor who gave the wrong results to the wrong person.

in a nut shell.

the person who did not have it. though that they had it and the person that was told that they did not have it . had it. it weas only when the person went for a second opinon that the person found out they were clean. they had to pau twice. one for th wrong result 1 time for the right one at BBK bospital.

so someone out there about 5 years ago could be walking the streets infected without realising.

what gets me is how people with NHC go to a private hospital on the island and complain that it cost more than NHC in their home country?? why dont they go to the govt hospital in nathorn then they wont need to complain about the fees at the privates?

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